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RE: No.

in #writing6 years ago

There are many problems with many of these questions asked.

Is there a single person living on this Earth whose problems are too large for the rest of us to help with if we cared enough about one another to do so?

Yes, there are. How many scientists could help Einstein?
From my experience, there are few who could even listen to the questions Einstein was working on.

Is there a single thing we could not achieve for our species if our species cared about our species rather than our individuals selves?

This is a very dangerous question.
If you seek for the highest joy in YOUR life, you will produce the most joy in the world.
If you try to seek for the highest joy in the collective life, then you will fail, and fail miserably, usually creating much more pain and sorrow.
It is by universal laws that this is so. It is not a lack of comprehension.
So, the best for the world is us doing the best to fulfil our own hopes and desires.


An enlightened moral person fulfilling their hopes and desires serves humanity, but what you've said is more dangerous than anything in the article if not understood within that context. Every zombified cretin running the rat race is trying to achieve his own hopes and desires, and is supporting the slavery of himself and everyone else, and creating a prison planet via that effort.

Morality - the only solution that actually solves. Put that on a T-shirt and make your millions.

You are correct. A person has to know themselves in order to seek their highest joy. Without self introspection many equate hedonism with joy.

Ah, that's a great way of saying it - Hedonism is not true joy. Thanks for your posts and enjoy the day!

Knowledge can be false or simply not scrutinized and accepted, and that isn't correct knowledge, and without correct self-introspection what can result?

From my experience, there are few who could even listen to the questions Einstein was working on.

You're just being too literal in your perception of my questions. That, or I failed to communicate clearly enough.

Someone can live their life just fine without knowing if e=mc squared. It is merely desire, not necessity that drives one to such curiosities. When I say one person's problems, I meant the necessities in life. The things they do not have that they do need to live a comfortable life, at which point they can then have the freedom to chase philosophical questions that only desires needs answers to.

This is a very dangerous question.

I don't think it is, though any given persons interpretation of it may perhaps be.

If you seek for the highest joy in YOUR life, you will produce the most joy in the world.

And if what brings me joy is others having easy access to joy of their own?

If you try to seek for the highest joy in the collective life, then you will fail, and fail miserably, usually creating much more pain and sorrow.

One day, my friend, I hope you will learn to deliver an opinion as an opinion instead of presenting it as Holy Scripture. No one living has the authority to make this claim, because not every method has been tried and therefore we cannot know that every method will fail.

It is by universal laws that this is so. It is not a lack of comprehension.

A lot of people talk about natural and universal laws. But, they're just something we made up to interpret the universe. A law - at least the type of law you refer to - is only considered as such because we have not yet found a way to break it. But no one can know that we never will, and therefore the very concept of natural law means nothing to me.

So, the best for the world is us doing the best to fulfil our own hopes and desires.

Again, if my hopes and desires are for collective well-being, then by your own rules, that is something I can strive for.

A lot of people talk about natural and universal laws. But, they're just something we made up to interpret the universe. A law - at least the type of law you refer to - is only considered as such because we have not yet found a way to break it. But no one can know that we never will, and therefore the very concept of natural law means nothing to me.

This is the problem between yours and my communication.

There are universal laws. They are not something you can break, they are the way the universe is put together. The way the universe works.

Things like "the speed of light", "the laws of thermodynamics" are not universal laws. They are a bunch of layers / dimensions down from the Causal Plane, and they are only really in effect in a limited sense, in a limited area, in a limited time that we currently occupy.

I probably should begin by describing the Causal Plane. The first layer of this universe. The thing that makes cause and effect work. But, i am having trouble describing easier things here on steemit, so i have been putting it to the back burner.

So, when i say universal law, only your and my understanding of it will change. We can more fully understand how it works. There is no getting around it. There is no subverting it.

I do realize that i am not always clear about my meanings. Especially since i take for granted many things that most people do not know.
You know, like discussing anarchy with someone who believes the word means bomb wielding maniac, without first defining anarchy.

What you view as the universal law can simply be your impaired and incomplete understanding as well, which is why you cannot contend this successfully no matter how you seek to express yourself:

No one living has the authority to make this claim, because not every method has been tried and therefore we cannot know that every method will fail.

If you seek for the highest joy in YOUR life, you will produce the most joy in the world.

Especially true if your greatest highest joy is scamming people, or worse, tormenting people, or worse, torturing people or worse raping and torturing people, or even more true if you were a tormenting torturing raping murdering savant?

If you try to seek for the highest joy in the collective life, then you will fail, and fail miserably, usually creating much more pain and sorrow.

Tell that to all the small groups of people that sought to establish exactly that for everyone else as well, not only for themselves.

It is by universal laws that this is so. It is not a lack of comprehension.
So, the best for the world is us doing the best to fulfil our own hopes and desires.

That's why the psychopaths run the world, because you think you're alone in your hopes and desires.

Especially true if your greatest highest joy is scamming people, or worse, tormenting people, or worse, torturing people or worse raping and torturing people, or even more true if you were a tormenting torturing raping murdering savant?

This never happens when pursuing your highest joy.
This happens as a result of traumas.
This happens as a result of limiting your joys.

You have to be down in the bottom of the emotional scale, in anger and revenge for the things you said to be "joyful". But, if you are really seeking your highest joy, you will soon get out of these low emotions.

However, telling someone to seek their highest joy, straight away, is probably not the best plan of action. To seek your highest joy requires knowing yourself. And that requires a lot of introspection tools and techniques.

That indeed happens when those high joys are of scamming, or manipulating or lying and every other wrong thing that people can be overjoyed with.

Greed will overjoy many, not only anger and revenge.

How do you lose anything seeking to overjoy the many though, it seems that it's a catch-all especially since you'll paradoxically condemn the overjoyed Self Righteous who believe that the means justify the ends, or will you tell me that that is exactly what you're talking about when you say that there's no joy in serving the community because every time by universal law you will fail because you're so Self Righteous and Overjoyed, cautioning us on what not to be overjoyed by, under any circumstances?

The means NEVER justifies the ends.
So, to start with the premise "the means justifies the ends" automatically means you are not following your highest joy.

"overjoy" - i do not know how you mean this word. It is not my word.
Highest joy - as opposed to lower joys. It is joyful to sleep in. It is more joyful to complete life goals that are exciting to you.

Indeed you'd say that as I pointed out, the Self-Righteous will justify it as that and they will certainly be overjoyed with it, and you were saying that bringing joy to others is a folly and universally so.

Overjoy is higher than the highest joy.

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