Day 833: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: bonus

in #writing5 years ago

Monday morning, 11:15am – Captain Lee sat in the outer office of Commissioner Scott's office, his letter draft in hand as Mrs. Thornton typed away on her daily work and both listened to the politician in the inner office with the commissioner.

“We need you to give us a chance to breathe, Commissioner – it has been one thing after another after another with this department! You were supposed to get things under control!”

“I'm not going to make any excuses, sir, but simply ask a question: how long was it out of control on your watch?”


“I can go back home to Maryland at the board of supervisors' pleasure; if you can find another man willing and able to do the two jobs of chief and commissioner better than I can, I will gladly move aside. Perhaps you might at least make Captain Lee chief.”

The politician started; Captain Lee and Mrs. Thornton heard him physically jump.

“Now, let me tell you how you can help me. Go work on the budget so I can retain my best officers and staff into 2020. I have looked at the pool that pays you and me, sir. It will cost you your bonus in order for me to retain two officers next year. I will be sure to thank you and your colleagues for your generous concern for our police force when you give up those bonuses.”

“You have the nerve to go after our bonuses, Commissioner, with this mess you are running?”

“I have the nerve for your sake as well as mine, because if you don't help me retain the people doing right, all you'll have is a mess in the year you come up for re-election.”

Several curse words issued from the politician, and then he stormed out only to jump again and almost fall over when he saw Captain Lee waiting in the outer office.

“D*** you, Lee!”

And he was gone.

Mrs. Thornton shook her head.

“Poor man doesn't even know what is about to happen next.”

Captain Lee smiled grimly.

“As I learned in West Point, you can fuss, or fight, but not both. You know what I do, Ms. Thornton.”

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