Turing Test - Have you heard of it before?

in #writing5 years ago

Is the computer capable of thinking like a human or not ?!
Let us explain Turing's theory in some detail
I wish you a pleasant reading

Let us imagine that a new paradigm of computers has come down to the market but not the breadth of the store
His memory promises D and his logical shoes trumpet what is in the human brain. Let us also assume that these machines nad
Programming Lqaymat carefully with large amounts of data of a suitable type. The manufacturers are heresies
That these machines actually think. They may even claim that they are genuine intelligence or may be blowing further
I hope that these machines actually feel pain, happiness, malaise and dice. Brother

  • And they are conscious of these feelings, and understand what you do, their claim this goal him in fact that these machines

Adjective feeling and credibility

See how you can be sure that we believe the manufacturer in his claims or lie to him
Usually, as soon as we publish a mechanism, it is judged that the melamine of the services provided by us
If she takes her duties to be free of disease in us and we are pleased, but if not
The manufacturer that this computer actually owns
The qualities of human masculinity We have to according to this standard, but to demand that the behavior
Man in this money, if he did so on a disease that we accepted, and we have no reason to destroy
Need to return computer delivery or replacement.

Thus this method puts in our hands a practical point of view for these things as men
A practical saying about a computer is that it thinks if it behaves in a way that is no different from the way a human is when
He thinks and now let's let the practical point of view with him a lot of time
Finance computer to plant the floor of the room completely and as man can do while thinking
Games, if not to give him either to look like human and alive like when you touch it.

Source of The Theory
Source of some information
Image Source


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