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RE: Unholy utterance

in #writing6 years ago

Your description of the Shu'ulathoi's reinforcements, slugs with gas masks, metal tubing and limbs, are quite the horrid sight to imagine! The Dark Myst's speech of courage, fighting without hope to win but for there isn't another choice but to battle - to not would be giving in to fear - was a fine touch in having them frenzied to fight for purpose.

Another inner 'yay' for Ashley & Red's connection being seen as deeper than a contractual one.

Gotta love a battle happening while the Tortillas (aww to the scene of Mendoza being reunited with the boys) rock on! The battle would make a great animated scene (would be immediately recognized as the craziest one, ever - especially the bowling ball of bodies - there is a scene in Z-Nation with gigantic rolling ball of snarling zombies that flashed in my mind )!

LOL for when Ashley nibbled the Duth-Pretzel following her tremendous "Hocus-Pocus"!!! (Mr. Pretzel must have been beaming!)

By the way, the hexes to make the regulars forget would be hella useful ;^)


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! I loved making that speech, was the height of my pirate accent before we get to that wither prompt for that week of #finishthestory. Anyways, Dark Myst of Red-Flame knew what they were saying and know that to not fight was to let the Universe consume them. Yay for the reference! Anywho, I still have the fight scene all in my head ready to be described and animated. No detail left behind, no detail unused! Any a which, I totally want to use The Tortillas again. Yeah, both Dark Myst of Red-Flame and Mr Pretzel were real proud o’ her. Also they internally d’awwed as well when seeing Duth turning into a pretzel and being nibbled on. And, to end it off, hexes are hella useful.


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