A.N.Y. Questions.... Not Breaking just Entering; The Drunk Intruder (Question #24)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Do you have a way to shield yourself from the negative effects of others?

My boys and I were at a friend's place and I was concerned with how late it was getting. I finally got the boy's rounded up and ready to leave when my friend's brother stopped me to chat. Inside my head I was going "blah blah blah" I've got to get home. I learned a long time ago that these little unexpected delays always worked in my favor but that night I really just wanted to get home. I was getting antsy but luckily I was only 45 minutes off of my projected departure time.

The 'hood

Forest Lawn, the neighbourhood that I lived in, was well known as the bad area of town. People heard horrendous stories on the news and made a decided choice to stay out of there. I lived in a trailer park right next door to a crack-cocaine house. I used to joke with people that the up-side of Forest Lawn was the rapid response time of the police department because there were SO many cops in that neighbourhood. We had prostitutes that paraded right behind the trailer but they were not even close to auditioning as extras in the movie Pretty Woman; These women looked like they were rode hard and put away wet. Some were in such rough shape and completely delirious at times. When my young boys asked what they were doing out there I simply said they were waiting for a ride. Keep it simple. The light posts up and down the street had yellow needle boxes on them to make it safe and convenient for the drug users. My boys and I lived there for nearly 10 years.

About that time I was introduced to the Law of Attraction with the book called The Secret. Many of you might have been terrified to live under those circumstances and environment but we weren't; my boys even walked to school by themselves everyday. I firmly believed in the power of our thoughts and that fear caused incidents to happen. It's like the outside world can "sniff" your fear and are drawn to it; like sharks circling in the water. No blood and the sharks can't find you. I rationalized that if anything "negative" appeared in my life it was meant to happen. I didn't realize then that this was the foundation of my understanding of how we create our reality with our thoughts.

Save the Door

Our run-down trailer was built with a huge unsecured window right off the deck and it was positioned right near the front door; you could hop into the trailer very easily from the deck. The front door was also switched around so that the screws to secure the glass were on the outside of the building. Basically if anyone wanted to come into our trailer they could and a lock would be useless. In fact we lived in that house with the door unlocked the majority of the time. I only locked it when I felt "impressed" by my intuition to lock it; it would then promptly be unlocked the next day. I always told people it saved the door and I truly believed that.

Mommy, who is that man?

That night when we came home there were a total of five people: my boys, my friend, another mutual friend and myself. As I was putting my youngest to bed he asked me, "Who is the gentleman in the living room mommy?". I honestly didn't notice anyone when I came in. I dismissed the question with a gentle response that it must be a friend of their step-dad named Laval. My son replied, "Mommy, I don't think it's Laval".

I tucked them into bed and cautiously went out to the front of the trailer. I noticed that the fridge was open and a bag was on the floor in the living room. On the couch, in a seated position, was a giant of a man (Native American or First Nations) passed out sleeping. I had NO idea who he was. I quickly motioned my friends to stand in the hallway between the intruder and my children asI stepped just outside the door and called 911; I didn't want my voice to wake him.


The 911 operator asked me the general questions until she asked me if I tried to wake him. I flatly refused and told them that was their job and that they needed to get to the house to do exactly that. She commented on how calm I was and I told her that panic was the last thing we needed right now; it would only make things worse. Before I got off the phone the police were there; told you we received fast service in my neighbourhood. The policemen woke up the gentleman and escorted him out to the car. They found on his possession a few knifes and wallets that belonged to other people. The policeman wanted to know if I wanted to charge him with breaking and entering and I laughed and said no. He looked perplexed and then I told him my door was unlocked. He started to cite me the reasoning behind my locking the door when I interrupted him and told him that it probably saved the door. He took an inventory of what I meant, agreed and they left.

Pennies Saved

After we went and surveyed the living room I noticed something strange. My boys had put their savings in a glass canning jar on the dishwasher which was in plain sight from the front door; there was close to $200 in it. He apparently walked right by it for it was untouched and unmoved. En route to the living room he also passed by a big jar full of pennies. There was close to $45 in there and that was also untouched. This gentleman bee-lined straight to fridge and the only thing he grabbed was the bag; It was full of CAULIFLOWER. Yes you read that right. I don't know if cauliflower had the same effects as kryptonite does to Superman but with one touch he was OUT.

So do you think I could have avoided that incident with a locked door or a security system? That somehow those precautions would protect me? I believed then and now our thoughts protect us. Ask my hubby for he has gently tried to persuade me to take different precautionary methods and failed. So looking back I was very thankful for the 45 minute delay in my self-imposed schedule. That gave us enough time to be brought into a potentially dangerous situation and leave it completely unscathed. This was not the only strange incident that happened while we lived in that magical trailer; I have many awesome stories to tell. More to come.

Did this response resonate with you? I would love to hear your take on the question and how it impacted you. Please post your thoughts below.

On January first, I posted our first article in this series explaining a new way to approach New Year's resolutions. Each day we will explore a different question that challenges us to understand ourselves better. The format will be as follows: I will post the previous day's question with my answer followed by the next day's question for contemplation.

Tomorrow's question: Do you actively attempt to keep your mind positive?

Response posted tomorrow.

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