A.N.Y. Questions... I have one nerve left and you're ON it! (Question #19)

in #writing8 years ago

Question #19 Are you annoyed by petty disturbances?

A NEW YEAR (A.N.Y.), a new way question series:

On January first, I posted our first article in this series explaining a new way to approach New Year's resolutions. Each day we will explore a different question that challenges us to understand ourselves better. The format will be as follows: I will post the previous day's question with my answer followed by the next day's question for contemplation.

Here is my answer:

Good Ol’ Road Rage

Road Rage. The sweetest person can turn into a complete demon when put behind the steering wheel of a car. I don’t how pushing down on that right pedal and gripping that wheel transforms a person but it’s almost instantaneous. I have been with someone in the middle of a calm conversation only to have him spontaneously jerk his head and lean over so he can shout at the person in the next car saying, “What the hell are you looking at?” If there was one nerve left in your body, driving a car will definitely get on it.

Slower than Molasses

Nothing made my blood boil faster than when people took their sweet ass time driving. I heard myself say many a time, “Today’s not Sunday people, get a move on”. I would sit there just fuming because I always seemed to get behind slow pokes. Even had the pleasure of having two one day; one slow poke trying to pass an even slower slow poke. I would just exclaim, GREAT! Just GREAT! It was incredibly frustrating until I realized what was really bothering me; the fear of being late. Then the big question… why am I always late? I had to admit I was late because I didn’t manage my time properly. I was late because I procrastinated too much or bit off more than I could chew. Bottom line: I need to set myself up for success by managing my time better.


Nothing incites pure road rage in its full glory than when someone drives recklessly down the highway. When that happens usually there is a perceived wrong doing; It’s either they’re show offs or rude/ignorant. The fast ones are just driving to die or hurt someone else. It’s interesting being on the other side of this situation; I was one of those women who drove possessed. Now I never drove where it was honk-worthy, I just enjoyed driving fast. One time I was with a group of friends and we found out the event we were going to was actually an hour earlier. We had 15 minutes to get there. There were 3 men and two women; four of us new each other well and there was one who was just an acquaintance. The acquaintance asked who was gonna drive for it was a rental and the other three people pointed at me. We FLEW there! When we got out of the car, the acquaintance said to our group, “That girl can drive”. It was awesome for I knew what the car could do and we did it. Looking back now I see that I’m possibly the bozo that other drivers exploded over. Oops lol.

Driving Miss Daisy

Did I see the light and error of my ways? Ummm... Not necessarily. For the source of my transformation into a granny driver was a letter from my insurance company; keep speeding and lose my insurance coverage. That was the beginning. Next I sold my VW Jetta TDI 5 speed wagon and got a PT Cruiser. Yep you read that right! So now I wouldn’t even dare to drive my cruiser like that; the car couldn’t handle it. The funny thing is that I don’t miss driving fast as much as I thought I would. I still get the itch sometimes but I honestly don’t know if I need to. Guess when the time comes to pick my next car I will see what exactly I need the car to do; I’m interested in the results.

Did this response resonate with you? I would love to hear your take on the question and how it impacted you. Please post your thoughts below.

Tomorrow's question: Do you resort to liquor, drugs or cigarettes to calm you down?

Response posted tomorrow.

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