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RE: A Buck's Life

in #writing6 years ago

We so often ignore how animals feel when we enter their home. Nature is their home not ours. We are their guests but we behave like we owned everything.

This is a very sad story and I truly believe that animals perceive us like this. They don't understand what to do when they are in danger as they don't know what we are capable of.

Hunting is the worst sport (I don't even know why it's called 'sport') that doesn't make any sense and I'm glad to see the way you describe it.

Over the last years I see so many trees being cut down for the development needs and I wonder how far we will go..

Thank you for sharing your story. I truly enjoyed it!


Thank you. I'm not sure how aware animals are about this, because in my story, I'm giving the deer a human mind and ability to think like us, but it's still sad. I understand that we need homes and resources for us to live, but it feels like we are taking too much.
I have mixed feelings about hunting. I don't think hunting is an extreme evil, people do it for fun and there are rules to help make sure animals aren't over hunted, and some animals like Grizzly bears are aggressive and can take someone's life. But at the same time, it's not nice to take just because we want to, if we don't even use the animal we take. I think it's a slippery slope and there needs to be a balance. But this is the buck's story, and he doesn't know much about humans, so we see the deer's point of view.
I agree we shouldn't take more than we need, and I want forests to stop being taken down for developments when we don't need them.
You're welcome. I'm very happy you like the story and that it means so much to you.

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