in #writing5 years ago (edited)

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As a young girl joy has always been cheerful and playful, she loved life, making friends, learning and visiting new places until everything changed.

Joy was a girl of 16years old who was loved by almost everyone, of course nobody can be loved by everyone, there will always be some bad-belle, she was intelligent, pretty, tall, dark skinned, she had a kind of shape we call figure 8 the type that could make a guy turn back twice.

At 16 joy had the stature and shape of a 19year old, she could sing but her dancing was horrible, that was literally the only imperfect thing about her, people around her always told her never to dare dance in public saying it'll chase everyone away, lol.

Well, back to my story joy had just graduated from high school and was waiting for admission into the university, she had written all the necessary exams and passed them with flying colours.

"Joy joy, admission list is out" shouted christabel, joy's best friend as she ran into the house. "Are you sure bring your phone let's check for our names" said joy, christabel brought out her phone to check and luckily the two friends got the admission into the same school to read the same course, they were both happy cause they've been childhood friends and they promised never to let anything or anyone separate them.The two girls jumped for joy as they ran to break the news to their family.

Ok, to cut the long story short, let's fast forward to their first day of lectures. Oh and I forgot to mention, christabel was nothing like joy, she was pretty but not as pretty as joy, she wasn't all that intelligent though, joy actually tutored her Whenever they had an exam to write which had helped christabel a lot, I'm sure that's one of the reasons christabel was not willing to leave joy, lol don't mind me just thinking out loud. But most times christabel gets jealous, it's understandable though, do you know that feeling when you're walking with someone and the person gets all the attention, that hurts you know, most times christabel will feel bad and hate herself cause she's not as pretty and intelligent as she wished but that never made her hate or love joy less, they were still best friends for life.

So, back to their first day of lectures, by this time they had completed all the necessary registration all that was left was lectures, they both went for lectures that morning and just as expected joy drew the attention of everyone in the class with her beauty including the lecturer. As time goes by it started becoming a problem for joy 'cause every guy she meets would try to make advances at her, both male students and lecturers including the lesbians in school, it became serious that she had to start skipping classes in order to avoid everything. And it also became a problem for christabel cause every guy she comes across will only ask of her friend joy even the faithful day her crush finally walked towards her and said hi, she was so happy she almost melted until he said "what of your friend joy, I haven't been seeing her in classes lately" out of anger and disappointment she hissed and walked out on him.

This problem that seems little started causing serious issues between the best friends that they argued and yelled at each other often to the extent that joy left the house and moved in with her new friends, did I mention not only christabel hated her, literally ever girl in the department did, some cause of jealousy, some cause their boyfriend got attracted to her and some for no reason they just like being oh yes members.

Joy can be playful but she's a very emotional girl, she gets hurt easily and there's nothing that could have hurt her more than her best friend and sister who is meant to fight with her, fighting against her. It broke her down, she barely went out in the day time to avoid accidentally bumping into christabel and her new group of friends who would always laugh and say all sorts of things when they see her. And just so you know, she tried talking to her mum about the issue with her bestfriend and we all know how Nigerian parents can be at times, "joy, did we send you to school to make friends, leave that girl alone i don't even like her she's a bad influence" that was what her mother said and before she could open her mouth to say anything else her mother said she was busy at work, promised to send her some money and ended the call.

One faithful night around 8:30 joy was so hungry, she hasn't eaten since morning cause she wasn't willing to go out, "I don't think I'll bump into them by this time" she said to herself as she stood up to go out, as she walked down the road she heard a group of guys calling her, that was a normal thing for her anyway so she just ignored and kept going until one ran toward her and grabbed her hand while the rest about 3 were also coming towards her, she was scared as she shouted leave me alone and tried to run. The one holding her hand dragged her back as she gained her balance she looked up and saw it was the famous cultist osas that terrorized the school with his boys, she became even more scared "na me dey call you wey you no gree answer abi, I know you now, I dey hear your story na you be the barney wey dey form for everybody because you fine, you done enter my trap today" he slapped her as he told the boys to drag her to a corner and hold her down, he tore her cloth, pulled down his short, I guess we all know what happened next. When they were done they left her there knowing fully well that nothing would happen cause they were the most feared group of boys in school and they can't be easily found.

