A New Year, a new way! (A.N.Y.)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Are you one of the many people who believes that 2016 sucked? My Facebook feed is saturated with memes stating that 2017 can’t come fast enough. It's easy to see why with all the unrest in our society: people are dying from police brutality and police themselves are getting killed, the controversial pizzagate unfolding, the news media being biased and untrustworthy, hard economic times, the crazy election with Trump winning and Obama acting unusual lately. We lost some bright stars this year: Muhammad Ali, Prince, David Bowie and the latest Carrie Fisher, to name a few. Not to mention the personal events that happened in your life. So the question is, can 2017 be better than last year and if so, how?

With this paradigm shift the perfect opportunity for the world to change is available. Change is rarely the byproduct of people feeling comfortable and safe. Many people review the last year and hope to solve some things with a new year's resolution. It's a great start, but unfortunately most don't set clear goals and intentions or stick with them long enough. I am excited because with this unrest, people ask questions and hopefully are open to entertaining and possibly hearing new answers. We cannot change the problems of our world with the thoughts that created them. I believe we are on the brink of the most exciting time in history for there is a shift coming in global self awareness and empowerment.

We at the Common Guru want to be part of this solution and paradigm shift and believe in order to do that we must get to know who we really are. Our lives are a direct reflection of our current thought and belief profile but few of us actually question what that entails. We go through life reacting to this profile without actually understanding what is controlling our lives. When I was listening to the audio book “The Law of Success” they included a questionnaire from the updated version of the book called “Think and Grow Rich”. It is one of the most comprehensive questionnaires I have read and it got me thinking as to how this could serve us all. How about collectively getting to know who we truly are so we can personally make a resolution that can be kept? Together we can better understand our motives and the stumbling blocks that have kept us small and unsuccessful. Each day I will post a question and I myself will openly and honestly post my response. I encourage you all to do the same. The author, Napoleon Hill, claims that by the end of the questionnaires you will know yourself better than most people ever come to know themselves. My plan is to use the information I learn about myself as a springboard to achieve what I want in life by seeing who I truly am. That knowledge, despite being from a vulnerable place, holds the secrets to what beliefs are at work in my life.

Come join me in this journey of discovery. There are a total of 55 questions and require less that five minutes of your day to ponder each question. It is said it takes 28 days to form a new habit and by the end of these questions you will have hopefully developed the new habit of getting to know yourself better. Self discovering and examination is an excellent habit to have. You can get the most out of this experience by setting the intention that your life show you the truth about these questions. The answers may not always be pleasant but I believe you will be a different person at the end because the truth will set you free. Imagine what you can do with that freedom.

Here is the first question:

  1. Do you often complain of feeling bad, if so why?

I will take some time to reflect on this question and post my response tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing your answers.

Happy New Year and cheers to an awesome 2017!

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Happy new year...^^

Happiest of New Year wishes to you :)

I try most days to keep the outward dialogue of complaining to a minimum, but I will honestly admit I complain an alarming amount internally. There are three surface reasons I feel bad, pregnancy has brought its own amount of issues to my body, and then there is the pre existing physical pain that has haunted me for years, and finally emotional habbits of constantly thinking about the pain, which in turn manifests and creates more pain 😯 So here I sit, in more pain, feeling even more terrible...and I have to ask myself WHY!
Going into the pregnancy I felt great, I could see a healthy, strong and fit me on the other side. I was filled with optimisom that once my baby was here the extra 35 pounds would finally be released and leave my body, but here we are 6 months later and I'm 10 pounds heavier than when I started and in an alarming amount more physical pain than usual. How could this be ? I have good eating habbits, I had GREAT feelings about that strong healthy body, and I even envisioned what I would look like. So how come I'm currently not living my manifestations....
Well folks .... FEAR. That 4 letter word that hunts us all in varying degrees.
As much as I had the best of intentions, had the visualizations down pat, the undertone to my deep seeded thoughts, you know the ones the universe is actually listening to, those were riddled in fear.
Fear of starting, or of starting and then loosing hope or motivation, or of what reactions I would encounter from the world as I changed. I actually busted myself saying out loud to a friend of mine , I don't want you start going to the gym because I can't afford it, and if I get going I don't want to loose momentum.
WHAT! shakes my head so do nothing and nothing will change and then I can keep crying. Maybe I just truly like to complain ? Lol
Anyways the great Alexander pope once said "to err is human" and at the end of the day this is part of the human experience I chose.
So now here is sit on the first day of 2017, acknowledging my fear and opening my eyes to all the different areas of my life it has greatly affected. It's it funny how an emotion can engulf you, your body and turn into physical pain. Now this is only the tip of the ice berg my friends, I've only covered my physical pain. But this is the most prevalent out of varying reasons I feel bad.
So here's to a whole new year and new day and going deeper.

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