Chaos-face cinema

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Chaos-face cinema

original writing


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The illusion of seeming chaos
A common theme of human art is the seeming chaos of our world. In fact, the concept of entropy is important within modern science as well. The idea of disorder is fascinating because of how engrained it is within the collective perception, in spite of the fact that it is really a misnomer: there is no such thing as disorder, only highly intricate order of a degree inapprehensible to the senses.
It is also interesting because due to the dualistic structure of the intellect, we have a powerful instinct to attempt to derive meaning, order, and harmony from the wildly divergent manifestations of reality which we experience. Such expressions as "makes no sense, has no meaning, does not exist, it's completely random, based on chance, etc." are defensive maneuvers of the mind terrified of facing the stunning depth of the total realness of all facets of the wholeness of the cosmos. They dissolve as totally absurd during surrender to Truth at great depth.

Reading notes

The piece is somewhat based on this conception of nonrandom wholeness, as is much of my writing. Some describe it as stream-of-consciousness writing. Essentially, it is an exercise to allow the subconscious to express itself without too much censorship on the part of the judging portion of the mind. At its worst it becomes insipid psychobabble,
at its greatest–moments of invaluable lucidity and ease. Above all, it is an exercise in acceptance, a practice of comfort within the medium of written language.
To achieve the desired effect, this entire piece is one great, messy stanza. It should reflect the ugly beauty of life on planet Earth. It is attempting to depict the noise and grace of modern culture. It is talking about the thriller of our shared production, projected on the shimmering canvas of our very faces– blank with the eager reception of a small child,
to receive the excitement and entertainment of the physical world, and to multiply it, as skilled actors-in-training on a cosmic scope.

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Chaos-face cinema

An everyday tragedy                           
& the ascension of loss–       
grand loss, staggering wound,
             a portal through cold stars
riding birds with grey string                         
                                                         howling sun
                                        jackals who question spring's eminence
                  stinking crowd
                        junkyard face of gratitude
one and the same                               
yet luminous                
                                                                   electrons follow the script
                                 and disobey scruples of dead gods
rope bridges, gnarled fantasies         
taken to the torch                 
                                             more rubbish
more gratitude                 
                   more loss &
                the freedom of loss
more tragedies                                              
                                                                      more transcension
         More platitudes & sermons
          strange inertia & the excitement of rebels
projected on our faces:                                               
                                 mundane & magic silver screens.

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Written by

Images are
public domain
(edited by @d-pend)

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You are so deep man, way deeper than the ocean 😊

I would like to quote my teacher on this:

Alas, Nature is not our friend. We are alone in a Universe that continually devours and excruciates its own creations. Only self-aware entities such as ourselves are doomed to acknowledge this awful existential Truth. But we are also able to assuage each other’s suffering somewhat by simply staring it fully in the face and not flinching. This is the essence of the Ascetic Existential Ethos.

Peace be with you

What a profound quote @enjoyinglife! I really appreciate your sharing that. Peace be with you as well :-)

@d-pend - Hmmm. An interesting concept - letting your subconscious express, without the censorship. It is often difficult to achieve due to the shackles of 'acceptable norms' on our mind. I am glad to see that you break free.
The poem is a beautiful example of such unrestrained expression. I like the way you express the human faces as blank screens on which the events of the world around are reflected in a chaotic movie.

Especially -

More platitudes & sermons
strange inertia & the excitement of rebels
projected on our faces:
mundane & magic silver screens.

Very well said.

Upvoted full through Steemfollower.



Thanks a lot for reading and taking the time to sift through this stream of consciousness. Glad you enjoyed the closing stanza. I often see the ending as the most important part of the piece. I like that image too - thinking of ourselves as actors, directors, and screenwriters in the film of life - and yet also the very screen on which the drama is projected!

This poem is timely given the awards ceremonies that go on around this year. The silver screen and golden years of television are dying but their icons are immortal idols. Somehow the poem leads me to think of Ray Bradbury and F 451 where everybody was watching the pallor walls not noticing the world was going to end. Thanks for the wake up call to the reality of the illusion of the silver screen.

See, that shows how out of the loop I am, wasn't even aware of the awards being held, lol. That's a very interesting association, and yes it is quite wild to see how despite the major conflicts (and major unifications!) that are going on in the "real world," so many live in a world of unreality and entertainment. There is something majorly enticing about escaping into these fantasies (I have mainly experienced this through video games) but they can also be a sinister form of subtle hypnosis.

I allow myself a brain washing poetry writing from time to time, it is refreshing and that kind of a chaos takes a lots of pressure off in the creative way.
I don't think that our nature or life can be summed up under the 'ugly beauty of life on planet Earth', for me personally, it's the status of our mind that creates variation of the beauty towards that dissonance of the pain and misery we all have to transgress either into or transcend above it.

You are right that outside of perception, nothing can be said to be other than that which it is, without any sort of categorization such as "ugly" or "beautiful." It is merely the original wholeness of reality that gets limited by the confines of the energetic capacity of our nervous system. As you mentioned, we can also increase this by our intention and daily practice to transcend those limits, to the best of our ability. Thanks for the insightful comment @aschatria :)

Great stuff. The aesthetic is wonderful. In its intricacies and randomness it brought up a feeling a clarity, much like your prior description of nonrandom wholeness. It is almost like an ever rotating Escher staircase that allows for many entrances and exits. I could read different lines at different times and get different meaning. There is so much meaning here you could pick at it at random. Great work.

I'm happy it has that type of depth for you @kingofnod! Thanks for this insightful paragraph of yours. Love the image of the Escher staircase. Please feel free to visit my blog any time and add any impressions you get; constructive criticism is welcome too. Appreciate you taking the time to read my stuff!

No. Thank you. It's a pleasure, your style and themes are disparate. It's nice to come across range skill in steemian poets. I also write poetry if you care to check it out.

As soon as I read this piece I noticed parts that seemed to connect almost like a poem within a poem:

An everyday tragedy
jackals who question spring's eminence
and disobey scruples of dead gods
taken to the torch
projected on our faces

When I see you pop up on Steemit, I like to take a look at what you're creating anew. Excellent work.

Very fascinating that that jumped out at you! I appreciate you telling me that. Thanks for all your support @evernoticethat!

This time I want to congratulate you the new year,
I wish you beautiful moments and even more perfect poetry.

Very true we are blind to the things above and below our sensors, I believe this is where the stings hide. Resteeming Keep up the great work!

I appreciate you sharing this. It takes courage to put yourself out there with original material.

Happy New Year!

I appreciate your appreciation @jgvinstl :-D
It definitely makes me feel pretty vulnerable to share these, at times.
But I'm very lucky to receive kind responses, mostly. Even though Steemit isn't perfect, I feel more safe to post here than on Facebook where there are lots of trolls and meanspiritedness. I also really like when people give constructive criticism. It helps a lot. Thanks for the New Year's wishes, same to you, and you are welcome on my blog any time :-)

When you get into conscious writing a lot of stuff comes out extravagantly in its original form. Every part of life is put through censorship these days, if only we could have the liberty of expressing our true selves. Beautiful poem

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