Day 620 - Freewrite Prompt: Metal Butterfly

in #writing5 years ago


I have this friend who is a fine metal worker – a sculptor, really. He can draw from any figure just the right metal to represent it. I know I should have said he can draw any figure from metal, but I said it the other way because he's just that good.

My friend makes goo-gobs of money and really doesn't need to work any more – he has gotten many commissions for work in gold and silver that have landed in some very fine places. But he works because he loves his work.

Then there are the pieces, increasing in number, that he makes for himself and friends and doesn't sell. Only his close friends get to see those, and I am among the fortunate few.

I was surprised today in walking past his shelves to see a butterfly – a morpho butterfly, with its characteristic steel blue sheen– right by my shoulder.

I had to look twice to realize it was a metal butterfly, perfect down to the leg joints and the tapering of the antennae tips, made of steel with blue steel wings.

“When did you do this – I know you'll never sell it, but, wow!”

“Been working on it all month.”


“It would have been my grandmother's 100th birthday yesterday. That was her. Delicate, and beautiful, but with the soul strength of steel. She liked blue, and steel takes on a nice blue when cast right.”

“What a lovely tribute!”

“Thank you. I thought so too.”

Photo Credit: Ashley Rich on Unsplash


I loved this story! A lovely tribute indeed and a lovely portrayal of his grandmother. : )

Resident cat here, giving you a stone rose to write about.

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Thank you, @whatisnew -- will post up to the new prompt tonight!

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