Joy tried to gather little strength to stand up and walk back home along the way she bumped into christabel who surprisingly ran towards her to help her, tears poured down uncontrollably from joy's eyes as she looked at christabel and said to her "I hate you" christabel felt bad cause she knows she's one of the reasons why joy was walking alone at that time, as they got to the house she locked the door and refused christabel to enter. She stayed up all night crying and wondering if it was a crime to be pretty "God, you should have made me ugly like a monster" she said as she cried out in pain.

She managed to clean herself up that night and very early the next morning she managed to get out of the house to visit the clinic cause she was feeling strange, little did she know that the news was all over school already. The way news like this spreads can be really alarming, if you're thinking it's christabel well, you're wrong she's not responsible for it, don't ask me who cause I don't know either.

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As she walked down she kept hearing "That's the girl the one osas(the cultist) and his boys raped", she felt really ashamed hearing those words that she rushed back to her room and almost cried her eyes out.

She was inside the house for two days, nobody saw her outside or anywhere around school, often times people including christabel would come to her room to knock and know how she's doing but there was never an answer, these people were actually the same people that mocked her before this incident but now everyone is feeling guilty and they were trying to act like the saints. It was four days already still no sign of her, her parents were worried she hasn't been picking their calls neither have they heard from her, so they came to school that day. They knocked and knocked but no answer, so they decided to break down the door which they did only to find her dead in the pool of her blood with a written note beside her corpse that says "IS IT A CRIME TO BE PRETTY".

About girls foundation

The girls foundation is a project set up to enlighten young ladies of their norms and value, advocate for the girl-child, encourage and support them with the little we can.We believe the girl-child can bring about change in our society. Women are essential to the nation because they take care of its children, the children are the future leaders of the nation, if you are familiar with the bible you must have heard of this verse “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he won‟t depart from it”.Girls foundation was founded by a group of selfless ladies, it is a non�governmental organization an d believes in decentralization.


  • To enlighten youths of their purpose in life. We believe once you know the truth and purpose of your existence you are free, the journey to success and failure now lies in your hands.
  • Rape free society- Rape is a sexual assault carried out against a person forcefully. The rate at which girls are being raped these days is alarming, we are also humans and we deserve respect. Most rape victims suffer from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, serious injuries and in some cases pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection.
  • Fight against domestic violence- it is also known as intimate partner violence, domestic abuse or family violence; it's a form of violence committed in a domestic or family setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It is called intimate partner violence when committed by a spouse and called family violence when it involves the kids, parents or elders. Domestic violence has several effects on human that's is why girls foundation is picking it up. Effects of domestic violence
    includes :
    1.) Physical effect: This involves bruises round the victim, broken wrists, shortness of breath etc.
    2.) Mental effect: This involves PTSD (post-traumatic stress),
    pressing, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts etc.
    3.) Emotional effect: This involves feeling unworthy, hopeless and not motivated etc.
    4.)It affects the development of the kids and they suffer from
    depression, anxiety, fear etc
    Domestic violence always produces an international cycles of
    violence. Funny, only few people see themselves as being abused; considering it as family matter.
  • Girl education: Some people still believe that training a female child is a waste of time and money 'cause they feel she'd still end up in the kitchen, well sorry to disappoint you but ladies can do much more than just being house wives, lots of educated women are doing fine in our society today. Every child deserves equal right to education.We don't think anyone should be treated differently because of their gender, we are all one and it's high time we realized that.


The primary aim of the girls foundation is to enlighten youths and increase the awareness of the steem blockchain and steemit. Giving girls the ability to create wealth with their writing skills, without waiting for the government intervention.


We would so much be glad and grateful if you could support @girlsfoundation with your Delegation by simply clicking any of the preferred links below. Many Thanks for your support.

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Our utmost gratitude goes out to @adollaraday, @fundition, @wafrica and @surfyogi, @pennsif, @bleepcoin, @jaki01, @ackza and @riverhead @joythewanderer @adetorrent @demotruk @chbartist for their support. We really appreciate your kindness.

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it really speaks a lot about us though. We have to be so careful of what we always say.

que triste historia. bueno esas historias son reales y suceden. por eso apoyo a esta fundacion para que ayude a concientizar y orientar a niños y niñas sobre este y otros tipo de violaciones, estos traumas y trastorno los marca para siempre y muchos no soportan y piensan que la vida termina aqui.. de verdad es una situación bastante difícil y la tarea de ustedes es de bastante constancia ...

Hello @girlsfoundation, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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