A.N.Y. Questions... The Boogeyman has never left (Question #17)

in #writing8 years ago

Question #17: Do you avoid your troubles by being busy?

A NEW YEAR (A.N.Y.), a new way question series:

On January first, I posted our first article in this series explaining a new way to approach New Year's resolutions. Each day we will explore a different question that challenges us to understand ourselves better. The format will be as follows: I will post the previous day's question with my answer followed by the next day's question for contemplation.

Here is my answer:

Sorry... too busy to talk

By far the most crippling paradigm we have been brainwashed to believe is that by keeping ourselves busy we somehow contribute to our problems solving themselves. We can attempt to work on our problems with countless approaches or avoid the problem all together and the result is the same; marginal if any improvement. Why is that? The answer lies in our thinking; trying to change your current situation, with the thinking that created it, is an exercise in futility. It’s much like a hamster running on a wheel in its cage; massive energy expended but you get nowhere. So what is the answer? Many have tried various forms of relaxation such as breathing techniques, meditation, martial arts, even drugs and alcohol yet there is little inner peace. Why is that? It’s the incessant dancing around the issues and not dealing with the problem at hand; our emotional component to our belief profile.

Our personal boogeyman

Do you remember how afraid we were of the men under the bed or in the closet? I made sure that no parts of my body came close to the edge of my bed when I was sleeping. Light or no light, the fear stayed. Many of us no longer respond to the dark like when we were children but we still all have our own personal boogeyman. Now, the fear is focused on the events of our past. Some of us have experienced horrific events and the mere thought of thinking about them petrifies us. But what petrifies us exactly? Is it the event itself or is it the heinous thoughts that we associate with the event?

Take a look at what thoughts we try to convince ourselves of:

I’m unwanted
I’m unloved
I’m powerless
I’m useless
I’m ugly
I’m nobody
I’m worthless
I’m alone.

All lies. Somebody has brainwashed you into thinking that these are your truth. They are not. Just because these are the thoughts you have associated with the event doesn’t make them real or true; they are just beliefs you have accepted about yourself. Yes, accepted. These toxic beliefs are what you don’t want to look at and spend so much energy either trying to prove wrong or destroy yourself because you think they are right.


What was your reaction to the above picture? Did you laugh? Were you offended? or Puzzled? There are a few reasons why I picked that picture and yes, shock value, was one of them. I would like you to look at the picture from a different perspective. Despite the possible phallic reference that the bananas have, what do you notice about them? See their faces? They are so frustrated with being confined in their skins that they rebel against whatever is keeping them confined and let it all hang out. Have you ever felt like that... confined by your pain or problems that you could just explode? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to be free of that and let your vulnerable side show? That's what I see in the picture... freedom to expose your inner self without fear. The only way to do that is to address those toxic false beliefs you hold in your mind. Those and those alone are what confines you and keeps you captive. Here's to your freedom!

Did this response resonate with you? I would love to hear your take on the question and how it impacted you. Please post your thoughts below.

Tomorrow's question: Do you let other people do your thinking for you?

Response posted tomorrow.

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