Day 1 - Short Story - Serie

in #writing6 years ago

He and She wanted to know each other, they had decided that the distance that separated them didn't have to be more of a problem; if everything was as easy as simply deciding; choosing the dates, choosing the country, choosing the location, every decision that was presented to them, were days of debate, there were even occasions when they almost left the trip -and what they had- there.

But yes; the stubbornness and perseverance overcame, they managed to establish the essence of a week; a week where they were going to have enough of being with the other; that is how each one of them took a plane in a different country that would take them to that country in common.

He arrived a day before, he was impatient, he did not believe that this was happening, that after months of talking, of months planning that, finally, the opportunity arrived, at last, it was something that would be real. She was impatient too, but she had trouble admitting it. For the time they had known confidence should be giant, but she still felt shy to reveal certain things, to show how much she liked him, she reserved many things that perhaps should not.

He was waiting for her at the airport, with his hands in the pockets of fisherman shorts and a t-shirt, a half-sided smile sticking out of his face when he looked at her; she was petrified to see him, part by the embarrassment, part by shock and amazement. He, seeing this reaction on her part, laughed and cut the ice from the first encounter and approached and hugged her.

It was laughable to see them because they were both nervous, they didn't know how to act or how to behave and they only made complicit looks with half-smiles on their faces. They took the taxi that would take them to the hotel, the sun was already hiding so the plans for that day are reduced to just having dinner and a little exploration to see if the "didn't know how to act" changed to something more relaxed.

Same room; separate beds. Nothing was really planned, their journey, somehow, had taken them to the same country but from then on everything was unexplored, the desire to saw each other had overshadowed any other plan.

Finally, the ice melted and they could talk and have fun as they had been doing it for months through the messages, long conversations had become the favorite entertainment of that night, there were comfort and tranquility in the environment; although the nerves on her part still continued, she still felt the tickle of the first encounter run through her body.

The dinner passed quickly, something not very heavy was the accomplice of the conversations of that moment, then they went to the beach and walked under the light of the moon.

She, like the little girl she was sometimes, started throwing sand at him with the intention of annoying him a little; he, although some years older than her, still had a child's soul with which he couldn't resist returning the game, filling themselves both with sand; playing, he pretended that some sand fell on his eyes, she scared a went to help him, to which he laughing, threw her against the sand. She, pretending to be upset, mocking and turned her face; he kissed her.

An accomplice laugh came out of his lips after this unsuspecting kiss, they stopped to return to the hotel; It was not necessary to speak it, it was already part of everything they were. Short kisses, accomplices and simple, as well as some more passionate, invaded the remaining moments of that night. And although nothing else happened, they enjoyed what it was like to sleep in each other's arms.

Source: 1


Wou, me encantó! Mi querida @gabriellecd me tomé el tiempo para leer todas y cada una de las líneas de tu relato, está muy lindo, espero el traductor haya hecho bien su trabajo al mostrarme la traducción porque no tengo mucho vocabulario en inglés. Me fascina como me vas atrapando en esa lectura y luego al final, con una conclusión tan sencilla y profunda a la vez... Mucho éxito con tu post, soy uno de los primeros 12 en leerlo.

A mi también me agrada que te tomes el tiempo de leer esta historia.. Agradecida siempre

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