The Pursuit of Happiness

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, I was a financial manager. Truth is, I hated my 8-5 desk job; I changed 4 jobs and 2 states within a span of 3 years, searching so desperately for more meaning in my life. I hadn't figured out yet that what I needed to change was something much deeper than that.

The hard work had just began.

I have been teaching yoga and traveling in Asia/Oceania/Europe since 2012; mostly continuing to discover life through my own lenses, which means making mistakes, but at least they are my mistakes with nobody to blame.

Not every day is yoga and sunshine and and sea and smiles like in this picture...mostly yes, but, there are also struggles, struggles that we don't post and portray on social media...


Regardless, there is no alarm on our watches/phones to remind us to continously evaluate and re-evaluate how we are living our lives. Nobody will knock on our door either to ask: "hey, do you need to make some changes in your life in order to be happy? If so, you need to get off the couch!" It is not easy to sit with our discomfort and look at in its eyes...But this is the work that needs to be done, day after day, living with awareness, if what we're really seeking is happiness.

And for me, that means rolling out my yoga mat or being out in nature and hiking mountain after mountain. The best medicine. I always feel transformed at the end of each yoga practice or hike.

How do you cope with struggles? How do you find strength when you are faced with difficulties?

If this resonates with you, please share; I'd love to hear!



I question myself daily how and what I need to change next.

I was definitely feeling happier when I was exercising more. Now with 2 kids and work I have less time for myself. In addition to less of "me" time, the challenge with kids is that you don't always have time to take off and travel, and moving is more complicated. They have school , you have to coordinate school holidays with your schedule and of course the price of everything increases when school is off

Traveling alone is not an option. My anxiety levels are at all time high and I am having a hard time going to work, let alone taking a flight away . Unfortunately, I believe I am living in fear . I don't want to blame the media, but I know part of my struggles is the negativity of the times we live in. Not too long I compared our life with Albania during the communist propaganda. I believe what we are experiencing is the same style of propaganda, and I have yet to figure out how to get out of this.

So for now, I need to figure out how to eliminate the noises surrounding me, media, breaking news or any news about evil human beings .

My solution ( as temporary as it can be) is add more exercise (yoga and running), and add more travel. For now travel to few family friendly places that kids enjoy and I can easily plan . Later who knows...

Wow Elda, thank you from the heart for sharing your areas of struggles and vulnerability. I had no idea that this was going on. We have been away from the US for so long that I have forgotten what a challenging reality it is.

You are right, the media is so powerful; people in Albania still have the habit of keeping the TV with the news on 24/7, and mostly it's horrible and scary things that are being reported, therefore they are continuously living in fear and mistrust because that's what the brain is receiving. But there is also beautiful things happening in the world, all the time...we forget that because that's not on the news.

It must be very challenging to tune out all of this noise and news when you live in the middle of Washington DC, but anything is possible. Heck, you have managed to be a vegan for decades - that's is waaaay harder you can definitely do this! My suggestion is to make time for exercise, no matter what. Just like we don't make excuses for eating, drinking and loving ;) And yes, short trips in nature, that will always calm the nerves. It doesn't have to be fancy or far. Do you remember the little forest we went to outside DC and hiked in our dresses? haha...You definitely have time to take your family often to places like that and recharge.
Sending you a big big fuzzy warm hug! Everything will be alright!

How do you cope with struggles? How do you find strength when you are faced with difficulties?
To be honest I've learned to face my difficulties by putting myself into really unconfortable situations, there are some of the stories hidding in my posts. That's why I like to travel as cheap as possible, to learn how to appreciate the simple things in life and to find quick solutions.
Not every day is yoga and sunshine and and sea and smiles like in this picture...mostly yes, but, there are also struggles, struggles that we don't post and portray on social media...
I like to tell my friends, those that complain about their lifes being boring: Get away from social media, delete them for some time! Go live your life. Go write about what you like on steemit. I think that "normal" social media (ie facebook/instagram) is just like you said, only perfect and happy moments. People struggle to realise that our (travelers/adventurers) life is/was just as normal as their.

