Writing, cats, pain and weird kids, ha!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

It's that deeply whimsical feeling when you have a fancy new pencil, a cute, virgin notebook, a glass of sweet red and an exciting story idea in your head.


Tell me your writing habits, fellow writers. Are you a daydream all day, write all night type? A laptop at the coffee house type? Or maybe, like myself, a frantically write as soon as the kids fall asleep before you drift off as well type?

Sometimes I get lucky and wake up 30-40 minutes before the alarm, and I Sneaky Pete out to the livingroom with the dogs to write a bit more.

Heaven knows I cannot write during the day. Sitting down is a sign of weakness and the children will pounce! "Mama watch me play this game!" Or "Mama look up this obscure poke'mon for me?" Or "Mama watch me build this Lego?" Or the ever dreaded "I'm boooored!"

I do have an interesting story idea. Usually, as a rule of thumb, you do not write a story based on a dream. Dreams are crazy and often make absolutely no freaking sense.

I'm kind of hoping I was able to cut the worst of the crazy fat away and keep only the most intetesting, then spin some post-45-apocolyptic stuff in there to make it work.

I started in on it today and have 3 pages rough written so far. If it actually gets anywhere I'll let you know!

I have a bit of good news regarding Sloth.


Tonight was the first night that we did not have to drag him out from under the bed for his dinner time! He came out several minutes before hand, looking for love and attention.

He's starting to get into the house routine! There have been no further colitis episodes, huzzah! He was able to be brave with #Albus in the room, but Dragon still scares the buhjeezus out of him. Poor guy!

I have admitted defeat as far as physical therapy goes. Nearly 3 months in I have Plantar Faciitis in both feet instead of just one. On Friday when my alarm went off I had to CRAWL over to shut it off. It took several minutes of stretching before I could hobble around.

I have purchased better shoes, I have supportive inserts, I have done all of the exersizes, balance practice and stretches. It's getting worse, not better. It's SO exhausting to be in this much pain, every. Single. Day.

So, tomorrow I have an appointment after work to get cortizone shots in both of my feet. I am so freaking scared. Over the years I have heard people say they felt nothing. I have heard others say it burns horribly.

But, I have heard from so many people with the same issue that it never resolved until after the shot.

So, I'll take the pain and discomfort in hopes that it is temporary, and relief will come after.

I think that's all the updating for tonight. I need to write in that notebook before the wine hits too hard, lol!

Ah yes, before I go, here is my lovely, enchanting and oh-so-mannerly daughter Sparrow on the bus today. Isn't she hilarious?! Hahaha!


My kids keep me young with laughter! Have a wonderful night everyone!


Hahaha! Sparrow is a sweetie <3 I hope your pain resolves with the shots. Shots are so scary. Your story sounds exciting. I am not a writer in general. There are times I feel inspired to write and that is most likely going to be done with pen and paper prior to any keyboarding. There's just something about pen and paper!! It's great to hear Sloth is coming around. Oh kitties!! <3 <3 <3 Blessings sweet @hickorymack! To you and your joyful & playful offspring.

Haha, she's great isn't she?! A proper little goofball!

And thanks! I'm pretty much going with thr last ditch effort with the cortisone, really REALLY hoping it works!

And yes! I cannot use a laptop because I do not currently have one. That said all my previous projects have been on paper before switching over.

The keyboard... it's seductive. It can keep up with your thoughts more easily, which is dangerous because some thoughts should not be a part of the story, haha!

What's your go-to creative outlet?

I really hope the shot works too. I had plantar facitice for a while but it actually went away when I started being VERY strict about my nutrition. I was eating very clean every 2/3 hrs. protien and greens and just a little fat. It was not an intended side effect -- I was just getting too heavy and had to buckle down to get the weight off. The weight has since come back sadly, but thank all that is good, no sore feet. Yet, this weight must also come off!!! Oh life.

You are an amazing writer. I don't think I have read any of your stories yet. Have you posted any to the block? My preferred creative outlet is pen/ paper doodling, or painting, I find cooking very creative and yeah writing some poetry definately happens when I need to dump ..... my life is art <3

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