Reminder: SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE Open Call on 14th February

in #writing7 years ago

In case you missed it, the #SteemPulp crew's first open call, SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE, opens on 14th February. A Steemit-exclusive event, SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE aims to champion pulp-style stories and identify promising talent on Steemit.

The theme for SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE is love and chivalry. No genre restrictions, but we want pulp-style stories -- fun, action-packed stories that place entertaining the reader first.

To participate, publish your story on 14th February in your local time zone and tag it with 'swordsofstvalentine'. If you're planning to write a serial, you must complete the story by the end of the month. There is no minimum word limit, but there is a hard limit of 15,000 words.

All authors who participate will receive compensation through Steemit payouts. Everyone who participates in this event will stand a chance to earn fair compensation for their time and energy invested in the story, and there is great incentive to publicise their stories far and wide. Authors of the best stories will be invited to submit their stories to the SteemPulp crew for inclusion in an anthology.

The selection criteria is two fold: fit to theme and aesthetic, followed by number of upvotes. Authors who pay for bot upvoting and resteeming services or use sock puppet accounts to upvote their own stories will be disqualified. There will not be a penalty for using the platform's native post promotion service, and writers who are discovered by content curators will receive extra credit. Total payouts will not be considered as part of the selection critiera; an upvote from a whale carries the same weight as a minnow.

To summarise, here are the requirements for SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE:

Theme: Love and chivalry. Story must fit the pulp aesthetic.
Word count: No minimum. Hard limit of 15,000 words.
Event opening date: 14 February 2018. Publish your story, or the first part of a serialised story, on this date.
Event completion date: 28 February 2018. Serialised stories must be completed by then.
Selection criteria: Fit to theme and aesthetic, and number of upvotes.
Disqualification criteria: Use of paid upvoting and resteem bot services, and use of sock puppets. Use of Steemit's native promotion service is allowed.
Extra credit: Discovery by content creators.
Compensation: Payouts on Steemit.

Selection and slush reading shall be performed by the SteemPulp Council -- members of the SteemPulp crew who have pledged to participate in the event. Even now, @everhart, @noughtshayde, @t2tang, @jimfear138, @notjohndaker and @jd-alden are punching away at their keyboards, composing the finest fiction yet to be seen on Steemit.

I, Herald of the PulpRev and Warboss of Steemit, will also publish a story for this event. There will be fearless xiake wielding sword and gun, rampaging man-eating beasts, superpowered cultivators and martial valour. It shall be a tale where East and West collide and combine into a shining alloy of undiluted awesomeness.

SteemPulp is here to take Steemit by storm. Join us, and we will Make Fiction Great Again.


Cheah Git San Red.jpg

Cover image credit: Saint Valentine on stained glass, royalty-free stock photo on Dreamstime.

To get a taste of the kind of stories we're looking for, check out our PulpRev Sampler here.


Good things will come from this -- I know it.

We'll take Steemit by storm. And this is just the beginning.

Are you participating? Good luck!


I, Herald of the PulpRev and Warboss of Steemit, will also publish a story for this event.

I'm not just participating either. I'm driving publicity, monitoring the event, handling slush reading, and all the other chores needed to get SWORDS OF SAINT VALENTINE off the ground.

btw @cheah, I noticed your voting power is always at 100%. You want to consider helping out the #teamsingapore members by up voting their posts regularly? No point wasting the sp, can earn curation reward at the same time.
If you not much time, can consider to use steemauto curation trail and follow my sub account @klw. This account will ONLY upvote #teamsingapore posts. Purely to help out our new community.

I prefer to upvote manually, but thanks.

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