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RE: Lost Top 19 Spot by Showing Support for HF17 & Falling Victim to "Old Boy" Mentality... UPDATE

in #witness-category7 years ago

@klye - I fully support you for witness and would love to see you in top 19, but @smooth does a lot for the platform. He is really someone I want to see in there. It sucks that every time a top 19 goes in, it means someone else has to go out. Hoping that there is someone else in the list that can go so you can join the ranks again.

Don't take it personally though. There are a lot of witnesses near the top that cycle in and out. The fact that you are even contending for the spot is pretty cool!


I'm grateful for how highly I am ranked. Do not get me wrong Tim. There is no bitterness towards the people who have supported my campaign on here. But the fact of the matter is this is the second time I've been lifted up and dropped flat on my face in favour of the rich getting richer. :/

I'm not going to be able to support half the projects I planned to build development time or operating cost wise at this point. I'm running dangerously close to not being able to even afford to pay my own bills at this point in time let alone run a dedicated witness server and a small fleet of other servers for my STEEM projects.

I don't know what to do. Part of me is ready to fight tooth and nail to prove I'm worthy of the top 19 spot through the projects I've got underway.. Another part of me is ready just to shut it all down and move on to something where I am less likely to be tossed to the side in favour of buddies scratching buddies backs.. :/

I love the STEEM network, It's been good to me. But at this point in time I'm closely considering my options here. I've had enough upset the past little while in my life.. Don't really have it in me to get promotions and have them ripped away because someone else lost popularity and one of his buddies decides to throw me under the bus to help him keep his spot. fml

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