Going from Reluctant Blogger to Published Author: my first book is out!

in #writing6 years ago

It's almost a year. Since I joined this platform, since I discovered Steemit, since I became a proud, happy Steemian...And yet, it seems like more. Much more. Busy.org says I joined on the 29th of August, I say it must've been about that time, but what? Only last year? Seems more like five or ten. A lifetime ago.

But then again, maybe it was a lifetime ago, because the person who joined then is more of a memory. I've changed a lot in this past year and I know that a lot of it is because of Steemit, because of the people I've met here, because of the things I've read and written here.
Today is a big day for me. My first book, 'Grimmest Things', is coming out today. It's an anthology (yes, I know that strictly it's not, but haven't you ever heard of poetic license?) of stories that I wrote here, on Steemit. It's a collection of faces that first appeared in my head as I was writing my freewrites.
And if you told me, last year on the 1st of August that in one year's time, I would be publishing my first book, that I would have enough material, enough good material, for a whole book, I would've probably smiled awkwardly, fully aware that you were just being kind.
Because when I joined this lovely community, I was writing, but I wasn't writing much. I used to get lost in a story and eventually, I would lose interest, I would doubt myself and I would abandon the story. Or I would force myself to finish it, but without much heart. A year ago, I wasn't a person who wrote every day. Hell, if I wrote a few times a week, that was a good week.

And that was fiction. Me, blogging? Never. I used to have a very bad opinion of bloggers and being the shy kid I have always been, it just seemed wrong that I would have a blog, that I would have to write my mind and tell people about myself. Just imagine the horror. But my mom, @ladyrebecca, got me to join Steemit and I thought maybe it would be an opportunity and I should give it a shot. And in the first month, I didn't write all that much, just a small post here and there, not too much about myself. Or rather, the part of myself I chose to reveal. And slowly, I saw it wasn't quite so bad. I'm sure I don't have to describe it to you because I'm sure many of you have felt the same thing – the growing ease of words and this strange habit that was forming in the back of my head, until one day, I noticed I was writing on Steemit every day. It's a habit that today, I wouldn't know how to stop.

But still, I felt awkward about sharing my fiction writing here. I had posted a few fiction stories here and there, but I was still scared by the idea. Because fiction is something very intimate, it comes from that tiny part of you that still dares to dream and run wild and it's frightening to share it with others because who knows when they might laugh at you, or even worse, at your writing. And then, I came across @mariannewest's 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge – again, something the old me wouldn't even consider doing – and I gave it a try, because maybe if I did, I would stick to a schedule of writing fiction every day.
And I did. Incredibly (for me), I did, I started writing almost every day and the stories started flowing, stories I hadn't even known would be there.
Just the other day, @winstonalden commented on my productivity and I smiled because I couldn't believe he was talking about me.
Just like I smile when I go through my Documents folder and see it filled to its digital brim.
Just like I smile when I click on the Barnes&Noble website and see my book there. My name. It's an astonishing, overwhelming feeling.

I don't know where I would be without Steemit – so cheesy, I know, that's why I keep writing and deleting this sentence. But seriously, I think about it and I realize that my first money on writing was earned here – and that's what I've always wanted to do with my life. And now a book, again exactly what I would've wanted to do at 19, if given a choice. And yet, there are so many ways things can go wrong, so many people who get lost on the way and so many times when life just gets in the way. I wonder where I would be at this moment, what I would be doing if I hadn't found Steemit (or maybe if it hadn't found me?).
And I don't know. And I don't want to.

Because I am here. And through the amazing community that is Steemit, so is 'Grimmest Things'.
Time for some shameless advertising:
Fine, not shameless. It's actually really hard for me to ask for help (of any form). But, I will.

The stories found in 'Grimmest Things' have all appeared on Steemit, I would like to make that clear, so that none of my friends here go out and buy it and then find they've already read it. Chances are, if you follow my blog, you've read most of the book. If you'd still like to buy it, knowing this, then it would be much appreciated, naturally.

But since you have read some or all of the stories in the book, I would like to ask you for REVIEWS. These are crucial in the way any book sells. It really makes a difference seeing a total stranger thought it was nice, apparently.

So, if you could go to my Goodreads page here and drop a few lines (and a few stars :D), I would be really grateful. It doesn't take long, just connect with your Facebook if you don't have an account – it takes less than five minutes.

