Coronavirus Pandemonium: My experience thus far.

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

Shit has been getting pretty crazy recently over the Coronavirus Pandemic here in the US. And, I'm not even talking about the virus itself. We have tons of snake oil scams going on promising cures to the virus, toilet paper has become more rare than platinum, schools, large gatherings like concerts and sporting events are all getting cancelled and banned. Give it a few weeks and I'll even be expecting Christmas to be cancelled this year. Some of the snake oil shit going on has even led to a fair amount of deaths, sadly. 44 people have died due to consuming a toxic alcohol in Iran from a rumor spreading that if you drink it that it'll cure the virus. These are some crazy fucking times, doods.

But, I thought I would share some pictures of what has been going on locally at the stores in my area for all you guys to see. Maybe you can use them to compare with what your stores look like, as it seems this shit is just happening everywhere no matter how big your city is.

As one can see here, you would indeed have an easier time digging up a diamond out of your septic tank than finding any toilet paper in my city. Pretty much every store within about 25 miles of where I live looks like this and the following pictures. I won't be too surprised to see a guy in an armored suit out on the corner soon selling TP for $250 a roll. It'll be like Mad Max, but you know, really stupid and shitty. Literally.

After the TP we noticed all of the cheap cooking oil and grease was cleared out from our store, and I hear the same thing happened at the wally worlds in our neighborhood as well. I'm not exactly sure why the fuck people are stocking up on grease, except for maybe if people just wanna get really greased up for an end of the world orgy or something. Either way, kudo's to you, you fucking filthy grease kings out there.

And, of course we have a classic example of a shit prepper here. You can always expect people to stock up on Ramen during a time of crisis. Because where would we be without shit food that is literally nothing but sodium and carbs. You won't need to worry about Corona-Chan when you're sitting in your bunker dying from a sodium induced heart attack, baby.

Canned veggies was one thing that wasn't entirely cleared out at the time of this picture, which shouldn't surprise me since it's more important to eat toilet paper and ramen as everyone knows. However, after we came back the following day everything was gone and this is another thing that can't be found pretty much anywhere now either. This item at least makes sense to stock up on if you need supplies for a couple of weeks. Can't really shit on the brain dead troglodytes here too much.

Water was pretty much gone on our first trip here, besides the really expensive shit. It was hard to find prices for it as well, because the workers stopped giving a shit due to non stop chaos I would assume, and just started loading it wherever on the shelves. Pretty much all that was left when we got there is stupid expensive Smart Water and that gross Nestle flavored water that has that disgusting artificial sweetener in it and probably the tears of thousands of families that Nestle has destroyed. This was all swooped up by the next day, however, and the shelves are barren in this area as well now. I'm fully expecting all the facebook soccer moms to start demanding to talk to the manager of Coronavirus at this point.

I've considered going to stores every few days and taking pictures to document this shortage, but I'd rather limit my contact with the outside world and just bundle up in my gamer den with my soft cock in hand, watching hentai and telling people how I've fucked their dad on Xbox Live. So, how has your experiences been so far with this pandemic? I'm sure most of you have found a similar thing going on in your area, but I'm curious if there's anyone who hasn't been having an issue finding shit.

Anyways. Stay safe out there, sweet baby boi's. Until next time.



Same thing here in Los Angeles:

The stores get stocked up 2 to 3 times a day, especially in the early mornings, but it keeps getting cleaned out within hours. Even Whole Foods - pejoratively called Whole Paycheck here - was complete out of potatoes, bread and some veggies.

I do NOT understand people buying 100 rolls of TP. You can't eat it. You can't drink it. It's not medicine! Very irrational.

Yeah, they're stocking things in the morning here but it's just flying off the shelves non stop. They're going to be staying closed longer in the mornings to try and get more stock out, but I don't think it's going to make much of a difference.

My guess is that the currency for the end of the world isn't bottlecaps like we all thought, it's actually toilet paper and Ramen noodles.

Ha! Only $TP and $RN accepted. No dollars.

yeah I was definitely expecting to see someone scalping TP in the parking lot

Yeah, I'm fully ready to see someone roll up suited up in body armor to try and sell rolls of TP for $75 a pop. Been seeing articles of that shit popping up randomly throughout the country. Apparently some pussyboi in Tenn bought 18000 bottles of hand sanitizer with the intent to sell them for 20 times the cost. Then got busted on Amazon and Ebay and got banned, and had articles written about him putting him in the limelight. Now all of a sudden he's down to donate them for free, wonder whyyy.

