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RE: No.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

An enlightened moral person fulfilling their hopes and desires serves humanity, but what you've said is more dangerous than anything in the article if not understood within that context. Every zombified cretin running the rat race is trying to achieve his own hopes and desires, and is supporting the slavery of himself and everyone else, and creating a prison planet via that effort.

Morality - the only solution that actually solves. Put that on a T-shirt and make your millions.


You are correct. A person has to know themselves in order to seek their highest joy. Without self introspection many equate hedonism with joy.

Ah, that's a great way of saying it - Hedonism is not true joy. Thanks for your posts and enjoy the day!

Knowledge can be false or simply not scrutinized and accepted, and that isn't correct knowledge, and without correct self-introspection what can result?

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