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RE: Felt like saying something.

in #writing5 years ago

Glad to hear that and I always enjoy hearing your perspective on things as well! I only saw a small part of the interview with Edward Snowden on the Joe Rogan Podcast, what I did see was interesting. In regard to the alien stuff, I am kind of surprised by that but I hear the people in power keep it pretty compartmentalized so it's possible that certain parts of the government wouldn't know and I've heard it said by many over the years that not even the president ranks high enough to see that information.
Which I would think would further beg the question, who ranks higher than the president? But anyways... Ummm...

In response to your question, I think there have been quite a few military whistle blowers over the years that are some of the most convincing cases, so I'm not sure how vast his search was but I feel like I can find very compelling evidence in the public realm, and maybe not specifically aliens but weird things flying around in the skies UFOs. Maybe they're not even aliens but spirits, I dunno. I'm just pretty certain the evidence I've seen personally and researching on the internet is pretty compelling. I can't say I can 100% prove it without a doubt to anyone, but I feel like I know something more is going on. Maybe it's top secret human technology or time travelers or something else. I'm just pretty certain something is going on and maybe it's a mix of all those things. Hopefully some day we get to know more! :D


Yeah it is such a strange and challenging topic because there are sources on both sides of the arguement making claims and presenting their own evidence either in favor or against. It can be challenging wading through the bullshit as well because many people do lie and there are many hoaxes. Its human nature. People like attention and many people make a living selling books and videos, so it's not always about the truth, it is also about a persons livelihood. That's not to say that some of the information isnt true or real though either. It's just challenging to decipher it all. In many ways it comes down to a leap of faith.

In a way it is surprising that the president doesnt have a high rated clearance for such things but in another way, it's not that surprising. Presidents come and go relatively quickly in the world - 8 years max and many of them, I doubt could be trusted with really important information. Some presidents are essentially morons really lol and some like to blab about everything hahaha.

I like the idea of these things being advanced human technology. I think it's safe to say that there are secret experimental technologies that are far more advanced then what the general public is aware of. That's just a given. Military tech has to remain a secret in order to be effective and even in regards to scientific tech it often doesnt make sense to announce it until long after its developed. So overal who knows what's actually out there?

Anyway, thanks for sharing your perspective on the topic :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with most of what you said and yes it can be difficult. I don't pretend to have the answers, but... I do think the evidence is pretty overwhelming and I kinda doubt ALL of the people who have reported such anomalous kinds of things are either lying or wrong. All it takes is for just ONE of those claims to be true out of like the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands if not maybe even millions going back through history.

So, while I admit I don't know... It does seem pretty unlikely to me that all of those people are either lying or wrong, so I do believe there is something going on in regards to aliens, but in the end I dunno. I admit I can't prove it either way.

In regard to the president stuff you make a good point, however I still think there's a conception or air or idea out there by a lot of people that the president is the most powerful man at least in the US, I don't personally believe that but many seem to. So, if even the most powerful man in the US doesn't get access... That's interesting.

I agree with your last paragraph about human tech in that it could be that, though I would like to think there are other beings out there in this huge universe. Heck, I think there are still beings on this planet we haven't discovered yet. Some species of animals may go extinct before we even ever learn of them. If earth is any indicator of what to expect, I would expect there to be a LOT of different kinds of lifeforms out there. Hopefully some of them are both intelligent and peaceful. :)

To clarify, I didnt mean to sound like everyone making a claim that aliens exist are wrong, mistaken, lying or have alternate motives, just that human behavior will dictate that that is the case for many of them. As you said though, only one of them needs to be right, which is entirely possible.

I also definitely agree that aliens exist in our universe. It almost seems silly not to think that, given the size of the universe. It's also possible that life exists within an older galaxy and that they had more time to evolve then we did and are more advanced.

For me personally though I'm not convinced yet that another life form has visited our planet. Regular space travel just seems implausible to me at the moment given that traveling at the speed of light would still take an alien decades to centuries to reach many of the closer stars within our galaxy. There are some stars that are only 4-5 light years away from us but the chances that life exists on a close planet becomes statistically less probable. Traveling to other galaxies would of course take millions of light years so that's out of the question especially given that our universe is still expanding. We are constantly moving away from other galaxies.

So that leaves other travel methods like worm holes or something else entirely. I like the idea of figuring out a way to dematerialize in one location and then rematerialize in another. If there is a more advanced life form then perhaps they have come up with other methods that we ourselves are decades or centuries away from discovering. That could be possible as well.

I obviously dont have the answers regarding any of this. Not even whether or not they have made contact with our planet. It's a fun topic to ponder though. Maybe you are right and they have not only visited us but have been doing so for as long as their have been humans on the planet. Who knows?

Posted using Partiko Android

To clarify, I didnt mean to sound like everyone making a claim that aliens exist are wrong, mistaken, lying or have alternate motives, just that human behavior will dictate that that is the case for many of them. As you said though, only one of them needs to be right, which is entirely possible.

Understood. I was sort of just saying that regardless as I don't know your total beliefs and didn't necessarily mean to infer such upon you either.

For me personally though I'm not convinced yet that another life form has visited our planet. Regular space travel just seems implausible to me at the moment given that traveling at the speed of light would still take an alien decades to centuries to reach many of the closer stars within our galaxy.

I think thinking about space travel limitations considering what current unclassified known human technology displays is perhaps not the best way and there was a time when many people thought humans would never be able to fly, it wasn't that long ago really in the grand scheme and I think someone or some group of humans may have even already developed technology that is far more advanced. Some say the secret technology is usually like 30-40 years in advance of what the public gets and in some cases maybe it's even much more than that, and maybe some never gets released at all.

All the stuff we see could certainly be human tech or time travelers or something else human caused, though I think it's highly likely we've had visitors from elsewhere already and going back thousands of years if not longer, maybe even millions according to what some ancient traditions and belief systems propose.

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