A.N.Y. Questions... Awwww Shad-dup Monty! (Question #22)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Do you have an aim in life and a plan for achieving it?

A NEW YEAR (A.N.Y.), a new way question series:

I felt like I was on a gameshow like Let's Make a Deal where I stand before four doors that. Each door holds my dreams fulfilled in four different ways; All I have to do is pick a door... any door. The whole problem was that I couldn't pick one because none of them felt right. That was exactly how I felt about finding my passion; I couldn't pick one and feel 100% that it was for me. I met a intuitive tarot reader who gave me a new perspective with his reading.

Passion - Shmassion

aim?? Plan?? ACHIEVE?? These three words, all together, plagued me my entire life. I badly wanted to achieve success in something but I couldn’t find anything to get passionate about. At how many of those motivational speeches have you heard the words passion associated with success? Their words kept ringing in my ears: “Find what you’re passionate about and that can open the door for success”. I just wanted something to believe in wholeheartedly AND had the abilities to do it. Many opportunities came and went where I had the ability but couldn’t believe in 100%. Here is the top “almost” that really had me thinking if I was to take that path:


When I think of a woman that inspires me it’s the founder of Biddy Tarot She is living the EXACT lifestyle and success that I want; money becomes about enriching the world and that creating the lifestyle you want. That visual picture matched with my life changing tarot reading made tarot reading the main contender.

When I heard that there were tarot readings at the self-help workshop I attending, I became very excited. As soon as I could, I got in line to sign up so that I didn’t miss out. I was relieved when I found out my appointment was made for Tuesday; today was Sunday; so only two days away. Finally the day arrived and all I could think of was my tarot reading that afternoon. When the time came, I sat down and looked in the gentle eyes of my tarot reader. He proceeded to tell me that he was just starting out and hoped that I would be patient with him. In response to the peace I felt, I agreed and we began. When we came to the card he called “work”, he turned over the 5 of pentacles. He asked me if there was any resonance with the card? I couldn’t answer for I felt like I got kicked in the gut. I knew who those two people were and I felt an incredible fear take over me. He looked at me and could see that I was struggling over what I had seen. To face those two demanded that I look at two areas of my life that I completely avoided: feeling rejected and became lost by compromising myself. He sympathized with me on how hard facing those feelings would be but assured me by emphasizing the cards full of divine protection. I would not be alone. I made the decision to change and my life started to shift in miraculous ways.

That experience with tarot was so life-changing it inspired me to believe in the possibility of it being my passion. When we bought our house, I even called my personal study the “tarot-room”. I took some courses yet the more I studied the less passion I felt; something was missing. When I mentally placed myself before a client I felt like a phony. How could I share my relationship with the cards when I didn’t pull tarot cards as part of my personal practice? I saw that as a sign that this wasn’t the direction I was supposed to go. I then put my tarot materials in a special accessible place and closed the door on that modality.

Passion... Fruit

This was a painful place to be for I felt lost. I couldn’t find a passion nevermind something to do with it. My friend introduced me to Kevin Trudeau’s Your Wish is Your Command and what he said made sense. I finally heard what I needed to hear to believe that I could change my reality. As I slowly applied the principles, the essence of the Common Guru was born; I became passionate.

My definite chief aim is to change the world one belief at a time.

My plan for achieving it is through the Common Guru by encouraging personal accountability and belief profile re-mastery.
We are presently writing articles and recording Youtube videos. We are excited to see what's at the end of this question series but to paraphrase Mr. Trudeau, “You get as far as you can see and then you will see further”. Can't WAIT!

Did this response resonate with you? I would love to hear your take on the question and how it impacted you. Please post your thoughts below.

On January first, I posted our first article in this series explaining a new way to approach New Year's resolutions. Each day we will explore a different question that challenges us to understand ourselves better. The format will be as follows: I will post the previous day's question with my answer followed by the next day's question for contemplation.

Tomorrow's question: Do you suffer from any of the 6 basic fears?

Response posted tomorrow.

Who is the Common Guru? Here is our introductory article
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