Eluviation (lyrics)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


original lyrics
with explanation of the term

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These lyrics are a peek at an upcoming collaboration with @rusty-jernigan, beatmaker extraordinaire. I took one of his pieces entitled Eluvium [beat 062] and used it to practice writing some fast raps and ended up with this piece. I had to slow it down several bpm 'cause it's really cookin'! Looking forward to sharing the audio version once I get it recorded and we finish it up. For now, here's the written lines! Anyway, what is eluviation/illuviation? Glad you asked ;)


These are terms in soil science. I have only a very rudimentary understanding of them, gleaned from this YouTube video entitled "AGPR201 16 02 Eluviation," in which Mr. Jerry Kjack (former Soil Science professor at Walla Walla Community College) asserts:

"Two terms associated with this movement [of soil] are the terms "Eluviation," spelled E-L, and "Illuviation," starting with the letters I-L.

Eluviation is where we are leaching or moving materials from an upper region of the soil profile down to a greater depth.

Illuviation is the zone within that profile where these materials are being redeposited.

So if you have eluviation at one portion of the profile you will have illuviation at another region deeper down in the profile.

So we understand that these terms describe the process of this soil movement, but what is the significance of it?

He continues:

These processes will cause differences in color at different depths within the soil profile, and also differences in structure development. They will begin to show us the distinctions between the horizons and sub-horizons in the soil profile.


Photo from pagalguy.com showing soil horizons

So, these terms basically concern motion within soil that contributes to the short and long term formation of subterranean structural units, which are typically "blocky, prismatic, columnar, or even plate-y" as Mr. Kjack goes on to describe.

This basic information was enough to capture my imagination and lead me to write this piece that discusses, metaphorically, becoming the soil that sinks down deeper until we are "home" in the illuvial deposit. Of course, this has to do with grounding and reconnecting with our roots in the natural world, as well.

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Eluviation: soaking into the loam
I'm tryna make it all the way to the illuvial zone, I'm home!
Everybody thinks it's elegant to fly high. Not I!
Wanna sink into the earth down with the minerals.

Now one could say it's anticlimactic
To commingle with the plates below the ground.
Coalescing in a rock block with a slow pop
Hibernating down below deep where the sound stop.

Been around for a while, but only now going columnar—
My formation prismatic's been morphing, jagged edges shift in
Torsion twist, a new impetus, telling you, this foundation is limitless.
I'm centered in bliss, serene, but still
The density of this world seems obscene.
To slow you down, vibration dulled,
The pleasures call, gourmet
That's world renowned.

Before you enrolled in preschool
They strolled into your home cooly, made you a hedonist
With the entertainment that seemed innocuous
They pumped you full of subliminal messages
To make sure you got the gist of the materialist gospel.
Excuse me, didn't mean to make it controversial!
So where were we? Oh yeah!

I just want to be grounded down, melting into the sound
Of the eternal pulsebeat: thriving omnipresent life that
Roars with unbearable heat, magmatic passion
Intense yet chill at the same time.
This is real value—organic, priceless, sublime.
Call me a heretic, but I don't need your flashy products,
Gold painted sawdust. Just need the fresh vegetables and herbs
On the homestead with my herds. Unplugged from the propaganda
And the fear tactics that seek to divide humanity and convince us of lack.
Going back to our roots through the process of

Eluviation: soaking into the loam
I'm tryna make it all the way to the illuvial zone, I'm home!
Everybody thinks it's elegant to fly high. Not I!
Wanna sink into the earth down with the minerals.

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Written by
Soil info by
Jerry Kjack
Image sources:
[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]

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This looks like the refrain

Eluviation: soaking into the loam
I'm tryna make it all the way to the illuvial zone, I'm home!
Everybody thinks it's elegant to fly high. Not I!
Wanna sink into the earth down with the minerals.

This is a beautiful poetry that tends to embody the essence of life, it illuminates the inevitability of death and well it somehow serenades it with suprising acceptance, this is an amazing poetry here body

The best I've read so far this week.

The best here certainly @d-pend

Daniel, it's REALLY powerful.
Ground (soil) is our beginning and it's our end. On this very planet. The end of our body. Not soul for sure.

I like the way you see unusual in usual things around us, making it metaphoric for your poetry. Not standard vision and perceprion of the world.

Sorry so much for off-top, but I have a question or maybe advice.
The thing is my friend wants to take a delegation, but he isn't very successful yet, he is ready to pay a normal price as fasr as I understand the price formation, but nothing(
he needs 10,000 SP for about 270-330 Steem. Is it ok?
You're more experienced in delegation, so maybe you have contacts or friends who can give it and who is interested?

It's his post about it

I am really beginning to appreciate works in progress.
Thank you so much for sharing this @d-pend.
Sometimes I push myself to do more than I can do in one day. I find that it is better to publish part by part for a big piece. Now we see the ground breaking stage at level one. Building art is like building a building you've got to dig deep and spend a lot of time just getting the foundation. I can see this song in the works. Thank you so much for sharing.

I am also impressed at your knowledge of geology and sedimentology. This is going to be a real grass roots effort :)

Looking forward to hearing it. Thanks for keeping us posted.

You are incredible, there is no style of poetry that you do not know. Skromnost is the greatest virtue and you fly on its wings even though you are a genius.

I like his style of writting, very unique

@d-pend, You've nicely compared simple naturalize scientific title using awesome lyrics. I'm jumping to dream for understand deeply your thoughts. Actually Eluviation indeed soil science. Better spelled those words. I'm exactly surprised looking those contents. Also you've nice scenery and future vision.
I'm going to deeply mind sleep find excellent collaboration process. This is a @d-pend styleee. I love much your passion. Its give up much better cool feelings and improve our brain.
Nice to decided you sharing to us. I always follow your poetry style and best knowledge for poetry students.
Stay blessed.

Do you have a book? Are you an author? I'd like to buy it if you do your stuff gets more and more amazing can't wait till you put it to music!

Excellent writing @d-pend. Using meaningful contents, finally made amazing poetry. Nice lyrics here. That's scientific problem you showing to community. Compare basically suitable nature images of Eluviation. Excellent effort and wish you best.

Ahhh!! You made a simple scientific soil arrangement into something so emotional and motivating!!

Nice work 😃


I've always said that if you want, you can find the remnants of forgotten civilizations everywhere : ))

Loved this part:

Eluviation: soaking into the loam
I'm tryna make it all the way to the illuvial zone, I'm home!
Everybody thinks it's elegant to fly high. Not I!
Wanna sink into the earth down with the minerals.

Can't wait to hear the audio of this song @d-pend :)

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