Fame Hungry (A Comic Book Script) PART 1

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

I wrote a script for a short horror comic called 'Fame Hungry'! It'll definitely give you quite the appetite...


Birmingham, UK - 1972. A large house in a suburban neighbourhood in the late evening. A girl of eighteen listens to her favourite records alone in her bedroom – Bowie, T. Rex, Alice Cooper.   


A wide panel taking up 1/3 of the page. A teenage girl, mousey yet pretty, lies on her back looking up at the ceiling. Her cropped black hair frames her face, eyes closed and hands on headphones. She is surrounded by record sleeves, positioned on the floor with her knees up. She looks happy.   

JESSICA - (Narration) Music helps me escape.    

It drowns out the voices.   

But sometimes, no matter how loud the music gets – the voices still get through.   

‘Have you not tried it yet?’    

‘We’ve all done it, now it’s your turn.’    

‘Don’t be a spineless bitch. Do it or we’ll give your VIP pass to somebody else.’   


A small square panel showing Jessica sitting up with a jolt, the headphones now around her neck. Her eyes and mouth are with – horror, terror, as if she’s just woken up from a nightmare.   

JESSICA - (Narration) Okay! Okay!   


Another square panel showing Jessica taking a small  plastic lunchbox emblazoned with Elton John’s face out from underneath her bed.   

JESSICA - (Narration) I’ve been putting it off for far too long.    I want to try it, but... it’s just the smell.   


A close up of Jessica’s face as she looks down at the  contents of the lunchbox that she has now opened (out of  shot). Her mouth is open – intrigued yet oddly disgusted.   

JESSICA - (Narration) No matter what I do, no matter how close I get it to my mouth...   

PANEL FIVE   A small panel showing the contents of the open lunchbox from over Jessica’s shoulder. Blood, guts, skin, entrails.   

JESSICA -  (Narration) ...it makes me retch.   


Jessica is throwing up onto the badly patterned carpet. Her eyes are screwed shut.   


 The next day, early evening at a shitty rock club in the centre of Birmingham. Two men are standing outside of the venue, looking at a poster for a show that has been pasted onto a boarded up window. The band ‘Reach Around’ are playing the first date of their UK tour tonight.   


The frontman of once successful British glam rock band Reach Around stands with a jaded hairy roadie in a flannel shirt looking up at the gig poster. ‘Babyface’ Micky is a strange cross between a teddy boy and a rock n’ roll superstar, his tight leather trousers and bouffant hairstyle combined with a loosely fitting silk shirt and medallion. He looks like a cheap Elvis impersonator and is taken as seriously as one.   

BABYFACE - We’ve only sold half the tickets mate. Can you believe it?   

ROADIE -  Hmm.   


The side of Babyface as he continues to look up at the poster. The roadie looks disinterested.   

BABYFACE - We used to be one of the biggest bands in this country. We used to sell out every night. Bowie stole that riff from us.   

ROADIE -  Yeah.   

BABYFACE -  We used to have a crew. Now we’ve just got you.   


A tall panel showing Babyface in all his ‘glory’. His eyes are sunken and dark. His teeth are bad and he’s got acne. He looks nothing like the ‘Babyface’ he used to.   

BABYFACE -  I think we’re done. After this tour, I mean. We’re finished.   


The roadie is looking up at Babyface. He is scratching  his hairy face.   

ROADIE -  Probably for the best.   


Babyface is smiling, crooked and discoloured teeth visible between thin lips.   

BABYFACE -  One last hurrah then. The boys won’t be happy. But I guess they never are these days.   


The roadie is walking back into the venue and Babyface is looking towards him.   

ROADIE -  Soundcheck sorted. On stage in one hour. Competition winners from that magazine have arrived, by the way. They’re in your dressing room now.   



Babyface stands in the doorway of his modestly sized dressing room, a table and chairs next to a full length mirror and a floor lamp all that is inside. Three teenage girls stand inside, mouths agape at the sight of him.   


A close up panel of the three girls. On the left is Jessica from the first page and in the middle is Claire, a slightly overweight blonde with dark makeup, both are smiling widely. On the left is Penny, a tall, olive skinned girl with stunning pink hair. She is covering her mouth with her hands, overwhelmed at the sight of Babyface.   

JESSICA -  Babyface!   

CLAIRE -  Oh my God!   


Penny has ran over from the other side of the room and is embracing Babyface with a hug. Babyface holds her awkwardly.   

BABYFACE -  Hey there!   

PENNY -  It’s you. It’s really you.   


A close up of Penny’s face looking up at her idol. Tears of joy are streaming down her face.   

PENNY -  I’m your biggest fan!   


Jessica and Claire have moved closer, Babyface is looking backwards over his shoulder as Penny continues to hold him.   

JESSICA -  We’re all your biggest fans!   

BABYFACE -  Did you not come with my manager? He was meeting you at the station and...   



Jessica and Claire are also hugging Babyface. The singer is smiling now, seeming to be enjoying the attention.   

PENNY -  I’ve got a first pressing of ‘Drop Your Kecks’, you’ve got to sign it for me!   

CLAIRE -  We were told we could take photos! I’ve brought my camera!   

JESSICA -  This is amazing!   


A close up of Babyface as he looks down at the girls, happy. He is thinking about the old days of the band and when was the last time he had met such ‘superfans’.   

BABYFACE -  You’re gunna have to meet the boys as well. They’ll love this.    

They’ve got a separate room but...   


 The girls have stepped back from Babyface and Claire is closing the dressing room door behind him. Penny’s face is somber and her tears have subsided.   

PENNY -  No, Micky. We just want you.   


Penny is grabbing Babyface’s crotch. Jessica is unbuttoning his silk shirt.   

PENNY -  We came here to fuck you. Just you. All three of us.   


Babyface is looking backwards at the closed door. Claire is looking in her bag for something as Penny moves a chair into the middle of the room   

BABYFACE -  Wait a second. I’m not sure, can’t we just...   


Claire has taken some rope out from her bag and is pulling it tight. Jessica is kissing Babyface’s chest and Penny is sucking her finger. Babyface is staring intently.   

PENNY -  Claire here is going to tie you to this chair. Then each of us are going to suck your dick. How does that sound, Micky?   


Babyface is sitting down as Penny sits on his lap. Claire is tying his feet to the legs of the chair.   

BABYFACE -  I guess... It sounds...    Great.  


Claire is tying the rope around Babyface’s torso. Penny kisses him deeply.  

To be continued... Check back soon for part two!

Ben Errington

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