Are You Interesting?

in #writing5 years ago


As a content creator with Steemit as my playground, I think a lot about what it is that you have to do to keep people coming back to your blog. We like to talk about quality content here, what you should post, how long the post should be, adding good images, being original, doing your research, being engaged in the community and all of that to get upvotes and comments.

What it all boils down to, I think, is being interesting. Simple as that, be interesting.

It doesn’t matter what topic you post about, how well you write or how good your pictures are, if you are interesting, people will follow what you do, and if you are not, then it doesn’t matter how much time you use perfecting your posts. I see that this is a point of frustration to many people who write well enough and are smart, but just can’t grab people’s attention.

You know those charismatic people who walk into the room and everyone gravitates towards them, that is what we are looking for. You don’t have to be the prettiest, smartest or funniest, but you gotta have that IT-factor if you wanna make it big in here. Or you can buy a million steems and you’ll have a lot of friends here.

But how to be interesting? Hell if I know, I’m always trying to figure out that for myself. I guess it helps if you are a tad bit mental, don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun with what ever you do. Playing it safe is not an option. Nor is trying to please everyone.

Looking at some of the people that are the biggest and most known personalities in Steemit, they all seem a little nuts, more and less functional members of society.

None of us can deny the allure of people you can’t quite understand the actions of. They often have very polarizing views, don’t sugarcoat things, might seem irrational at times and stand strong behind their views, what ever it might be, even that earth is flat. But you gotta admit, it’s interesting as hell, even if you don’t agree.

All publicity is good publicity, remember that.


If you don't stand up for something publicly, you get stepped on from lieing down all the time.

Thanks for a nice life contemplating post :)

I agree :) Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my stuff.

Just be you. ...the world is a big place, there are bound to be lots of people who are interested.

I just can’t decide which me I should be 🤔😝

Who cares, dabble and double dip with everything; you can be a unicorn in the Internet if you want 🦄

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What I want more than being interesting is being fascinating. I think I prefer the latter, but being interesting is more widely recognized lol.

And how do you consider fascinating being different from being interesting? It’s a fancier word for sure, much prettier 😁

Lol you're right, theyre basically the same thing, just prettier.....what can I say, I like pretty 😁

Well ain’t nothing wrong with that, I like pretty too!

I read a book about charisma, and it's pretty much just a learnable skill like any other. Charismatic people are good listeners (make the people around them feel comfortable and important of themselves). They're also very comfortable in their own skin, even in stressful situations. What I find interesting is that the latter point has some overlap with stoic philosophy: not trying to control everything in your environment, but controlling how you relate to it. When you're comfortable in your own skin even in annoying situations, other people will also feel comfortable around you. Actually, Buddhists are sort of doing the same thing with meditation practices to silence the monkey mind and decrease stress responses. So, be a either ancient Greek philosopher or Buddha and you'll be interesting. (Potential other ways of interestingess are not exluded, if you thought otherwise, you're probably not interesting.)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahh, I’ve always thought charisma is something you either have or you don’t. Sure you can learn to have confidence and good people skills to a certain point, but to have natural charisma, I doubt a bit that one could just learn it. What was that book? I might have to read it, surely sounds interesting.

Karismamyytti. Nimi viittaa juuri ko. harhaluuloon, että karismaa vain joko on tai ei ole. Kyseessä on asia mitä itse kukin pystyy kehittämään, karismaa kun on (kirjaan mukaan) neljää alalajia, joten jokaiselle löytyy jokin tyyli, johon oma persoona tuppaa kallistua. Karisma on vain sitä, että on hyvä ihmisten kanssa ja heidän keskuudessaan tykätty (noin niinkun hyvin yksinkertaistettuna), ja se että sen oppii, ei tarkoita että tarvitsisi teeskennällä olevansa jotain mitä ei ole, vaan sitä voisi ennemmin ajatella omien rajojensa venyttämiseksi, uudenlaisen aspektin integroimista jo olemassa olevaan persoonaan. Erilaisen kehonkielen oppiminen voi olla työläämpää aikuisena, mutta ihan tehtävissä oleva asia. Karismaattisuus on karismaattisuutta, on se sitten aikuisena opittua tai saatu "sisäsyntyisenä" (mikä mielestäni on harhaan johtava ajatus; joillakin vain on suurempi potentiaali kyseisen ominaisuuden ilmentämiseen myöhemmässä elämässä, kukaan kun ei vauvana varsinaisesti synny karismaattiseksi, temperamentti on käsittääkseni ainoa persoonallisuuselementti, joka pienistä vauvoista voidaan havaita).

Okei, kuulostaa kyllä mielenkiintoiselta, laitan ehdottomasti lukulistalle. Kukapa sitä ei haluais olla karismaattinen!

Ei sillä tietenkään Bill Clintoniksi muutu yhdessä yössä, mutta oli ihan asiallista tekstiä mun mielestä, ja käytännönläheinen, niin että ei jää pelkäksi sanahelinäksi kirjan konseptit.

maybe i don't want people to have that side of me, maybe i reserve that part for the face to face, physical. otherwise, where is the mystery of being a human if i'm jizzing my interestingness all over the internet? i prefer vague and windows xp grey for blogging ;)

keep being hella interesting eve!

mystery is exciting. it's when you work it out that it all get's boring AF.

Ahhaa but you trying to be all grey and uninteresting just makes you more interesting, I see through it! 🤓

they all seem a little nuts, more and less functional members of society.

What?.. hurmmfff.. I look perfectly normal.. I'll have you know!

I of course wasn't referring to you! You seem like a perfectly normal, well rounded, ordinary human being.

Well ok.. grummfff.., you just need to look at my face... perfectly sane I say.. ;)

Yep, looks pretty normal and sane to me!

I hope i'm interesting with my small photos what I do. 😶😊😊📷 and yes when you are in steemit then try be just you, I think this works here very good.

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