Random Musings About Social Media, Community, Writing, and "Being Seen"

in #writing7 years ago

What brings us here, to a place like this? 

This community of people, tied together by what they perceive to be possibly a common thread. For some, it is the love of writing, of art, of creativity, of sharing, of photography, of connecting.... while others will claim they are here "for the money."

A fiery and evocative winter sunset

Reaching Out...

We write opinions of our own, as we read the opinions of others; belong to groups and groups within groups that somehow resonate with us; or make sense, or make us feel connected, or informed, or educated. We translate our thoughts into articles, and we upload photos and build networks of friends.

For many, it is done in the name of “sharing,” yet I wonder…

To what degree are we are we here for the actual “sharing” and to what degree is this all a greater exercise in “Being Seen” within a multiverse where we all are so busy looking at our screens that the quality of our connections suffer; we sit in restaurants and type in abbreviations at each other about the tenderness of our steaks.

The media talks about information overload while it overloads us, and we lament the "twitter-fication" of the world. No longer is writing, publishing, and making a personal statement the domain of a chosen few-- it has become the domain of EVERYone.

We reach out... "is there anybody OUT there...?"

To be Seen... and Not Seen

Wild currants in the sun

I have spent much of my life being “not-seen,” which (in itself) sounds paradoxical (or at least mysterious) to others, given that I stand 6'4”/193cm tall. 

How can such a large person be invisible?” they ask. 

I have no particularly good answers, but the passing of time tells me that invisibility often develops as a result of "visibility" being dangerous; unsafe. People "hide" their truth because their experiences with "showing themselves" have been painful.

At least that holds true for many people, although I don't directly relate to it. 

I relate more to the idea that my original “visible self” was too far removed from “societal convention” and my immediate environment... so I didn't “make sense” to those who would try to pull my strings. You could say they were like the puppetmasters, and I the puppet. Being "seen" as myself was not "appropriate," so I remained hidden for a long time, a passive participant in a show not of my own making.

Rhododendron in bloom

I sense that many people (even those from healthy families) lose their visibility for a number of years– often beginning during grade school, and not resuming again till some kind of mid-life crisis and/or epiphany occurs. 

It starts when we're told that our "truth" doesn't fit the world, and we'd "better change, if we expect to get along." So we enter s strange "spiritual sleep" which can last for years. And then we wake up, one day, realizing that even though we want to be visible we are terribly out of practice at being so. There is a shell there, which people can see... but the essential core of who we are is like a closely guarded secret.

Social Sharing... and Community... and Belonging

Mustard plant in bloom

Maybe sites like this one affords those who were once invisible an opportunity to open a small window to their essential self; to be visible again to like-kind spirits who feel like they might be members of their "tribe." 

Maybe the deeper truth is that below the layer of “contributing” and “writing” and “sharing” lies the more basic reality that we simply want to be visible… not merely visible, but visible to people we want to see us, not just people who glance at us and somehow judge us to be a little "off" because we're not like them.

The words and images and art we now leave are like our "beacons," carefully imbued with the qualities we feel truthfully represent us. And then placed strategically in places where we might get a hit, or two... like cosmic fishermen, waiting for a bite.


Hey… YOU!

I see you. You are becoming visible. And since you are… instead of just moving on, with nothing to say… instead answer this:

What is your deeper reason for being here? Do you feel seen? Have you been seen? Do you want to be seen? Does it even matter to you?

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. An earlier version of this article appeared on now defunct gather.com in 2007; this revised version was created expressly for Steemit)


You touch upon the condition of the falser society that clashes with our inner unconditioned truer potential that automatically prefers truth and what is right to the falsity of how certain things are in our current condition. Good stuff ;)

We seek get attention, to be seen, but safely. A computer allows that barrier of safety while networking and expressing ourselves and drawing attention and giving back attention, as opposed to reality where the safety is variable depending on what is talked about and who is around.

