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RE: What if everyone in the whole World spoke the same language?

in #world7 years ago

Yes humans do if lucky get a lifespan of up to 100 years, debating which language would become the only one used on the planet could take up a huge portion of that lifespan, knowing how various governments view the need to control everything. What would happen in the mean time prior to the momentous decision when the language is introduced....tiny humans are born every second and they need to start developing language skills as soon as humanly possible. It could be 10-15 or more years into a child's life before the language is introduced as the only one to be used, suddenly all prior language is null and void...hmm not so sure about that being a good idea.


It's called a managed transition @pqlenator. With any big changes, there's always a transition period, and I think that's what you are referring to. Of course that period is going to be messy, it always is, but then that's life. A good example would be for 1500 years we were told the world was flat, but then for the last 500, we've been told it's actually round. There's always going to be a choppy transition period.

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