Speaking of Facebook, I've asked this before and I will ask again. If you could drop by my Facebook page and like it, I would be most grateful. Same with Twitter, if you could go to my page there and follow me, I would really appreciate it.
Again, I hate asking, but these things really help. So thank you, in advance, if you do decide to help :)

And speaking of thanks, there are some people who've supported me in my time here and without whose kind words and help, I wouldn't be the Steemian I am today. Thank you @richq11 @kenny-crane, @tarazkp @winstonalden @ladyrebecca @ericvancewalton @dragonslayer101 @madiba @cherryblossom-sa @felt.buzz @bennettitalia and to everyone else I forgot to mention here (sorry, really stressful 24 hours). This community has been very kind to me and I am most aware of that.

Oh, and thank you to @mariannewest (duh!) and to @eroticabian for answering my questions about self-publishing :D

I suppose it would be a bit presumptuous, but thanks to @curie also. I remember the first big vote I got from them, when I was about 2-3 weeks old here, only a few posts under my belt. I was on holiday and I was sitting at lunch, staring dumbfounded at all the money. And those votes, still coming today, are very encouraging.


Okay, my Oscar speech is over, I promise!

Thank you so much for reading,



Congratulations. Indeed I think not only me but many will find your writing luring and captivating. :)

Have liked the FB page and followed the Twitter :)

Thank you so much! I saw <3 I truly appreciate the support. This is the best community ever!

Congratulations! Thats a great achievement! Hope you offer to sell it for steem somehow?! Hey! Wait-a-minute, are you aware of d.books?!

Thank you!!
No :o what are dbooks? Honestly, at this moment I'm just glad to see it out - steem, dollars, blood sacrifices, it doesn't really matter :D

Heres the link to the first post from it.. :)

Thank you!! I'll check it out 🤩 who doesn't love a bit of blood sacrifices? ;)

Best of luck to you! I think i managed to edit the link to the actual website instead :)

Yes, it works! Thanks a lot! 😊

"Siiiiiick!" - Sung in a long high pitched opera voice :)

I heard that :P

yes, yes that's what I mean, d.books offer payment to authors in sacrificed blood!

Im not sure it if actually took off, but it is\was on the steemblockchain, like d.tube and d.live etc, ill go hunt it for you.. you can upload your book and people pay per view!

Today is a day of achievement that you will always remember! I'm glad the steemit community helped you on your writing journey. Best wishes with the book! :)

Thank you so much, Kenny! You have been one of my biggest supporters through this and I just hope you know how much I appreciate it, my friend 🤗❤️

Many congratulations. Having already read the stories here on Steemit, I left you a couple of reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. The best of luck with it.

Thank you so much, Deirdry <3 I actually just saw that and thought it might be you so I came to see if you'd said anything :D

I'll be grabbing a Kindle copy for a friend tomorrow. I'm sure she'll love it so I'm certain you can expect another positive review within the next few days.
Again, really well done.

Wow thank you so much, @deirdyweirdy <3 I can't tell you how much this means to me. I'm so grateful <3

No worries. You did me a favour. My pal headed off to Spain today and was asking me for something to read. It was very handy to just send her your book for her Kindle.
I've asked her to post a review when she's finished.

Ow thank you so much, D <3 I really hope she likes it!

OMG! How exciting! Congratulations @honeydue. Freewriting sure is amazing. I just bought your paperback book at Barnes & Noble and can't wait to receive it. : )

Wow! Thank you so much @whatisnew <3 That is so very sweet of you! Much appreciated and I hope you enjoy it :)

I'm so glad for you!

Headed over to like/follow all the pages!

Oww I saw! Thank you so much, @improv! Really appreciate it <3

I've liked and followed all of your social media links and wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is not an easy thing to do, to put yourself out there, but you're doing it! That is so wonderful. You're inspiring me to keep at it. Thanks for sharing!

I saw! Thank you so much <3 It really means a lot to me! And I'm glad to hear that! You should keep at it because you're a great writer!

I'm going through and having some of the same challenges you bring up throughout about writing. Funny.

Congrats on your accomplishment.

Thank you! :D

That's just amazing!! Congratulations @honeydue
So happy for you 😊

Thank you so much! :)

I am also close to my one year celebration and your story is absolutely inspiring ❤ and so motivating that I would love to write about it (that is if you would permit it)
Congratulations and guess what .. you got yourself a new happy fan 🌞

Oww thank you! And sure you could write about me, no need to ask ;) ❤️

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