Chapter 6 - Battle

in #writing6 years ago

Still on the Rave God Rerun

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They arrived oyo ile at dusk, their horses panting from the effort of riding nonstop for days. Omotola felt
saddle sore and wished she could heal herself. You might wonder, for God’s sake she’s a god! How is
she supposed to feel something as ordinary as soreness? Well, they were all gods, but they were limited
by mortal flesh. They went hungry; they got tired although more slowly than humans. In fact, they were
just like you and me, except with some extra juice e.g. awesome powers.
They walked into the city on their horses as people parted for them. It was ojo aje and market was in full
swing. Slaves were being auctioned off, typical market noise blared from all corners, goats and chickens
everywhere. They rode their horses straight to the capital, heading for the citadel at its center. It was
majestic, indeed one of Oyo’s finest creations, with towering spires and huge oak doors. The doors
opened of its own volition as they reached it, and they tied their horses to a wooden pole just outside as
they went in.
They had rehearsed it over the past weeks that Omotola could recite it in her sleep. Oduduwa was the
son of Olodumare himself, formed in Olodumare’s own palm and not by a word as Olodumare formed
the other gods. Even gods who had not met him before paid resect to him – no one wanted to cross the
creator’s favorite son. The plan was for Oduduwa to sweep into the citadel and order the Nupe gods out
and oya, ode and moremi seemed pretty confident that they would obey him. Omotola had spluttered
several objections and was ignored every time. She went with them into the citadel. At her first step, the
enormous amount of power she felt staggered her. She looked up and saw her remaining three
companions also in the same position as she was, hands on knees, eyes wide and nostrils flaring. The
source was coming from the palace just up ahead and it drew her like the voice in her dream that had
called her to come for judgment. The streets were filled with Nupe soldiers, all fully veiled and carrying
their scythe like swords. Each of the soldiers stared at them unblinkingly as they walked into the throne
The throne room was magnificent, wide with long pillar reaching into the roof. Gold was everywhere,
framed around the pillars, fused with the cobblestones, goblets made of gold and torch handles pulsing
with golden light. The Nupe gods, seven in number, stood in an outward semi-circle, each as relaxed as a
coiled serpent. Oduduwa stopped ten feet from them and began
‘What is the meaning of this?’
The Nupe god at the head of the semicircle smiled in a creepy way and replied,
‘You have to be more specific about what you mean son of Olodumare'
‘What are you doing here? Why is your army camped within the walls of my city?’ Oduduwa was getting
One eyebrow quirked in mock surprise as the leader replied,
‘Your city? The only city that traditionally belongs to your people is ife, all other lands are for the taking
for anyone strong enough to take it.
Oduduwa was livid now, growing in height before their very eyes, his eyes glowing.
‘You dare come into Yoruba territory and seize our lands, kill my subjects and exile the one I chose as
king?’ his voice was loud and Omotola was sure the whole city could hear him.
She was proved right a few minutes later when her godly ears heard footsteps running towards them.
Moremi waved her hand and all the chairs, tables and livery in the room flew and attached itself to the
doors of the throne room, barricading it just in time as the soldiers slammed into the doors.
The Nupe gods’ condescending smile vanished. Omotola smiled inwardly as she realized the plan was
working, only for her to look closely and see that it was not fear that flitted across their face, it was cold
calculated anger. As one, they all drew swords out of thin air, long swords glowing with power.
Moremi’s face paled and Oya gave a soft whimper. Ode just looked coiled and ready to spring as he
unsheathed his own axe out of thin air as well. It was long with a wicked blade at the one end and a
spike at the other. His muscles flexed as he also grew to Oduduwa’s height.
Oduduwa laughed dangerously.
‘You dare take up arms against me? I am the son of Olodumare, I will destroy you totally’, he shouted.
The words had barely left his mouth when a dagger flew from the hands of the Nupe gods toward his
throat. He jumped but it was too late. The dagger took him in the shoulder and the force of it threw and
pinned him to the doors of the throne room. Blue blood flowed from his injury.
Omotola joined moremi, oya and ode as they fought against the Nupeci, fashioning firebolts that they
dodged with ease. Oya kept summoning water from thin air to flood and drown them but her attacks
were stopped every time. Moremi was vicious, with her two handed sword, she dove into the fray,
slashing and cutting, rolling and leaping. Ode, magnificent with his precise strokes sent them jumping
back to safety. They fought well, but they were dangerously outnumbered. As the Yoruba gods grew
tired, the Nupe gods grew stronger and stronger and soon the Yoruba gods were backed against the wall
of the throne room, fighting for their lives. Oya had once told her that a divinely fashioned weapon was
dangerous to all gods as ordinary steel sword was dangerous to man. So they fought with all they had.
Oya received an invisible blow to the head which knocked her out and the Nupe gods came closer.
Omotola created a mind link between herself and the rest of the Yoruba gods standing. The link was
abrupt and startlingly unpleasant as being woken with ice cold water. Their concentration slipped and moremi almost had her head cut off as she knelt and kicked back her opponent. She screamed into the
mind link at Omotola.
‘Are you out of your mind???!! I almost lost my head!!’
Ode was not happy with it also but his reply was calm, if a bit heated
‘What is the matter Omotola?’
‘I have an idea’, she replied, dodging a dagger flying towards her. ‘Moremi step back and carry Oduduwa
and oya’
‘Why on earth would i…’
‘Just shut up and take them’, Omotola snarled through the mind link.
Moremi’s lips tightened and her eyes promised retribution but she did as she was told, Oduduwa and
Oya an abnormal sight on her tiny frame. Oduduwa had lost a lot of blood, his face deathly pale. The
Nupe gods, sensing victory renewed their attacks with vigor. Omotola closed her eyes and drew on her
inner power as much as possible and sent it out in a gust of force so strong it blew the Nupe gods
backwards like leaves in the wind. Omotola wove flows of air so thick it was visible and sent it through
the roof of the throne room, gathering the remaining Yoruba gods and launching them through the now
jagged hole in the roof on a rocket of air.
She moved to join them when a heavy blow hit the back of her head, and she fell to the ground, her
eyes glazing over as everything went dark.



Amazingly 'stupendous'. You write well. More ink to your pen.

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