Witness clayop update 2017/02/11

in #witness-category7 years ago

There is not much to say since I had flu this week that have me to stay on my bed for several days.


Last 7-day SBD price is over $1.00, continuing since 1/28. Total converted SBD was slightly higher than created SBD.
Given this situation, I am going to reduce SBD interest rate to 1%. Reduced interest will increase the supply side of SBD and therefore would decrease SBD price. The current interest is 3%, which is median value of active witnesses' interest rates. I would suggest to other witnesses to reduce interest rates below 3% to address high SBD price.


Ugh, the flu is no fun. Hope you are feeling better.

Thanks for the update.

Yeah... and the pill is really expensive! Without insurance $120 for 10, with insurance $40 for 10.

Tamiflu? I have never taken that, but yeah it sure looks way too expensive (as is the case for most pharmaceuticals). How well does it work for you? Is it worth the money?

Yes Tamiflu. It surely works but is recommended to have within 48 hours of the symptom beginning. But still expensive haha.... in my home country its price is almost half BTW.

What is the source of your price data? This contradicts what I have seen over the past week (in fact for a while it appeared to be well below $1) but I'm not suggesting you are wrong, more considering whether I should use a different source, or maybe also an additional one.

Hope you feel better.

Based on Coinmarketcap (a clone API site)

Thanks, I'll take a look at that. In the past I've noted that coinmarketcap's BTC/USD prices (which are probably used to calculate SBD/USD prices) are at times very questionable, but I don't really know what was going on there this week.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 62740.92
ETH 3354.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46