Witness update: @cervantes 14.04.2017

Hey there!!!. It is time to give a little update (in English) of our spanish witness activities:

Hardfork and Spanish community impact.

After the failed deployment a couple of weeks ago f the 0.17.x version of steemd due to non reached consensus, the 0.18.1 release was finally installed by the majority of the witnesses on the 30 March 2017. We were able to recompile our main witness node and also to keep producing blocks without a big impact.

Due to a change on the algorithm to calculate pay outs (for explanation, refer here the rewards were “reseted” to 0, and therefore almost inexistent. Payouts are beginning to recover now and will be fully restored at the end of April (aprox. 30 days after the hardfork).

Nevertheless the Spanish speaking community has kept writing and writting even knowing that the rewards were really limited.

Curation activities

It is still difficultfor spanish content to get noticed by the great majority of (english) speaking users, nevertheless there are several factors that are helping to gain visibility and rewards to spanish users.

Too see the overview of posts curated by @cervantes since the 12.03.2017 post, please refer to this three lists:

Summary of current witness parameters:

Price Discount: Our discount is set to 2%. The price for 1 SBD is just slightly above 1 USD (1.06 USD) but the SBD supply compared to the STEEM supply is too high (ratio is at 0.44%). The “debt” needs to be reduced and applying a price discount, will encourage the users to convert their SBD to STEEM. This means that when you convert SBD to STEEM using internal steem network exchange (i.e. using the steemit wallet) you will get 2% more STEEMS than in an external exchange using the average price feed.

SBD Interest Rate: Our SBD interest rate remains at 0%. Increasing the interest rate, will increase the available SBD supply and that is exactly what we would like to avoid for the time being.

Registration Fee: Our registration remains at 1 STEEM.

Some more Information.

  • We choose to update manually all witness parameters, including the price feed. This allows us to reflect our own market perception avoiding failures due to automatic feeding.
  • Since the beginning of our witnessing operations the main node has been running quite stable with only 10 missing blocks so far.
    . Our public seed nodes remains fully operational at: 8092
  • Given the price of the STEEM and our witness position in the producing queue (41 at the time of writing) we are now able to cover the hardware operating costs. Nevertheless we are neither powering down nor cashing out in order to increase the voting power of @cervantes and its contribution to the author rewards.

Spanish Community Support and Outreach.

  • We keep encouraging new users commenting and voting their posts and giving support via the steemit.chat channel.
  • We are working on the translation and of the steemit faq into spanish. Work is still in progress..
  • We are preparing an outreach project to be announced very soon.

How to contribute with the @cervantes witness and with the spanish speaking community.

  • (1) If you do not understand spanish, vote the spanish written posts recommended by us. For that, the most easy way is to follow the votes made by @cervantes. This is a guaranty for good quality spanish content. You can see our votes here:
  • (2) You can alternatively delegate part of your voting power to @cervantes. Doing this is not yet straight forward since it is a new functionality introduced by the last hard fork and there is not yet any function on steemit.com. For doing this, please refer to this guide by @liberosist
  • (3) You can, of course, approve the witness (@cervantes) using this link
  • (4) You can join the channel HispanoHablantes in steemit.chat
  • (5) You can write "good" and "original" post in spanish (don`t forget to tag them with #spanish).
  • (5) You can "spread the steemit word" around your known spanish speaking friends, relatives and work-colleagues).

So far..

Your sincerely

Pablo @pgarcgo and Manu @gargon


Very concise and well written..! Appreciate ya'll spreading the STEEM word.

Thanks mate!

Muchas gracias por la información, felicitaciones a todo el grupo de personas que integran en el equipo de @cervantes y a todos los mencionados en el post
un especial agradecimiento a Pablo @pgarcgo y Manu @gargon por el apoyo a mis trabajos.

Tu aportación tampoco es pequeña ;)
Gracias por todo @jlufer

Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras, felices pascuas para vos y todos tus seres queridos

Gracias por la mención! Mientras pueda aportar mi granito de arena para que la comunidad crezca, lo seguire haciendo! Abzo grande!

Si un tipo como tu no hubiera aparecido @renzoarg habría tenido que montar un bot con las características que has aportado, eres un crack!! ;)

jajaja gracias ani! Tampoco tanto! Abzo grande!

Abrazo de vuelta!

Gran trabajo!!! Un día, cuando esto pete de gente, alguien tendrá que reconocer oficialmente el trabajo de estos dos grandes tipos @gargon @pgarcgo para incentivar, reconocer y difundir el habla hispana en esta plataforma, quizá el Instituto Cervantes?!?!! veremos... yo desde luego, votaría a favor xD

Realmente la contribución que se puede hacer a través de steemit es muy importante. Para algunos usuarios resulta difícil, incómodo o de poco estímulo escribir en un idioma que no sea el que domina, sin embargo, vemos que a pesar de todo siguen activos con sus post. El incentivo que puedan recibir a través de las recompensas no tiene tanto valor como el gran número de votos que puedan recibir. Este apoyo moral resulta, en estos momentos, más cautivador y llamativo para nuevos usuarios........ así que a apoyarlos.

Doing great work!

Mi Tag principal seguirá siendo Spanish y aunque las ganancias sean pocas en este momento, continuaré aquí posteando en Steemit. Vendrán mejores tiempos. Gracias por el apoyo que nos han dado. Saludos

Ya echaba de menos yo oír algo del Cervantes! A escribir se ha dicho!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64349.20
ETH 2673.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83