Chapter 4 - The Love Auction (dystopian sci-fi romance novel)

in #writing7 years ago

love auction.png

Thank you to all of my awesome followers.

As you know, I am a writer, and I write novels. I wanted to start sharing my latest novel with you, chapter by chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love and light to you all!!

Chapter 4 – Can love be bought?

The world was swaying and swirling. I came to and realized I was in a glass box.

Oh God, how much did I drink last night? I hope I didn’t get sold into a sex ring, or a BDSM dungeon. I need to stop drinking so much and passing out. I got up off the ground and did a few stretches to my brain and body alert again. If I need to fight off the people holding me, I would. But I need some food before any fighting.

I lifted my shirt to see if I had any of energy bar stash still there, but they had cleaned me up before placing me here. Also, I was wearing this long white dress which was made of fabrics I have never ever felt on my body. As my hands felt these magical materials, I got a little afraid.

There were all of these dream images still swirling in my mind. A puppy. Champagne. And this beautiful man whose face is kind of imprinted in my brain.

So, unfair, how some Aryans can be so damn beautiful. This man in my dreams was typically blue-eyed, but he had dark, dark hair, which made him even prettier than normal. I have never ever interacted with Aryans, so I don’t know where I would ever have seen this face. I was just happy to have him in my mind right now to obsess about, rather than where I was and what was going to happen to me.

I sat back down again, and realized that I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. The fact that I end up in these random situations where I have no idea where I am, because I drank too much, has to be an indication that there is something seriously wrong with me. I mean, right?

I need to stop drinking so much. I’m just so damn unhappy. I keep on thinking about this Aryan man, and I can’t concentrate on anything else. There is something happening to me and I know there is a reason I’m moving slowly towards destroying myself.

The tiles were cold under my body. I felt each and every one of them. I couldn’t sit or sleep on them anymore.

That’s when as the universe always work, the lights came on. There was a spotlight on me, and a spotlight on a man on a stage in front of me.

I couldn’t see him very well, but I knew that he was standing there waiting for me. For some reason, I had the thought that it was the man whom I was dreaming about! Could it be? No way. I’m just letting my imagination run away with me as usual.

He looked Aryan from a distance.

My glass box moved inch by inch closer to him, while he stood there discussing something with a man in a red hearted tie. How could a man stoop so low as to wear a tie with red hearts on it?? As soon as I had that thought, I realized where I was.

The Love Auction.

Was it not a myth? Did it truly exist?

The only way for Aryan men to interact with and satisfy their deep-seated urge to be with a dark, untouchable woman.

I was still reeling from this realization, when a number showed up on a screen, blinking neon red and orange.

2 million.

In that moment, I had a flash of dejavu. I have been here before. I have been here at the Love Auction before. Could it be?

Someone or something whispered in my mind. “Don’t let go of this thought. Why do you think you’ve been here before? Trust your intuition. Trust yourself. Think.”

Okay, Garisha, think. Think why you would have come to this place before. Think. Were you auctioned off before? No, I would have remembered if an Aryan had bought me before.

Could I have come here in my dreams? Or did my friends tell me such vivid stories about the Love Auction that I felt like I had been here before? Could that be it?

The auction ended, and the two men shook hands.

The Aryan finally turned his face towards me, and I almost fell to the ground in shock. It was the same man. From my dreams.

I have been dreaming about this man for decades now. The very first dream I remember was about this man. Why?

How do I know this man? What is this all about?

I stepped off the glass box onto the stage next to him.

He looked at me intently, as if trying to see if anything about me had changed or something like that. It felt like he already knew me.

“Hello Garisha. Long time no see.” He said, smiling, extending his hand in a handshake.

The man in the red hearted tie looked shocked at the gesture, and it prompted me to extend my hand and grasp his.

What is he doing? How could he shake my hand as if I were at the same level as him? I knew once I shook his hand, I had moved to a different level.

Could an untouchable like me truly be touched by an Aryan?

Does this mean I’m not an untouchable anymore? Is that what this means?

I don’t actually know when the untouchable regime began. But I know in the early 2000s there was a leader who was especially against anyone of color. He started building a country that was specifically against anyone who was different, especially different from him.

In our history books, which are different I’m guessing from the Aryan history books, we learn that it was his fault. He is the reason we are living in such a dystopian world.

I started grinning like an idiot. Maybe this is too good to be true, I thought. When will the other shoe drop?

Oh boy did it ever. As soon as I had that thought, I heard a girly scream quite close to me.

“Eekkkk, Daniel. What the hell are you doing touching that untouchable? I leave for a week to go on a detox and I come back to find Mother telling me you are at the Love Auction? What is going on?”

A woman. A bright shiny Aryan woman came tumbling down towards us. She was in a red dress, red heels, and had red sunglasses on. All of this redness was kind of killing me a little bit. Was it Valentine’s Day today or is red her favorite color?

I stepped a bit away from the two of them wanting to give them their space, when Daniel as he is called, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to his side. I looked up at him confused.

The shriek became even louder. She was not happy as I predicted.

“Daniel. Let that disgusting untouchable go right now. Look at her. Who knows when was the last time she washed? She might even have lice or fleas. Ugh.”

