Witness Update


It's been one interesting week to say the least.


This last week stood mostly in the light as the week we tried to get Steem on NetCoins. As a witness we endorsed this and shared it and tried to get the community to back this contest (as many fine witnesses and other community members did). But with the conclusion of the contest this morning, we came in second.

Something smells like 2 day old roadkill in the blistering sun though.

We were duking it out with Verge over the last 2 days, yet in the last 7 hours of the contest, Verge dropped back considerably (most likely due to removal of bot/duplicate votes from the same IP etc.).

We would've killed it, but like a bat outa hell, INS came from minus 2k votes (or somesuch numbers) to overcome us with a 1000 votes. I'm not buying it, but we'll have to wait a week before NetCoins announces the winner. Let's hope that INS landslide was filled with illicit votes.

The bottom line is that the good news is that we mobilised our community to promote our blockchain USING our own blockchain. Where otheres were mostly reliant on Telegram Channels & Twitter, we were able to make posts about it and get awareness to the community in the very best way.


@Ned shared some more tidbits about his new project Destiny here
Obviously, as a Steem witness we love any and all development that moves Steem as an ecoSystem forward, especially as it's something new by the company that brought us Steem.

We can't wait to hear more about this project and see what it brings to the table.


Unfortunately for us, @pumpkin decided to grace the witness list with a visit after a long period of abstinance.

Because of this, we dropped down to # 41. Or rather, others jumped up because of the 15GV approval and passed us on the list.

We hope to be graced with approval from @pumpkin some day as well. Until then though, we just keep on doing what we do best, develop tools for all Steemians to use.

Blockbrothers Community Manager

Last, but most certainly not least, we announced that we took on @brittandjosie as a community manager this week to help us curate and spread the love.

She's been doing an awesome job so far and apparently, apart from Dutch & English also speaks Spanish and German ...

Who knew !!

Read more about that announcement -> Here <-

Server Stats

As for our server itself, it's a case of no news is good news. It's running stable and solid as a rock and has not missed any bocks since the Hardfork. Our backup server & Seed node are also running the latest and the greatest.

Thanks for reading.
Kind regards,

If you support us please vote here for @blockbrothers
you can also choose to set blockbrothers as your proxy at the bottom of the page (fill in blockbrothers in the field)
or use either of the below links to do so automatically using steemconnect.

Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect

Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain.

or apply for the Android beta here : [email protected]

Get our tools:

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Get in touch:

[email protected] | [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers


We need a deal with a large Super Market chains like Ahold, Publix, Winn Dixie and such. We need exchanges that deal fiat for Steem direct. Those are the things that will really put Steem on the map; people need to eat.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63834.78
ETH 2627.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78