I've only been seen a bit on Facebook, and more so on Steemit lol. I came to spread knowledge like I was doing on Facebook, I got more attention to the information, and I got rewarded in monetary tokens :)

As an armchair "trendwatcher" it's been really interesting to watch this develop vis-a-vis the web "aging."

Steemit has a very high "truth and essence content" compared to current social media... and I have to go back 12-15 years to find something similar. Currently have a piece in the works about it... ultra short version, though-- in the early days of the web unconditional truth and authenticity was more common online. That was also before the web was a "mass market" experience, as it is now... in fact, being able to afford a $2500 computer and paying for connectivity, probably meant you were from a higher, more sophisticated, more educated demographic.

What I am seeing on Steemit-- to some degree-- is similar; in order to grok cryptos and the rewards system and what it takes to create content here... you probably have to be a tad bit above average in various departments of intellect and insight. Hence the content is... more intelligent. And more authentic.

Another fantastically written and well thought out post/article @denmarkguy!

Perhaps a bit too much honesty for some but for myself you have hit the nail on the head!

Thank you for 'sharing' your thoughts my friend!

I see you! :)

Thanks @tonyr!

It's funny-- it has taken me almost four months to get back in the habit of "raw" writing... touching at the bleeding edges of people's personal honesty with themselves. And no, not everyone is ready for it... bit it can be the path to self-inquiry and insight that makes a difference in people's lives.

I have never been a social media user until I joined steemit. There is certainly something about this place that seems to bring out the 'raw' in us! Me at least! I think people are more inclined to be themselves here for some reason!

A little bit of introspection is good for everyone I think!! :)

Have an excellent day @denmarkguy!

Looking forward to your next post!!

@tonyr, I think part of what happens here is that people slow down and take the time to actually connect authentically.

This is a revitalization of "social blogging," which is what we did before Farcebook, and before blogging was about having "a niche topic of expertise."

I relate more to the idea that my original “visible self” was too far removed from “societal convention” and my immediate environment... so I didn't “make sense” to those who would try to pull my strings.

¡While older I get, less willing to abduct someone to my lap or be abducted by anyone's tribe!

And no, not everyone is ready for it...


I think that main reason of our "visibility" is our need to be recognised as wise, good, goodwilled, not so different and forgotten, and list goes on and on... younger generations see social platforms as tool for self promotion, sometimes one way of self preservation. We as human beings are becoming more distant in "real life" but that don't kill our need for socialisation. So if we can't get real friends we will substitute them with imaginary ones 😉

Yes, definitely true. One of the things that concerns me-- at least a little-- is that a lot of younger users are excellent at the "visibility of SELF" thing, but seem a little out of touch with the fact that community and connection is a TWO way street.

Of course, I also think the web is redefining how we connect... things like nationality and geography as reasons to connect is giving way to "tribal" connections that are physically global, but people align according to interests and values.

Tribal connections are in fact divisions! Attitude "My tribe is better or stronger then yours" is main cause of today's world situation.

It is... but it seems to me a large part of the problem is that such "tribal connections" are rooted in a paradigm of competition rather than cooperation.

but it seems to me a large part of the problem is that such "tribal connections" are rooted in a paradigm of competition rather than cooperation.

Oh! did you also noticed it?
It just takes the watchful & well gained experience of truly curious old dogs which have been sniffing and peed on both sides of the fence to really know it with absolute authority. Good point mate!! :)

Why I an here?

I do belive in growing together. I feel it as common steemeans' mission

I'm here only 2 days but I feel drive to be a part of community there everyone is a part of Whole and the whole is part of everyone.

Well, welcome to Steemit @allfabeta! I hope you enjoy your time here-- this is definitely a unique global community, and quite different from most other social media. And there is definitely a sense of community here.

Good stuff as per usual! Thank you.

You're welcome-- thanks for stopping by to comment!

Great Post!
Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

Thanks! Appreciate the comment!

Thank you :) @denmarkguy <3 it

You're welcome-- glad you enjoyed.

That was a great post. Thank you.

Thank you; and you're welcome!

good post. you take where the picture

Thanks! The pictures are from all around where I live, or places I travel to.

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