The Third Book of the Alienbutt saga. Emperor of the Universe. Part 69.

in #writing7 years ago


Big Ji sat surrounded by his captains. Behind them, everyone else who had come to listen stood in anticipation. The Ji Hunters didn’t go into making secret battle plans, in fact they usually skipped planning anything and just charged in with all guns blazing.
“Lads, we buggered up on this ‘ere pet hunt, we dinna organise proper. We can’t all just rush in like loons against that mob, cos they ‘ave tactics and stuff. We need to use some cunning tricks to stop ‘em.”
“Wot like hitting ‘em over the head with a jug?” one of the captains asked. That remark got him a slap around the back of his head.
“Shut ya mouth and listen,” said the Ji who had just hit him.
“We ain’t gonna attack the ships when they is all together anymore. We know the Pet ‘as gone to fight them Federation ‘oled up at that Earth place and left his ships behind to keep us busy,” the Big Ji began. “We need to slip past them ships and go back to our old ways of raiding small places and transport ships.”
“I’m all for a bit of plunder Big Ji, but how’s doing that gonna ‘elp?” asked one of the older captains.
“Cause then them ships is gonna ‘ave to spread out and find us and we can bash ‘em when they is in small groups,” Big Ji said. “Now that ain’t all of this plan, there’s another bit and for this we ‘ave to fly out an’ raid further than a Ji has eva gone afore. When we raid, we need to look for information.”
“Infor… infor-mation? What’s that then? Is it worth owt?” the old captain asked.
“The right stuff is, we is gonna be looking for where that pet builds his robots. If we find the place, we can blow it up and he canna make any more,” Big Ji said. “It won’t be easy lads, I bet he’s got loads-a-places he’s nicked from the Federation so we ‘ave to wear him down gradual like.”
Big Ji folded his arms in smug satisfaction at his cunning plan and those around him started talking amongst themselves in excited voices.
“So Big Ji, like who do we ask for this infor-motion stuff?” a young captain asked.
“Well if you wanna build a robot what do you need?” Big Ji asked. He looked around at a sea of blank faces.
“Stuff,” said one of them, finally.
“Right, so if you wanna build lots of robots, you need lots of stuff. So there you ‘ave it, ask people that shift stuff from one place to the other,” Big Ji said.
“And ask the miners,” said the old Ji captain with a flourish.
All he got was blank looks, even from Big Ji.
“Miners dig out metal and robots are metal so they’ll know where they sent the metal they dig,” the old Ji explained.
“Bloody ‘ell, I never thought o’ that one,” Big Ji said in awe. “Ya see, with smart thinking like that, we’ll beat this pet yet.”

hawkship attack.jpg

Killashandra opened the small chest and looked down at the uniform that she had thrown in there. On top of the rumpled jacket lay her belt and holstered handgun. She reached in and pulled out the gun. Absently turning the gun over in her hands, she looked back at the computer screen containing the information on the data chip left by Alienbutt. Sightings of the great ship were rare but somehow the Ick had managed to gather together a dossier and create a three dimensional image detailing the outside of the ship. Even more surprising, they had managed to get hold of a partial blueprint of the ship as well.
Three days before, a member of the Fo’c’sle had left in a scout ship to take a copy of the chip to Ponnfarr at Heeter. While Killashandra had spent her time drinking herself to oblivion, her squadron had blended in with the people of the small planet on which they hid, but had kept in contact with events so had soon heard of the return of the Heeter Queen. She had done as Alienbutt had asked and forwarded the information but she wouldn’t do any more.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Really nice article thanks for sharing.

Nice man. In which program do you make these images, cause they are awesome 😉

I use Blender, it's a free to download program and easy to pick up with tutorial videos on their site and youtube.

cool. keep up the good work

Nice post...
Thank for sharing...
Please upvote my post friend...

War does seem to make some groups a little bit smarter, if they want to survive they adapt, looks like the JI are adapting. Good to see that Killashandra is going to get back in business.

very good post.... i like it

just liked it ;)

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