Steemit leader showcase! @Followbtcnews Witness, informant, steemit community creator

A good friend of mine, and top 30 witness- Followbtcnews

We met recently and I came to find he is one of the many beautiful members of the community that holds the community of steemit in mind above his own gain. And is a star in the steemit community, and a top 30 witness.

He has made a series of tools to make steemit a more easily navigated platform.
Ranging from Steem Blockchain TX analyzers, to word search engines.

I have been assisting with the recent series Daily Digest and keeping the flow of information going while he deals with backend issues and getting his tools back online.
Jeff has 3 core concepts I've observed-

  1. Build tools that keep steemit simple
  2. Encourage great content creators to be a part of the platform
  3. And a MAJOR one, keeping steemians informed and educated!

Together only, may we thrive and that is as long as we keep crypto under our hat. An informed community is a strong one. One that can build anything together, and overcome any obstacle.
That's why I work with Jeff, and have voted for him as witness.
He's a stand up guy, and I won't get into personal relations but will defenitely stand up to his word.

We've recently been collaborating on an amazing series, Daily Crypto Digest. Which shares the top daily news we can find in the crypto sphere. I found it's helping a TON of people (just look at the comments on most of them, thank yous on every single one)
We know, we can't all keep up to date with everything. So this daily newsletter is one of the best ways I've found, cutting straight through the bullshit of every article with sources to go deeper on the topics!

Link to todays article here:

I can personally attest, Jeff is working day in and day out with witnesses behind the scenes trying to keep things working smoothly.

Have you voted yet?
Witness thread here:


That's a great witness of this person..I appreciate dear...
Carry on

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BTC 63348.66
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78