A Degree Does NOT Make You A Better Writer...

in #writing7 years ago


...but like any endeavor, if you work your ass off to push yourself and take in every ounce of advice/education from the people around you, both writers and professors, you'll become one.

And it's true...just because I have a graduate degree in the subject doesn't make me a better writer than anyone else. Innate, natural talent can't be taught or learned, it simply is. But what CAN be taught and/or learned are the tools necessary to make one a better writer. How each individual receives and uses these tools is completely up to them, but for me personally, I came out a far stronger writer than I was when I went in.

A good portion of this is derived from my own particular passion; I wanted it bad enough to succeed on my own merits and via my own drive. Writing a book isn't something you can do overnight (not a good one, anyway). It's a grueling Sisyphean task that requires you to be your own worst critique while knowing when to pat yourself on the back accordingly. There are plenty of excellent authors who don't go to graduate school to learn more about their craft...and they write excellent books. I needed the education. I WANTED the education because I knew it would only make my writing stronger.

Technically, you can put a price on an education, but I don't even flinch at what I paid for my last two and a half years of sitting through lectures and workshops every Tuesday and Wednesday night. I hustled to get where I am, as did everyone else in those classes. Overwhelmingly, I could tell that my professors hustled to make sure we students got what we were paying for in spades. Damn near every professor I had was engaged in my progress as both a writer and as a critical reader, and more than a few of them were uncanny in their ability to see through the haziness of our writing to see the real nuggets we were going for and just didn't know it.

So no...getting an advanced degree doesn't necessarily make you a better writer, but damn if it doesn't help.


Agree with you :D

The degree itself won't do a thing of course, just make your CV look nicer. However the experience gained from obtaining the degree will undoubtedly be fulfilling enough to make even the blandest personality a better writer.


WITHOUT A DOUBT. even the CV looking nicer is a bit dubious, but there was so much during my time in grad school that fundamentally changed every one of my approaches to writing for the better. plus it was a damn good time with a bunch of like-minded people who i still get to rap with and follow as they achieve their own literary successes.

Great advice! As a final year English student, I can fully agree. One simply has to knuckle down and practice your writing. Day in and day out.

absolutely. nothing writes itself; it's all just a matter of planting your ass in the chair and doing the work. :)

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