It's the same all across Australia mate. Crazy shit.

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the coming weeks. We just had our first case of the virus in my county tonight. I think I'm gonna see if I have enough spare money to buy 200 rounds for my pistol to have on deck just in case.

If things get bad enough you may need it.

That's what I'm saying, dood. I'd much rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it :)

Agreed. I keep a reserve of ammo at all times...Never know when one may need it. Seems people are more interested in toilet paper though. Lol.

I mean, apparently toilet paper is the currency of the incoming wasteland furure, dood.

Haha...Yep, I don't know who started it, but it's a precious commodity these days. I've seen none in the supermarket here for days.

There's none here either, we got lucky and found some 5 days ago right at the start of this panic buying, so I think we will be good for at least the next 10-12 days. But, I've been trying to find some for my friends and their families and it's just not available. You'd have better luck rubbing a piece of coal on your dick and grinding out a diamond at this point.

yeah looks about the same here in Utah, except all the canned goods were totally wiped out. For a second I thought I was going to have to leave the grocery store without cheese, which really would have been a disaster, but luckily I found the last block of large cheese in the store tossed in the wrong spot. And it was an extra sharp cheddar at that, so I consider crisis averted.

I would say that if it was white sharp cheddar that you'd be a cheese king, but I suppose being the crown prince of cheddar isn't too bad either.

Behold, the 2 year+ white cheddar I walked away with. Not sure if it was other customers tossing stuff in weird places or just the workers not giving fucks atm but I definitely found a lot of stuff crammed in weird places. I also found some 8oz swiss and mozzarella so I snapped them up. Am not kidding you, cheese is absolutely viewed as a necessity in my house. The workers at walmart seemed kinda shell shocked

And, here I am, soft cock in hand with only smoky bacon cheddar cheese and some shredded monterey jack. Seems like a solid score, even if it was because some poor, poor knuckle dragger couldn't appreciate the tastiness of sharp white cheddar.

We don't have any of this in Vietnam. What we do have is increased tensions and people trying to blame someone and of course that is always going to be an outsider, like me. I now wear my magic anti-corona mask in public not because I think it makes any difference at all but because it puts people at ease.

Funny you would make a Mad Max reference because I saved this meme precisely for this sort of encounter.


Just walk away, and we will spare your shitty asshole. Just walk away.

I'm glad things aren't like this in your area, man. We just had our first case in the county announced about an hour or two ago. So, I'm expecting things to get worse here now, probably. Said so in another comment, but I'm gonna see if I have the spare money to get some extra ammo for my handgun I think. Especially since I live in a somewhat bad area in an apartment which is pretty vulnerable to thieves/looters if things were to ever come to that.

i chose a good time to arrive here, that is for sure. They are cutting off everyone at this point. One person from the U.K. "escaped" quarantine and the government response was to deny all UK visas on arrival. It'll be nice when this is all behind us, that's for sure. Then everyone can go back to being economic and political experts instead of medical experts on social media .

Yeah, the insane amounts of misinformation are really,really making my dick soft. My cousin sadly falls into the dumbass category, and made me wanna twist my nipples in anger. Apparently because her 64 year old friend had a coronvirus 4 years ago, it means that Covid 19 can't harm you at all and there's nothing to worry about, everyone will be better in a weeks time and all the shit going on in Italy and China was just overblown.

I mean, it's not like coronavirus is a broad spectrum term for a family of viruses that are totally different. I mean, it's not like SARS isn't in the name of this coronavirus or anything, nah. It's just a flu, bro. It especially was hilarious to watch her talk about it, because several nurses chimed in with counter arguments and her response was basically "Nah, you're wrong. She was 64 and survived it. You don't even knowww."

well the amount of "examples" that people have that I talk to at happy hour has gotten to the point where I just let them say their thing and don't even respond. One person says "my friend (whose name he couldn't recall when prompted) has Corona and he just sniffled for a few days"

Sure he did buddy, sure he did.

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