Non-Existence: A Journey. (Short story)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



I couldn’t breathe. I taught people how to breathe for a living, and I couldn’t breathe. I have taught myself countless breathing techniques… And still I could not breathe.  

It was as the air didn’t want to meet my lungs: it didn’t even went into my nose. I opened my mouth still looking for some air, but it was like I was underwater. I was going to drown. 

Reality was there but I only saw darkness. My brain wasn’t functioning right. I could clearly see what surrounded me and yet, I was trapped inside a strange dark room. I tried to relax. I tried to surrender. I tried to let go of what held me so tightly to dear life. I tried to accept what was yet to come. 

My heart broke into a thousand pieces that I purposely left scattered across the dark glass floor. I didn’t need my heart anymore, I thought. My whole body started to feel less  and less real.  My feet disappeared first. There was nothing holding me to ground anymore. But I still couldn’t fly. 

My legs came next. When it got to my hands I was already giving in. I didn’t want them anyway. I didn’t want them wanting. I didn’t want them trying to hold on to things that didn’t matter. No, scratch that. I didn’t want them trying to hold on to things that were not holding me back.  

It got to my chest, and I started to feel the real void. I didn’t have a broken heart anymore, because I had no heartbeat. I realized my heart could only break before because I was alive. To be alive is to feel. And you can feel way too many things. I didn’t need that either. So I let go. And it was a relief. 

When my mouth disappeared I was happy. I didn’t need to say anything. I had said almost everything I needed to say, and the things that I never managed to express didn’t seem as important anymore. I knew I wasn’t able to express what I really meant anyway. Words were always too limited. I could never make anyone understand what went inside of me. I could never really make them feel what I meant. Three words lose its meaning the moment they vanish into the air. If they didn’t understand me in my quiet silence, if they didn’t understand my loud actions, then I had definitely failed. No, I didn’t need this mouth anymore. I was only going to miss those tiny moments when my mouth wasn’t my own. 

I never understood my nose. It was one of the weirdest part of my human suit. I liked air, but now it didn’t look like I was getting any. I was going to miss some smells, probably. I was going to miss how the smell of clothes that weren’t my own made me feel like home. But then again, I never understood that I couldn’t make a home out of another human suit. 

My eyes. Damn, this was going to be hard. I didn’t know how to forget the things I saw. As my sight left me, and I couldn’t even see the darkness anymore, I could still remember another pair of eyes. I could still remember the blue of the sky, I always hated it. I could remember smiles, so many different kind of smiles, coming from the same mouth. I regretted all those times I didn’t look because I was too scared of being caught. I did that a lot. I knew then that it was stupid. I should have always looked at pretty things, no shame on enjoying the perfection of creation. 

Then it finally got to my brain. My mind. There was a time when I confused my existence with thought. It was hard to realize I was not inside of my head. As I still felt trapped there. Did this mean I was going to be free at last? Was I going to return to my source? I felt light all of the sudden. And I realized that what kept me held to the ground were never my feet, but my limited mind.  I didn’t want these sick thoughts anymore. I didn’t want all the voices, all the fights, all the self-doubt, the judgment. I didn’t want the constant screaming of those 3 voices in the back of my rooms, they never said anything. They just screamed. I think they were always begging for something. And I never understood what it was, so I never pleased them, and they kept screaming. No, I didn’t want any of this anymore. I let go of this very last piece of me. My last thought was very simple: this was never all of me.  

I took a first breath. I felt like I had been holding it in for years. In fact, I felt like I had never had air in my lungs before. 

I was still here? 

I was still on my bed. 

I was still inside of my human suit. 

I had all of my senses. 

I was attached to the ground. Gravity was still working. 

My heart was beating. 

Correction: my broken heart was still beating. 

I had woken up, again. 

It was too much…  

I could breathe… 

But it hurt, again.  


That was really deep, it gave me goosebumps. Awesome work!

Thank you :) I'm glad it's made what it was meant to.

well done, always admire people who can just throw out stories.

Cool story! Thanks for sharing :D

Thanks for reading!

thank you for throwing out such a wonderful story

Thank you for reading :)

wow very deep and an intriguing read. Love it..

Ha, glad you liked it <3 Thank you.


Does that mean you liked it? XD

Jajajajaj yes I liked it, it was deep. Me morí con lo de la nariz though jajajaja.

You know me.. You know it's true. Me olvidé de las orejas, esas son las otras partes extrañas.

@agnikana Wow, that was pretty intense and very relatable. I think you have an amazing gift with words. It seems impolite to not say more, but i am still digesting what you wrote. Perfectly poetically arranged, I felt every word. Very beautifully done. @steemsausage

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