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RE: I’m a shitty liar – Truths Revealed

in #writing7 years ago

Yes I hated that rule. I think that rule contributed to my sister's obesity issues. Crazy things parents think are best at the time.

Side note we became parents yesterday so life is about to get interesting. Our adoption came through. Get to pick up our little minion in june/july.


Hooray!!!!!! That is sooo wonderful; I'm beyond excited for you guys ;) Boy or girl? Not that it matters in the least!

Oh ya, interesting is right. I always thought I was the best parent when I didn't have any of my own, but had a lot to say in my head about how other's parented haha Get ready for all kinds of unsolicited advice too ;) Parenting was the most rewarding, beautiful, loving, frustrating, heart-breaking, heart-full, funny, maddening and totally indescribable-until-you-have-your-own, kind of thing I have ever done in my life. And like you, I've done plenty ;)

...and geez, about your sister. Yes, we parents can screw up our kids all in the name of what we think is right. My parents weren't perfect by any means, and I spent part of my 20's being resentful because of it, but then I hit a point in my life where I made a choice to believe that they'd done the best they could, with the knowledge they had. Was it good enough, probably not, but it was all they knew. I guess it all comes down to intentions; were their's good? Yes, definitely. In the end, that's all we can really ask.

See??? Without knowing it, I just barfed up all kinds of unsolicited advice!! wow, good one Lynn ;)

Congratulations again!!

Haha, i do know what you mean though.

I spent part of my 20's being resentful because of it, but then I hit a point in my life where I made a choice to believe that they'd done the best they could, with the knowledge they had.

I did the same and then had a similar realisation. That without them first of all I wouldn't exist, second I didn't turn out that bad so they must have done something right and if I changed what happened in my life that would make me a different person with a different life. I don't want that. This one is just about to get extra interesting. Lol...

And he's a 1 year old boy. Shoukd ve able to meet him in 12-20 weeks.

That's a really good way to look at it all. I have a twin sister who still complains about it all; I'll have to give her your words next time she does, because now I just say to her, "oh for f*#'s sakes, can you just get over it already" haha

Awww a 1 year old boy!! I had two boys, so I'm totally partial to them <3

Plus all my friends are and were always boys; I'm not sure what I would have done with a girl!

Where is he from? Again...not that it matters, I'm just curious!

I seriously am soooo excited for you guys!! "extra interesting" is pretty bang on!

His from Thailand. Eeekkkk

You must be dying to get him in your arms!!! Mine are aching for you:) I know I've only know you and @shai-hulud a very short while, but I feel like you guys are going to be awesome parents :)

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