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RE: Witness Update - lukestokes.mhth - October 26th, 2017

No websites in 1985! I was an expert in every MS Dos command. You wouldn’t believe the things I could do in an autoexec.bat file (For the uninitiated, autoexec.bat was a small file that ran a series of commands when the computer booted up). When Lotus123 appeared I knew every command and could write macros with my eyes closed. Computers are getting so cheap these days, they will soon be giving them away. (Maybe not Apple). Until 2009 I was 100% PC. Then I bought an iPhone.... then an iMac.... My PCs started to gather dust. Now I am 100% Apple. Oh the irony of being in the control of the largest company on the planet, yet loving them to death.


Ah yeah, I use to have some fun with autoexec.bat as well. My buddies and I would have LAN parties late into the night playing quake 1 and whatever else we could find. Our first networks used BNC cables. If one person had to go home, we all had to stop are game as the whole network would go down if someone disconnected. Those were the days. :)

The first of us to get a "real" job got hired by IBM so he went to Fry's electronics and got a 10/100 switch. We all bought new network cards and felt like gods transferring files and mp3s around. It was pretty sweet. :)

Those were the days!

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