If Superheroes Were Real: Batman by Cupid Zero (Part 2)

in #writing7 years ago

If Superheroes Were Real: Batman by Cupid Zero (Part 2)

This is part of the open writing project
If Superheroes Were Real
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See Part 1 of If Superheroes Were Real: Batman by Cupid Zero (Part 1) here

The 2000s

Understanding that the battle space is rapidly transforming and the battle against street crime is hopeless without addressing the root cause, Batman turns his considerable mental prowess to the digital battle space, becoming a master hacker and

infiltrating and monitoring both private and government networks. For the first time, Batman brings in help by recruiting a young and flexible hacker named Dick Grayson whose circus performer parents died in a tragic "accident". Going by the hacker nom de plume 'Robin', he graduates into big league hacking and surveillance under Batman's tutelage.

At Robin's suggestion, Batman initiates discrete funding efforts to coordinate a decentralized Anonymous hacker collective to aid in gathering information worldwide about what he suspects is a centuries-old entrenched global crime syndicate. Robin starts actively participating in the development of onion routing to support the preservation of anonymity and to maintain the bat caves surveillance capabilities.

Batman and Robin begin delivering smoking-gun evidence to the press about links between government and crime syndicates but it is almost never published, awaking Batman to the reality of the controlled main stream Mockingbird media. His few physical crime fighting efforts encounter increasingly violent resistance by the crime families and what has become dogged pursuit by government agencies. After a few outings with Batman, Robin decides (surprisingly) that he isn't really all that interested in getting shot or stabbed and volunteers to spend more time in the Bat Cave hacking the world's nefarious elite controllers. This effort to release information to the public through the news media finally gets the attention of the kingpin of the Gotham crime families, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, aka Penguin.

Ensconced in the his luxury Iceberg Lounge, out of which he runs drugs, guns and the sex trade of Gotham through numerous crime families, Penguin puts out a multimillion dollar contract on Batman and provides free guns to any willing to take them. The rare random appearances Batman puts in to stop petty crime soon become orchestrated to draw him out. A tsunami of burglaries, muggings, arson, vandalism and other unsavory acts washes over Gotham and Batman finds himself being shot at by random thugs, deadbeats and gangbangers while trying to help innocent people. The heat is too much, and after a few narrow escapes, Batman realizes he has to go after Cobblepot himself to make certain the bounty is withdrawn.

Bringing Robin with him, Batman launches a rapid direct assault on the Iceberg Lounge with numerous drone mounted non-lethal weapon systems. Penguin retreats to his panic room as his henchman are incapacitated one by one, leaving Batman and Robin staring at an impregnable door as law enforcement closes in. Communicating through the intercom, Batman informs the Penguin if he doesn't withdraw the bounty, all of his bank accounts will be emptied, even those overseas. The dynamic duo leave a smorgasbord of evidence for the police to find upon their arrival, detailing his many crimes against the city. Penguin mocks them as they flee the lounge, but ends up in police custody. Penguin's immense wealth and connections however sees him back on the streets inside of a month. In a carefully orchestrated negotiation, Penguin agrees to withdraw the bounty on Batman's life in exchange for a temporary truce and his promise not to touch his overseas retirement accounts. Frustrated but resigned, Batman is forced to agree.

Enraged by the corruption in the system that let Penguin walk free, as Bruce Wayne, Batman starts funding law-and-order movements in the sociopolitical sphere, arousing the attention of the globalist oligarchs. He begins to be courted and wooed by special interests who consider Bruce Wayne a useful idiot and want to use his money, fame and influence to promote their globalist agenda.

Awareness of false flag events, long suspected, breeches Batman's unwillingness to believe that countries around the world attack their own populations in order to increase their level of control over their own populations. His Anonymous hacktivist collective provides him with documentation that proves beyond any doubt that numerous terror organizations around the world are funded by the governments ostensibly fighting them and he comes to understand that many of his fellow billionaires are engaged in controlled opposition, movements, the toppling of democratically elected governments by funding NGOs, purchasing politicians and propagandizing media outlets via controlled government middle men and the revolving door.

These corporate and old-wealth oligarchs attempt to initiate Bruce Wayne into their secret societies in the hopes of getting him to stop funding political movements that run counter to their interests. As Bruce Wayne, Batman embarks on a dangerous double-agent mission and infiltrates a number of the globalist organizations and lower-order secret societies, populated primarily by the public faces of the globalists in the form of celebrities, media personalities and mid-level politicians.

Wayne's wealth and seemingly naive playboy apathy for the common man gets him invited to a single Bilderberg meeting in the mid 2000s in which the restructuring of the Middle East is being plotted and the next destabilization and order-out-of-chaos zones and social engineering movements are being planned. There his insight into the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. His compliance with and acceptance of the plan, combined with generous donations from his private coffers, targets him for induction into the higher-order secret societies. As Batman soon finds out, induction into such secret societies is frequently accompanied by guarantees of leverage.

When the cronies of the globalist attempt to create blackmail material on Bruce Wayne by sending underage sex slaves posing as prostitutes to his hotel room that is wired with surveillance cameras, he fakes a heart attack that is followed by a faux nervous breakdown some days later. He uses this as an excuse to withdraw from the elite circles, understanding that any further progression into the secret societies is impossible without compromising his morality.

This withdrawal from their circles of control makes Bruce Wayne a persona non grata among the global power brokers, but does not engender an assassination attempt. It does however result in a hostile takeover bid of Wayne Enterprises, which is only barely staved off, causing the company to lose considerable resources and market share. The billionaire playboy becomes a local power more in name than in influence, outside of Gotham City he is all but shunned on the national and global stage. This coincides with Batman slowly and cautiously renewing his efforts on the streets of Gotham City and seeking to root out the local globalist round tables and their crony crime families.

Ever on the cutting edge of technological advancement, Batman and Robin begin mining Bitcoin in the Bat Cave in February of

2009. Both of them recognizes blockchain technology's potential to and dethrone the private criminal global bankster cartel and they begin spreading word of the technology in tech forums and the Anonymous network. As the cryptocurrencies develop, so too does the dark net and the knowledge seeded by Batman and Robin leads to a radical fracturing and expansion of the Anonymous hacktivist collective. This expansion and Robin's need for more company than Alfred and the ever-absent Batman leads Robin to establish a connection with a young woman who has been hunting for Batman by spooking known hot spots in the hopes of helping the cause: Barbara Gordon.

Stay tuned for the next episode of If Superheroes Were Real: Batman by Cupid Zero Part 3 in which we will find out what happens with Batman in the 2010s.

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero

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wow, I appreciate your complex post man!

Thanks for the positive feedback. Check out If Superheroes Were Real if you are interested. Trying to get it rolling!

Thanks, I've been working on this idea for a while and appreciate your comment. If you know anyone who might be interested in participating, just drop them a line and send them the link to the guidelines as above.

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