HERE TO HELP - RANDOM LIFE EVENTS WITH @jaguarlife & @bluerthangreen

in #work7 years ago

I had some plans today...

I've got a lot on my table and plenty enough to get done. However, sometimes things get shuffled and sometimes others are in a position that may even take priority. That's what happened today.


Many of you have already "met" my neighbors @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood, but another neighbor is basically "in the same boat" in some ways. One of those ways is building a house. @jaguarlife has been hard at work building a house for his family on the land across the street from our place. Today, he needed some extra help to get things ready for the drywallers tomorrow.

When the call for help came out, I gladly accepted the offer. After all, this guy already bulldozed the property line for us and helped put in my culvert. How could I leave a good friend hanging.

Ah, but I was not alone. The even more skilled @bluerthangreen also showed up to help. It is such a blessing to have so many helpful and willing people around in times like this. @Jaguarlife couldn't change all the work that needed to be done, but he could figure out a way to get that work done!


For those of you who don't already know, I used to install hardwood flooring for a while. Interestingly enough, that was part of the work today. It brought back some good memories, and also reminded me why I want to find things to do at home instead!

I started off simple and easy, and had to prepare a few extra boards.

These weren't exactly the best looking boards, so I had to bring them up to quality. After I sanded one side of them, they were ready for the next step.

After putting on the first coat of protective finish, I left them to dry and moved onto other things.

One of the really cool things about this flooring is that it is also a ceiling. By mounting the floor upstairs to some metal beams, we also created a beautiful wood ceiling for the downstairs. This is the type of stuff that has t be planned out ahead of time, but it sure looks nice and makes things easier.

By the end of the day, some floor and ceilings had been finished, some electrical wires ran, and a few additional walls were put up. We certainly got some work done, had some good conversation, and enjoyed our time together. Most importantly, the place is now ready for drywall. Hopefully one day @jaguarlife will start sharing about this incredible project.

I can't wait to be working on my own house soon enough!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



It translates deeply to the way of your life. HELPING HANDS.
Keep on steemit.


tell @jaguarlife to start blogging!

I will, I do, we will see... @bluerthangreen told him the same.

Can't wait till I buy a house, if it happens 😐

That seems like a nice community! Good neighbors!

That is so awesome to have others being there for each other "That is Community Building"! Be a blessing to each other...

That looks like some good, professional work! I like seeing that as it is so rare where I am from. I find it quite incredible whenever I see a neighborhood and community come together like this...

a very good post my friend .. please go into the block my friends

Lending a helping hand is always beneficial to everyone. We never say no to helping our neighbours and friends. The reverse is also true. It is better to be friends with your neighbours than be enemies. Oh, and once the building bug strikes you have to do some constructing or it just gets worse. Only cure is to get busy and build.

Things like this make my life more random, but blessing all around to be sure! Thanks!

beautiful house. the success of the workers will be visible when all the corners of the house are well laid out. congratulations on the new house @papa-pepper

It is always a great feeling when you can help a friend when they need it.

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