UPDATE after 3 days test: @reveur The humanity behind the BOT

Hey everyone, after a few days of limited testing i have some feedback from the BOT, but first of all I would like to give a big thank you to @patrice for the delegation!

It is working great!

For those who missed the launch here is the link to the original article: @reveur the free vote BOT, basically it is a minnows empowerment tool.

The brains

I made something very interesting for the merits system, this BOT basically evaluates how people is using itself and, people earn or loose rights driven by a small neuronal network I built, that uses a score system to solve for steemity.

The goal is to compare the way the person is voting and the way others have done it using the BOT in the past, to determine the best level selflessness and assigns the VP% corresponding to the percentage assigned to what the person is doing...

So I don't really know how it will behave over time, but it does a comparison that I agree with, and in learns constantly because the higher level of steemity the higher is the point of resistance towards selfishness... Unless all people starts using it badly at the same time, then, the steemity level will drop constantly.

I don't know what the BOT will do in that case I am really curious and scared.

After three days I checked all the votes and the behaviors and found some small bugs that were quickly solved.

  • The new users where being held at 5% VP by a logic failure, now they should be able to cast a higher default vote.
  • The steemity pairs (summmoner|author) validation had a too agressive behavior towards reduction of rights, it was balanced to become slightly softer.


I was chatting with a friend and telling him about the intricacies of the score system, explaining him about the way people can supercharge a summoner or all summoners with a heavy vote on the comment left by the BOT.

And it is funny because thinking of it I saw a certain way to trick the system.

But is it really tricking the system?

We see it as a feature for really small accounts, minnows can organize between them and supercharge one of them to summon the BOT in posts from others, It is like depositing their votes to increase their value.

This value is being created thought collaboration, and expressing it by sending the vote BOT and learning to work as a team, like a positively organized voting ring, because they will have to communicate to organize the crowd voting, they will have to agree on who's posts will receive the lowest vote, who's post would be first...

Maybe you would think it is too much trouble, and maybe, indeed it is, as now the trail is small and as the payout. But remember how long ago you where a (I hate using this term) dust holder?

The payouts started when you started networking...

They will have to learn to shape and work together which is more in line with the spirit of steemit, not a place to collect dust, but a place to make human relations and learn to work in a collaborative way.

And in the end i think that it is what steemit is all about.

The sum of all common efforts towards a common goal, working together! (I wish i remember the right word i'm thinking off)

The BOT is poor so it relies in a trail

Here the trail is a tool to give the minnows bigger vote value.

This is the result of analyzing the root cause behind the rejection vote BOTs are causing in certain sectors of steemit.

It is my opinion that there is a target population to which the market is failing to reach, the initial gap is too big, the existing services are unaffordable for a part of these population, the part that would benefit more to become real steemians.

For most of the target population on the emerging regions lease a delegation is not sustainable, or invest in steem to buy an up-vote.

So it becomes frustrating to wait with good posts going to dust waiting for the payout to get the money to start using the available services.

I want to explore the market of creating solutions to Bridge that GAP because i beleive it is key to maintain and increase user retention STEEM and Steemit wide, not only on emerging areas, half of the people that joins in, following the Facebook and you tube ads, is expecting quicker payouts the size of the ones the persons doing the ads , are getting... (Nothing against it, it is part of the market rules) but this recently joined people don't always understand it, so maybe we should call them from more realistic expectations...

Or catch them and empower them, as authors, by the curators who give advise in the basics when calling the bot, or leaving a rich comment about the post itself, after all this is what we are looking for here, opening real discussions,

Well I think i wanted to tell about the AI on the BOT and my mind digressed.

But in the end, they are both linked because the AI works towards increasing the sharing bar by encouraging giving the summoning to many people, it is limited on yourself, so it is better to receive one than to send one yourself.

Oh god i don't want to have to translate all this in Spanish... I think I'll make a video.. .

And the small gateway to "abuse the system" that is open, doesn't constitute a drain of the rewards pool, of course it is important to go a little behind BOT and sometimes undo some things, but this represents an excellent opportunity to give advice, by one or by a team of curators, which is the reason i used the official account for the trail instead of mine.
Because this is our tool, not mine, not yours, anyone can be a dreamer, hell i know i need help, but just by using the BOT it is reporting all the links that will be shared wit 2 teams of curators which warranties visibility, so giving the vote is also submitting the post for curation.

