Witness Update 2017-02-10

in #witness-category8 years ago (edited)
I have been having much more joy with my work of late, so much so that I have barely even been looking at my Steem account. This is a Very Good ThingTM of course.

But at some point I have to make a pause between things and I was keeping at it until basically the raw templates are all done for the interface, everything tidied up and some bits are already functional. So I am taking this opportunity to show off what is basically a mockup of the main pages of Project Inception, which you can find here:


This is of course first draft, but I am very pleased already with the layout and visual composition. Tomorrow I will start coding the Python/Django backend scripts to start making the order database, and learn how to run a background thread that I can use to regularly poll bitcoind for inbound payments, which is also needed for the Steem Laundry, which has to trigger events on a time schedule, which is a step more complex.

Currently for my convenience and so I can show it, it all is visible on an unencrypted HTTP connection. Once I have got the database back-end stuff working and it is operational, you will only be able to use the site through Tor... of course! The welcome page shown above will still be available but everything else will redirect to the Tor hidden service address.

Regarding my Witness

As I have been achieving little milestones and learning more about the systems I am running, I have not had really a stable target to aim at and compounding this was hiring a somewhat incorrect configurations of cloud servers, but I have now pretty much fully etched the plan in stone.

On a 16Gb machine with a 500Gb storage, I am running steemd on 3 of the 4 cores, and bitcoind on the remaining core. The Witness will be a full RPC core (once it has finished replaying the blockchain into all the extra tables for the RPC queries), but I am not making it available to the public for queries, but only so that my scripts can query the blockchain without letting anyone else know what it was asked (confidentiality of the customer is number one priority!).

So most of the time unimportant non-Witness tables used by RPC will fall out of memory to make room for the Witness, it is probably never going to be that heavily loaded from queries even if the Sybil workshop is punching out new dollies by the scores per day...

In about 10 weeks time I will be pondering what to do with these servers, and I expect that I will be migrating them on to individual cloud servers with SSD drives for each distinct service, and separating my Witness from the RPC query server function, possibly still leaving the RPC running beside the bitcoind which is required for the Sybil Workshop, and hopefully by then also I will have moved up the ladder a little bit towards top 19 witness position.


We can't code here! This is Whale country!

Vote #1 l0k1

Go to steemit.com/~witnesses to cast your vote by typing l0k1 into the text entry at the bottom of the leaderboard.

(note, my username is spelled EL Zero Kay One or Lima Zero Kilo One, all lower case)


Where did the anonymous account service go l0k1?

i never got around to finishing it and now i don't want to work with it... you may remember i was fighting with piston and steemd for quite some time... it just got so irritating that i went back to something more 'fun'... dreaming up distributed systems architectures...

ah I see.... good to see you working on even greater things though

yup. we have moved in to the srs bizness phase of operations now. our fundseeker is talking to people and needs a concrete pitch from us so that's now what we are working on. The idea is that we deliver the basic part that seals our side of the deal, but designed into a structure that allows us to then take it further and use a platform being used for corporate commercial applications and extend it to become fully horizontal, peer to peer media delivery systems.

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