Just to conclude: For me hapiness is exploring the world, but it's also the simple things (like a hot shower at home), only because I've had the experience to be without a shower for several days on top of some montains.
Sorry for the long comment, but your post topic just inspired me.

Thank you so much for reading & sharing your perspective! I really appreciate you taking the time to write about it! It is really nice sometimes to see things in writing or hear someone else's words that remind you of what you want to remember or what you're working on. what you said, the simple things (a hot shower at home)...I am still working on that one. (I think girls have a harder time with cold showers because of our long hair hahah...). On a serious note, I couldn't agree more that withdrawing yourself often from normal life and into uncomfortable situations has that power to make you appreciate simple things. It is a great mental & physical exercise.
I am looking forward to reading your posts, which unfortunately have gotten lost on my feed somehow. Cheers!

Thank you for opening space for such thoughts on your blog!
I'd like to leave a quote by a brazilian sailor and writer that I simply love. It says:

"A man needs to travel. By his own means, not by stories, images, books or TV. By his own, with his eyes and feet, to understand what he is. To some day plant his own trees and give them some value. To know the cold to enjoy the heat. To feel the distance and lack of shelter to be well under his own ceiling. A man needs to travel to places he doesn't know to break this arrogance that makes us see the world as we imagine it, and not simply as it is or may be. That makes us teachers and doctors of what we have never seen, when we should just be learners, and simply go see it." - Amyr Klink

Thank you, I love it sooo much! I feel like it should be framed on the walls of all school classrooms, so that we have it engraved in our brains from the times we are little.

When the mood hits in, my remedies are quite similar to yours. Hiking and any kind of practice. Yoga is one of the options, and I used to be quite regular with it, but I also find it ‘purifying’ to run, or hit the gym. Photography is a major part of maintaining the good vibes on a high level.
And there’s always one thing that helps without any doubts - listening to Alan Watts. His lectures on Eastern philosophies are an unusually efficient way of calming the mind.
If you haven’t been introduced to him before, I would highly recommend it. I have a feeling you will like it, most yogis do :)
That ’s’ at the end of his last name is important. There’s this other guy Alan Watt and he is something different.
Watts with an ’S’ is the real deal… :)

Thank you for sharing your experience! Running was one of my intentions for this year, but the weather has not been cooperating or maybe I've been using that as an excuse.
I was really into Alan Watts' works when I first discovered him last year and then for some reason I completely forgot about it, so thank you so much for the reminder! I have something to look forward to again.

Running suits well a 'yogi mind'. It's logical. Repetitive actions followed by concentration on breath :)

sounds more inviting when you put it that way. I'm just really scared of injuries, not being experienced at all.

Just take it slow and build up your duration and speed gradually. Google ''running for beginners'' read it, and you'll be fine ;)

Gorgeous post love!
I really connected with everything you said as I am also a yoga instructor who left the 9-5 world.
Looking forward to reading more of what you have to say <3

Thank you for reading and sharing! I am glad that are more of us out there now, breaking free from a system that doesn't work for us. This is really good news for the future :))))

It most definitely is! And with all of our technological advancements I belive this is the future. Humans speding more time being human!

wonderful photography . great writing nice article. thanks for @fjorenca

Thank you! :)

Running does it for me. I take my struggles to the road. There is something about getting out on foot and running around that makes you reevaluate the life you're living, and how much we are missing out on by being consumed by our daily hustle. Sometimes just breathing in that fresh air and listening to nature or getting lost in your playlist while getting your heart rate up is the perfect cure.
I understand the lackluster zeal that comes with the 8-5. Sometimes you feel as if you're just in the rat race to collect the next pay check. I went back to school and it has revived me in ways that I didn't think was possible. Props to you for taking a risk and finding what truly brings your happiness and excites your soul.

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