InBetween Story - Chapter 8 (Supernatural Romantic Drama)

in #writing7 years ago

InBetween is a love story like no other. One fateful night, a couples life is changed forever, leaving the question: Is death really the end?

Find previous chapters of "InBetween" on my Steemit Blog.



I spent every waking moment with him. Because he was invisible to the world, he even came with me to work. I got a few odd glances from fellow coworkers – noticing me talking to “myself” on occasion, but I didn’t care. Thomas was back, and that meant everything to me.

I sat in a managers meeting and had a hard time keeping a straight face – Thomas sat in the middle of the conference table in funny poses the whole time.

That night, we got home and sat down to supper – or at least I did. Thomas sat with me, but didn’t eat anything. He never ate food anymore – he didn’t have to. For him, it was kind of a grown-up, make-believe tea party really.

Thomas turned off the lights, leaving only the taper candles on the dining table to illuminate the room. His eyes sparkled in the candlelight. The room grew chilly. I rubbed my shoulders in an attempt to warm up.

“Do you want me to start a fire?” asked Thomas.

I smiled and replied “Sure.”

Thomas got up from his seat and left the room to get some firewood from the basement. The house was silent. I sat in the calming candlelight and smiled.

The candles flickered slightly as a breeze crept across the room. I turned around, expecting to see Thomas behind me, but no one was there. Another draft of cold air swept through the room, blowing out the candles on the table. “Thomas? Is that you?”

The temperature in the room began to decline even more. It was dark – I could only see a faint outline of furniture around the room from the small bit of moonlight that came through the dining room window. I heard something scurry underneath the table - clicking on the floor as it went. I felt something brush my leg. “T-Thomas!?”
I stood up abruptly and started making my way across the room to the light switch. A low growl grew behind me. I turned to look, and underneath the table was an angry set of glowing iridescent eyes. I clawed at the wall for the light switch and turned the lights on. Whatever was there was gone now.

Thomas walked into the room and I ran at him. “What is it?” he asked.

“I s-saw something…” I said, trembling.

I was scared. Though I had gotten used to the idea of ghosts with Thomas around, this one seemed different. This one seemed... dark.

More Chapters Coming Soon

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Really good chapter @artist1989 i enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing your work

Woooo.... Horror... I loved it. But I'm bit confused if Thomas can pickup things in his hands? I mean if he is just a soul and even the "I" can't even hold him then how he can pickup things...?

Thanks! :)

Thomas can pick things up (like the candy pieces), and "I," the main character, can hold him. If you look back at Chapter 6_ when Thomas is first back in the story, it reads:

I felt him place his hand on my back. “Is this real? Are you…?”

He leaned toward me, and I closed my eyes. I felt his icy lips meet mine..

The explanation of how the "I" character is now able to interact with Thomas is in Chapter 7 and reads:

Thomas looked at me with disbelief in his eyes. “I didn’t think I was ever going to get you back either. I tried talking to you all the time, but you couldn’t hear me. I was invisible to you – it was frustrating. I thought I would lose my mind.”

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. “What changed? How were you able to contact me?”

Thomas looked over at the candies that were dispersed on the floor. “I figured out that, even though I couldn’t interact with you, if I tried hard enough, I could move objects and interact with non-living things. Once you started opening your mind to the possibility of me coming back to you, it got easier for me to interact with you.”

Thanks for your comment! I am glad you are enjoying the story! :)

Ohh I forgot that if he try harder... Yeah... Now I remember.. that's why I always want to read Novels continuously because sometime I forgot some stuff... I remember that candy part "I" come back at home... Well I'm waiting for the next chapter.. you know that I got so curious to know the whole story.. well it's an interesting one... But please don't take that long time... It's a request.. try to write atleast 2chapters in a week... I'm so excited for new chapters...

Another great chapter from your stories :)

Loved the chapter! Waiting for the next chapter :)

buddy this was truly the best i have read so far keep writing more and more

Ooo, this is interesting. For a moment, I thought the noise may have had something to do with Thomas. Waiting for the next chapter. :)

I just saw this story. Is thomas a soul? I think so, Now I need to read all the chapters that i missed. This story is really interesting :)

Yes, Thomas is spirit/ghost :)

it would be fun to read all the chapters. i love stories about ghost :)

Wow! Great story to read again! I cannot wait :D

Really a good story this is thanks for sharing

That was wonderful to read looks like i need to see you blog daily for beautiful stories

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