I bristled at that statement. We are not dirty, you nincompoop. We are called untouchables because we are not white. Not because we are dirty. God, I hate Aryan women sometimes. They are the worst at this prejudice business. Women against women.

Before, I could say anything, Daniel piped up. “Zara, how many times have I told you to stop interfering in my business. Stop following me around, and tell your mother to do the same. Now I’ll be leaving, and don’t you dare follow us. I want to remind you that we broke up months ago.”

Yuck. This man actually dated this horrible woman. What a sad state of affairs.

He pulled me towards the door, when the inevitable happened.


I was not interested in fighting with this crazy person, but when push comes to shove, I will not be beaten down by a red-dressed farcical Aryan female.

She pushed Daniel away with a scream, and grabbed my hair. Now, I know I don’t have precious blonde hair, but my hair is still extremely precious to me. I love it, and I want to keep as much of it as possible. So, I wasn’t going to stand for this.

I pulled on her hair, and her blonde wig came flying off her head.


She screamed even louder, and let go of my hair for a second to put her wig back in place.

While she was busy doing that, I decided to punch her lights out. So I did.

One quick punch to the solar plexus, and boom, she was out. All of that red she was wearing came tumbling to the ground with her in it.

To be honest, I truly felt a lot of satisfaction at that. Catfights don’t last long when you put an Aryan woman against an untouchable. We know how to fight, whereas they just know how to scream and shop. Alright, alright. I’m a bit biased against them, but still, I’m mostly right.

I rubbed off any dust off my white dress, and looked triumphantly at Daniel.
He laughed at my oh-so-joyful face, took my hand in his, and started walking towards the door again.

“Let’s leave before she wakes up again, shall we?”

I nodded, and we hopped into the black SUV that was on the street waiting patiently.

As soon as we hopped in to the back, it zoomed into traffic, driverless.

He still had my hand in his, and he wouldn’t let it go. I was sitting quite close to him and I was quite uncomfortable with the idea of being so close to a random male Aryan stranger. Not cool at all.

I also realized that the dress I’m wearing isn’t mine, but also, I wasn’t wearing any underwear. They must have changed my outfit for me, without giving me anything to wear underneath.

I sat next to him extremely conscious of this fact all of a sudden. I fidgeted, and moved around on my seat, as if I had to go pee.

“What’s going on?” Daniel said, looking down at me, bringing my hand to his lips and giving it a sweet kiss. “Why are you fidgeting so much?”

Hmm, am I that readable?

“I just haven’t been this close to an Aryan man ever. Or a man in general. Pretty much never. So, I’m just getting used to it. Ha-ha.”

He put his hands on my waist, picked me up, and placed me on his lap. My dress rode up my legs in that attempt and I’m pretty sure he got a full-frontal view of my vagina in that process.

“Uh, I was wearing underwear before I came to the Love Auction. But they must have changed me while I was under anesthesia or something. I usually wear undies all the time.” I said, not looking at him. Fixing my dress quickly, I sat there on his lap.

I knew he was laughing at me, or at least smiling. I’m sure this was absolutely hilarious to him.
I looked up to see him smiling, his hands still on my waist. They crawled up my body and he held me close by wrapping his hands together behind my back.

“Garisha... I wish we had more time together. There’s so much I want to do with you. But every time we meet, it’s just so short. I don’t know how close you to figuring everything out, but I just feel like I’m running out of patience.”

Every time we meet? How many times have we met before?

The car ride was making me drowsy. I was tired from lack of sleep and the crazy day. The lull that came in me made me talkative. I lost my inhibitions.

“I have been dreaming about you,” I said, putting my hand on his face, tracing his face as if to remember. “Every night, since I was 12, I dream about you at night. I mean, not you specifically, as I just met you. But someone with your face. Your exact face, can you believe it? And in the dream, he always asks me, “Please remember me. Don’t forget me. Next time we meet, please remember me.” And then the dream fades out.”

“Did you dream about me? Does that mean you are starting to remember who you are? Is the Vortex fading?”

“The Vortex? What’s that?”

“Nothing important. But remember this, Garisha, you need to start remembering. It’s important. Not only for us, but also for your people. The untouchables. They need you. But if you stay asleep and keep on letting the Vortex get you, then you are letting everyone down. You need to start remembering. It’s important. Promise me, you will try harder. Promise?”

“I promise. I will remember you next time. I’m guessing, you are speaking about my next life? But isn’t that a long time away.

Even though untouchables live shorter lives than Aryans, we still end up living 120 years at minimum. Which is a long time from now.”

“Not the next life. It’s this life. Right now. You are living it right now. I see it over and over again. But you don’t. Please try and remember. Please try harder. I need you to try. If you love me at all, you will try harder.”

“Love... But we just met.” I said. I was getting confused, and also sleepy. “Can I just rest right now? We can talk about this later?”

“Sleep now. We can definitely talk about it later. Sleep, my love.”

I placed my head on his chest, and I think I fell asleep.

“Damn it. The Vortex is here sooner than I thought. Bye, my love.” He said, as I was half-awake, half-asleep. He kissed the top of my head, and I snuggled in closer to his warm body.

The last thing I remember was a flash of lightning nearby, and then darkness.

Chapter 1 is here -
Chapter 2 is here -
Chapter 3 is here -


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