
in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Encouragement: A Drop in the Ocean Topic

The topic of encouragement should be one that's filled with good feelings.
From an early age we are encouraged by many people for many different reasons ... from encouraging babies to take their first steps to achieving major goals in life.

Sometimes it works and sometimes ... not so much!

Just this week I was in a situation to offer encouragement ... To offer someone an opportunity to help themselves ... To possibly get them out of a jam.
The offer may have been to the detriment of myself but ... I felt that he was in trouble emotionally and that if I didn't at least offer, I could not live with myself if things turned worse for him!

"come on mate .. pick yourself up .. you can do this .. I have faith in you"

I offered him a chance to come and live in the peace and quiet of the countryside, to regroup and do some healing that he so badly needs. Even though he agreed at first to do this, he eventually changed his mind choosing instead to stay in the situation he is in...

No matter what encouragement I offered it wasn't enough.

Moving on...

Over the years I have struggled a lot with my weight. I have tried so many diets that I couldn't possibly remember them all.
People have tried to encourage me to stick with it. Right now I am surrounded by people who want to help and encourage me. They are so supportive and say all the right things ..."you can do it" and "keep up the good work" and I love them all for their advice and words of motivation. I hope they never stop.

Unfortunately what I need is the encouragement from my own mind ...

I have two voices in my head ...

Number one is the logical, rational voice that says "get up and get on with it" and "don't eat that!"

Number two is the voice of addiction ... that one says "stop exercising you're tired" and "eat what you want you only live once"

These two things are more connected than I realized - I didn't see it until I had written them both down.

We are both struggling with our own inner demons. Different demons but the same internal struggle.

Until the voices in my head are on the same page, I will continue to struggle.

Until I agree with myself that I can do this, I will have to encourage myself with one hand and beat the demon with the other.

I will win!

Divider By @scuzzy

Images Thanks to Pixabay.

Thank you for stopping by.


I dont think the voices ever end up on the same page. One day, you just stop believing the negative voice and it gets quieter and quieter as you confidently speak truth to it.
You can't do it. YES I CAN.
You're gonna fail. IF I DO, I'LL TRY AGAIN.
You're not worth it. I AM A PRICELESS TREASURE.

my friend. I have so much love for you. until that one voice is finally so quiet it's barely a whisper.... you'll have other voices joining you - telling you that you're extraordinary

Ahhh dreem thank you for your words - you are the best at encouraging lol - I appreciate your friendship no end :)

Just don't crack until RV roadshow is over!!!!

Then.... You can crack, I guess.

You have written about struggles we all go through in life and many of us are very familiar with the constant conflict that rages within us @andysantics Encouragement is one of the best gifts we can give to others. But why is it so difficult to give it for ourselves? If others are worthy of encouragement, then so are we. We just have to believe it and keep on believing it otherwise our best efforts are sabotaged by our lack of self worth. Negative words take a lot of purging from our thoughts and memories and we need to not only read but hear positive affirmations to keep us on track. And then we need to hear those positive words of encouragement with our hearts not just out ears. You are obviously well on the way to achieve your goals Andy. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. (U & R )

@trudeehunter you said it far better than I could. I agree completely! @andysantics let your heart listen to, feel and believe what all of these lovely people are saying to you!

Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement @walkerland Have a wonderful day. 🌼🌸🌺

I think encouragement goes beyond just verbal affirmations. Empathy has to be included in the encouragement. When you want to truly encourage someone to change their ways, you try to help them get the right information and get into the right mindset. Affirmations never last long, and they are often said at the spur of the moment and may be meaningless.

I see encouragement not as someone who is on the side cheering you on, but running a marathon with you and whenever you get too tired, they push you or carry you a bit on their back, or something not as drastic and detrimental to their spine.

You're awesome Andy, you know how I feel about you.

First, I'm not going to call him your friend... that man that you offered to help, well, I certainly know how it feels to want to help those who are self destructive. I also know that the hardest thing to do is to help them if they're not ready, it's impossible.
I struggle with those demons too. I have a constant war going on inside my head, and its for everything. It's relentless, my head gets so crowded sometimes. I think that may be why my memory is so bad. I would like to say that eventually the demons go away, but I just don't know. I've learned to live with it but it's a daily struggle. I totally get you Andy, and if you're clueless like me, then we can be clueless together and sit back and laugh about being clueless. Lol I love you Andy, and I know it's a long and winding road, but I know you will reach your goals.

Ah yes the laughter will get us both through hehe - it really does heal :) I think most people struggle with some demons - some days they get the better of you and some days you win - I intend to win more than not :)

You are so right that we have to be our own biggest encouragers in our mind...but even so, it's important to always offer encouragement, if for no other reason than to know that the other person is aware of your willingness to help. I feel you on the weight struggle since I "cheat" in my own mind the same way you do!!

Hehe I think everyone can relate to this post on some level - we all cheat ourselves sometimes :) I think it's about moving on after the cheat lol

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You Will Win! You are right in that encouragement from the outside helps but encouragement from the inside is paramount.

We are all here encouraging you! And we all know You Got This!

Keep traveling the healthy path you are on and enjoy the journey - because the journey continues on even after you've reached that goal weight or other goal. We keep growing and learning and if you can learn to enjoy the process you will find your peace.

In Peace, Love and Health! XXXOOO

Thanks @tamala - you're right it is not about the end it's about the journey in pretty much everything in life. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is not about weight loss any more it's about my health for the rest of my life :)

Well spoken @andysantics48. There are a lot of good words going around but words from inside have the most power.

Unfortunately what I need is the encouragement from my own mind ...

Thank you - yip sometimes you just have to realize that you have to first take care of yourself to improve!!

It's so much easier to see somebody else's blind spots or unhelpful patterns than it is to see our own!

Yea it sure is - I see mine but sometimes can't help it lol

Andy, I sure wish you success in your struggle. I certainly know the internal tug of war with many things...

So, nothing really encouraging to say here other than there's one more soul across the ocean pulling for you... :D



Thanks @creatr I'm glad I'm not alone in the struggles of life :D

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