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RE: Meet The Witnesses #0, Remastered – Status Update, Acknowledgments & Special Thanks

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

I have a question and maybe you could help me to answer it , what is the benefit to Upvote a witness for normal users of steemit? Am I going to get something in return ?


The benefit is similar to voting in a political election, if one were transparent, and a good deal more fair.

If you are an investor in Steemit, either with your time or your assets, it will be in your best interest to ensure that the best witnesses are "elected". Allowing lazy, or worse, malicious, witnesses to populate the top witness list would be similar to allowing a 51% attack on the Bitcoin block-chain.

In other words, it would be very bad (tm).

Thanks for your question!

Thank you very much @lexiconical for your explanation,now I got the bigger picture.

I'm happy to help! It's a very important question.

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