The Parliament of Coffee. Episode 2 Series 3

in #writing4 years ago (edited)

Another coffee morning started unusually with heated debates.
On a regular basis, our usual four coffee musketeers were joined by some other expat friends. That was always a refreshing opportunity to share new ideas and thoughts. There are limitations with the same people and routine which could become a bit boring, everything becomes predictable.

This time there was a full house in our coffee office. Our great four and Helen were also joined by two newcomers. A young American who joined his family in this East European country. The other one was middle-aged Brit, who leads his business here so comes to and fro between two countries on the regular basis. And here the disagreement begins when one Brit started a discussion over the benefits of global business and therefore opposed to the Brexit.

Nike a typical Brexiteer had to have his say. Additionally to the economic theory of advantages of nationally oriented economy, he also pointed all the damages to nature global business responsible for. Issues like illegal deforestation in countries where the national law system is too weak to fight it and all the other cases where corporations using the windows of opportunities to get cheap resources maybe in legal for those countries but immoral way. That eventually affects well being of everyone.

Our other Brit counterattacked with the logical reasons that the country can not rely only on its own produce and does require good will partners pointing to the situation where trucks were stuck at the border because of EU customs.

We won't repeat all the arguments and counterarguments of Brexit everyone had heard it before on national TV and media outlets. Just to say it was almost like a duel as nobody else from the group was able to get a word in edgeways.

Luckily with the second cup of coffee being delivered our duelists were distracted so another conversation could start in that pause.

-Well, I think we got upgraded, - said Helen.- Now it's not just a coffee office. It can be easily called coffee Parliament.
The other members of Parliament just smiled.
-I like the Parliament of Coffee name,- said Nike with a wry smile.

-Changing the subject, - said an American newcomer. How do you think my new home country will survive this lockdown. The economic effects must be severe as their economy was already struggling.

-I wouldn't worry,- said Adrian. They survived so much in their turbulent history. It's a nation of survivors. A little time spent at home won't affect them.
-Yes,- agreed Brad. -First of all, they won't obey anyway.
-Agree, obedience is not really in cossacks' genetics, - smiled Helen. So yes, not to worry. I think actually it is the place to be. With medicines available without a doctor prescription at any pharmacy and the army of doctors graduating every year, you will receive help needed. Oversupply of doctors is good for the patients and prices. Medical school inherited from previous times is still good.

-Oh, well. That's reassuring,- said the American.

After a little break from the debate and trying to come back to more peaceful topics the new comer Brit decided to start a new conversation thread:
-I think the only thing I miss here is English TV. They do have quite good educational and travel programs.

-Yes, said Adrian. But I don't miss advertising. All that adopting a giraffe or jaguar nonsense.

-Well I have a business idea then,- said Helen laughing. How about adopting Ukrainian flies. There are a lot of them and just one pound a month we could send pictures of them in face and profile.

-Or mosquitoes,- said Peter. There is definitely an oversupply of them at the dacha.
-Oh, what an idea,- said laughing the guest Brit. Cheers to all generous and naive should who fall for that.

Thank you for reading
If you missed the very beginning please find 1 Series here: Expats Introduction

The Next Episode: Expats in Space

The previous episode The Rolling Stones

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