A.N.Y. Questions... Manifestation... you SUCK! (Question 13)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Question #13: Are you sometimes elated and sometimes depressed?

A NEW YEAR (A.N.Y.), a new way question series:

On January first, I posted our first article in this series explaining a new way to approach New Year's resolutions. Each day we will explore a different question that challenges us to understand ourselves better. The format will be as follows: I will post the previous day's question with my answer followed by the next day's question for contemplation.

Here is my answer:

The tale of the ugly piano

Focus Pocus

Manifestation really perplexes me. Dream of something you want and there is a myriad of emotions that flood through you. It starts with the feeling of apprehension until the dream becomes believable. That’s when the magic happens and you soar on the wings of possibility. That’s what I felt when the wish of having my own piano became possible. As a child I was a closet accordionist yet I longed to have my own piano. When I did any dream building there was always a piano in the picture but it was a farfetched acquisition. The trouble was that my life did not have room, physically or emotionally, for one. My transient lifestyle and the inability to purchase my own place were a few of the contributors but not the main one. The reason I didn’t have a piano was simply because I didn’t believe I would ever have one.


Did you know that the word, abracadabra, in magician’s terms means “make something happen”? With a little magic combined with some fierce internal work on my part, my life was transformed. I became happily married and purchased a home built in 1908 with as many quirks and character as the owners. It was only then my dream of owning a piano became a reality. I started to visualize hearing piano music in our house. While perusing the online classifieds on Craigslist I came across a few listings for free pianos. WHAT? I immediately thought this manifestation stuff really works!! I was ecstatic and promptly shared my findings with my practical hubby. The only buzz kill technicality he could counter with was that we couldn’t afford piano movers. Temporarily defeated, I then remembered my two mammoth boys were coming down for the holidays and could help me move it. VICTORY!! As sugarplum fairies danced in my head, I started to feel the elation that comes with the possibility of your dream being realized.

Slight of hand

My boys arrived and so did the flu; four out of the five of us were hit HARD. Any dreams of a piano were temporarily squashed for no one had the energy to even think about it never mind move one. As with free stuff, many of the pianos I had my eye on were snatched up. There was one that I truly loved and it was a dark stained high back one with an embroidered bench. This is where the dream slowly became a nightmare. I was starting to feel desperate for my boys were leaving in a couple days and still no piano. I finally heard back from one of the contacts and we set the date for pickup. With all the contacts flying around, I had in my mind that the piano I was picking up was a low back one stained in a much lighter color. We arranged for the truck and the four of us headed out to make my dream come true. When we got to the house, there it stood, the original piano that I had wanted! I don't know what had happened but I was elated and flabbergasted at the same time.

Magic trick gone bad

Love is blind but so is joy. After much sweat and deliberation we maneuvered that monstrous piano into the house. I finally got a look at it and what stood before me was the sorriest piano I had ever seen. There were multiple water stains where someone set their glasses down with disregard for the wood. The keys were in the poorest shape with over 50% of the ivory missing. I was devastated; I kept going over what happened and surmised that this manifestation thing must be broken. How could my dream backfire SO badly?

Back to the Drawing Board.

Two things came to mind when I took an honest look at what happened. First, I didn’t define the piano of my dreams in my mind or with pictures. That set me up for failure for I didn’t have a clear picture of what I wanted. I had such a small dream that all I cared about was getting a piano and that’s what I got. Second, my lack of faith in my dream produced impatience and fear so I jumped on the slightest indication of my dream being realized. If I would have had more faith in my dream then I would have been patient. This patience would have given me the luxury of selection that way I could ensure I got the exact piano I wanted. So, now I have this monstrosity of an object lesson sitting in my house to remind me of the consequences of fear and not defining my dream. So back to the drawing board with this manifestation thing. Someday I will get it right so I thank you my ugly piano, you’ll do... for now.

Did this response resonate with you? I would love to hear your take on the question and how it impacted you. Please post your thoughts below.

Tomorrow's question: Who is the most inspiring person you know??

Response posted tomorrow.

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