If you have not done so please read the presentation article and discover how to support us, and help us shape:

A solution to help support the users i think in a much more dynamic way interacting with the platform

Now this is officially TL|DR

Puedes escojer 30 witnesses, ¡ no te cuesta VP y ayuda a que tengamos mas influencia! @nnnarvaez

Si compartes nuestras ideas, te invitamos a apretar la imagen y votarnos, para poder lograr mas

Vota usando steemConnect V2 @nnnarvaez as Witness


Creo que casi todo va bien. Falta un largo trecho de pruebas y avances por recorrer. Pero, no me preocupa tanto la parte del Bot, como si te debe preocupar a ti. A mi me preocupa más la parte humana, de los Venezolanos, que nos podamos unir en torno a este proyecto VENEZOLANO. Aun se nota mucha reticencia, veo mucha desconfianza y mucho desconocimiento. Es necesaria la promoción masiva para que TODOS los VENEZOLANOS que aqui se encuentran nos "hermanemos" para hacer crecer proyectos como este que a la larga nos beneficiará a todos. Por ejemplo una idea que te propondré será desarrollar una campaña de donación de 1$ de nosotros para este proyecto para aumentar el Steem Power, distribuida y promocionada en todas partes para ser apoyados por "amigos" que todos tenemos en todo el mundo en Steemit.

Si bueno a mi me toca plancharle las arrugas al señor BOT y garantizar que sea estable y que use inteligentemente la inteligencia artificial que le di.

Me gusta la idea de la campaña aunque la veo dificil de poner en practica por lo mismo que dices.

La desconfianza de la gente y el rollo de a quien le pertenece ese SP que sera donado...

Por ahora el reveur recibio una delegacion y de resto funciona con el SP que yo pude comprar y mantener.

Tengo varias ofertas casi que interesantes para alquilar SP pero aun no encuentro como mantener el gasto.

Lo mas barato que he conseguido es 6000 SP por 21 semanales, pero yo no produzco tanto... Hay semanas que si llegaria otras que no, y tampoco es que puedo gastar todo lo que gano publicando en subsidios a alquiler de SP...

Le estoy dando la vuelta al asunto para lograr un minimo de sostenibilidad pues en este momento 99% de la carga esta sobre mi y para que el reveur crezca, eso tiene que cambiar.

La AI es evolutiva, perfectista y va mejorando con la experiencia del Bot, no te preocupes tanto porque sobre la marcha van las correcciones. Por el lado humano, me parece buenísima y muy barata esa oferta de delegación de SP por 21, y tu que sabes más que yo de Steemit, para sacar cuenta de ese poder de voto puedes corregirme si estoy equivocado, porque creo que estamos hablando de casi 0.5 por voto. Entonces, si por ejemplo, somos 5 quienes aportamos los 21, a razón de 4 por cabeza (tu por ser "testigo" te tocará aportar 5 por ser "Jefe" y estar arriba, jejeje y se cuadra la cuenta); de allí a los inversionistas se les asegura el voto por 1, y se resuelve el asunto con ganancia de 3 semanal para los inversionistas y ganancia más viable y mucho más visible para los Venezolanos que reciban los votos del Bot con mayor Steem Power que lo actual; y de allí seguirá el crecimiento aritmético, alquilando más SP por montos superiores (ergo: ese sería el primer y segundo nivel de esta Pirámide Altruista, para todos GANAR GANAR).

La AI es evolutiva, perfectista y va mejorando con la experiencia del Bot, no te preocupes tanto porque sobre la marcha van las correcciones.

No me preocupo, pero se por experiencia que a medida que evoluciona hay que añadirle nuevas "dendritas" a la red por eso me tengo que ocupar :)

Por el lado humano, me parece buenísima y muy barata esa oferta de delegación de SP por 21, y tu que sabes más que yo de Steemit, para sacar cuenta de ese poder de voto

Estoy sacando las cuentas, pero para pagar con votos la delegacion, si bien es cierto que al tener los 8500 de base eso ayuda a pagar y mejora el ROI no es tan interesante.

Por ejemplo una delegacion clasica necesitas autovotarte 11 veces para recuperar la inversion.

A el precio que consegui solo serian 5.6 veces, dejando 4.4 votos para la comunidad. (El problema es que seguimos haciendo ricos a los ricos)

Y añadiendo el SP que yo poseo baja a 2.45 votos para pagarla, lo cual deja 7.75 votos diarios al 100% de 1.23 $ para la comunidad.

9.5$ en votos diarios a repartir.

Hoy en dia disponemos de 7 $ (10 votos a 100% de 70 cent) osea que aumentaria 27% la capacidad de voto.

Para serte honesto lo que me molesta es que el que delega aunque este dando un buen precio, se esta llevando otra vez dinero liquido del pool de recompensas por no hacer un carajo...

Pero tu lo dijiste aqui se es por lo que se tiene :(

Y la matematica funciona en positivo pues lo que ya hay es mas de lo que se esta alquilando.

I think almost everything is fine. There is a long stretch of evidence and progress to be made. But, I do not care so much about the part of the Bot, as it should worry you. I am more concerned about the human side, of the Venezuelans, that we can unite around this VENEZUELAN project. There is still a lot of reluctance, I see a lot of distrust and a lot of ignorance. Massive promotion is necessary so that ALL of the VENEZUELANS who are here can "grow up" to make projects like this grow that in the long run will benefit us all. For example, an idea that I will propose to you is to develop a donation campaign of $ 1 of us for this project to increase the Steem Power, distributed and promoted everywhere to be supported by "friends" that we all have in the world in Steemit.

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

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