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RE: Occult symbolism in money and elsewhere?

in #writing5 years ago

I didn't know about the origin of the Jedi. Wow. That makes sense. Yes, people call us crazy for connecting dots, for knowing history.

I can't prove this connection, but I feel like they are connected especially because I learned of this through occult manner. There are literally people out there in the world who claim to be Jedi and I met one on Facebook and then dug deeper into the history and there does indeed to be a very strong connection there. I think it's probably true that D'jedhi = Jedi
Pretty fascinating in my opinion indeed. :)

Here is the general rule for that. The more people you can talk to and educate, then the crazier you probably should be. That is why Alex Jones rants.

That's an interesting point and you'll probably blow up much bigger which will reach more people, however then you also give a lot of ammunition for those on the other side to dismiss such things even more, many who don't believe in conspiracy theories look at Alex Jones like a big joke and sort of like he represents the conspiracy theory community. And on some levels he does, but not 100% for sure.

But if only a few people are listening and you turn them off to doing their own research, in asking questions, in attempting to maybe think outside the box, then you might become less effective at helping at all. I guess it depends on the situation.


Online, things can sometimes be different in regards to how one might act. Offline, however, a small fry may want to probe a person gently before throwing some heavy books at them lol. The ability to red pill is an art form that is extremely difficult to navigate. I say, one thing at a time.

Really good points there! I appreciate you sharing and I again concur.

One question at a time. Online, people make great videos, memes, pictures, etc, and even articles like this. So, when a person is ready, they can read something like this. And that is fundamental. So, we can plant seeds in their hearts. Gotta be patient. Each person and each situation can be different. But at the same time, eternal principles do apply to the extent they are applied fully and completely to the situations and individuals at hand.

I once again and am in agreement and don't have much to add but I wanted to say well said.

Bill Still made a great documentary about the history of money and all about Rothschild. Memes are gateway drugs towards red pills.

I'll have to put that on my list to watch sometime when I have time. And hmmm..
You're the second person in the last couple days that suggested memes... Perhaps I should start working on memes more. Thank you for the detailed feedback!

PS, I remember we talked a lil bit in the past but it's been a while. I hope you've been doing well!


Yeah, it has been a while. Have been doing good. I think it is a very risky thing to red pill people. However, doing nothing might be riskier. And that is what I try to remind people. Very passionate people should gradually go public. They should do online and offline activism. Certain people can feel in their guts that they were born to get involved. People who don't feel it deep in their gut shouldn't until they do.

Glad to hear you've been doing good! And yes it can be risky I agree. But yeah, also riskier as well if we do nothing. Assuming you have a sense of empathy of course, otherwise it would be safer to just not pay attention like it seems like most people do.
I agree with everything else you said as well. Well said.

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