Anarcho-Andrei Witness Update: 6 October 2017

It's time for another sphincter-tightening witness update! Apologies for the delay in getting this out; life has a way of interfering with even the best-laid plans.

This last week-and-a-half has been a whirlwind of activity, so there's plenty to get into. As always, law school is kicking my ass, but I am here all the same!

  • I missed a block! - Of all the damn things that could happen, this did. Apparently my VPS ran into some IP issues, and I couldn't log into it. Thankfully Kale at handled the issue like a boss, and I had access within 24 hours of noticing the problem. I just want to give a huge shout out to both him and @someguy123 for what I think is one of the best hosting experiences available to witnesses. They're on the ball, they know what they're doing, and they are extremely helpful. You guys have a customer for as long as I'm running a witness node.
  • The Fiction Workshop has moved! - If you didn't catch the Fictioneers promo I posted earlier, all of us involved in the writing workshops on PALnet have moved to our own Discord server. We've moved the Fictioneers webcast there as well, so we'll be hosting it on my Twitch stream from here on out. If anything changes, I will be sure to let you all know. In the meantime, the link to our Discord is down in my footer at the bottom of this post. Check us out! We're happy to help any and all, and as always, pants are optional.
  • A witness-oriented webcast - Despite my novice-level programming skills, I am intensely interested in both our blockchain and running a witness. It's been an honor to be around people like @drakos, @swelker101, and a slew of others that have helped bring me up to speed. Since most of us have pushed for greater voter engagement in witness voting, I'm discussing starting a show with @swelker101 (Shane) to reach more people. I plan on discussing our witness nodes, having guest witnesses on, discussing projects and initiatives that we think are important for users to know about, and bringing attention to issues and concerns that we feel are important.

Everything is running smoothly again and I am steeming along. For those of you who have voted for me, I thank you. It is my honor and privilege to have earned your trust, and I hope I can live up to your expectations!

If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.

Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei! You can also find me on PALnet and the Fiction Workshop on Writer's Block:



very cool. I for one would like some simplified explanation of difference between witness, seed node, and RPC. I'm starting to get the idea... but yeah... a radio show all about what it takes to witness and how everything works, and what not! yes! I love it!

If i might chip in, i run rockdio it is a web radio and have made a pilot of participative radio show last week in Spanish and was very well received.

I mentioned in the witness channel chat that i was willing to make available our resources and help for free if other witnesses wanted to have a show. (sadly it went probably unnoticed lost in the general chat) but the offer stands.
@anarcho-andrei, ¡ Lets talk ! :D

Well that's definitely something we can cover. I plan to make this basically a variety show to just give people various perspectives on what's going on and what each of us thinks is important or worth mentioning. That way anyone listening or reading the show notes gets a broader understanding both of witnessing and the state of the blockchain :D

Love the bubblegum quote at the top! Awesome work my friend, you are a busy fellow! A show sounds interesting, can't wait to here the details of what you do as a witness.

Have a great night! :-)

Thank you, sir! Honestly, it's not nearly as glamorous as I make it out to be lol

Well done on the update. Keep up the great work man. We all appreciate it very much.

I would definitely be in the audience for The Witness Show.

The whole witness scene is an area I'm only just exploring the edges of. Still loads more to learn about this.

Will you be broadcasting that on MSP Waves?

We'll be broadcasting through my Twitch stream. Once we have the elements in place to get the show going, I'll put out a preview post with the address of my stream so y'all can be sure to catch it. I'll also be recording the shows and putting them out as posts here on Steemit.

Andy thank you for the update which just motivated me to vote for you as a witness which I hope will help you get a block every day now!

Ha! If I'm lucky enough to get one! Thank you for the vote, and I appreciate the support. Every bit helps. :)

I see your witness is disabled at the moment?

That was my own stupid mistake. After reinstalling docker, I stupidly wrote my witness container to the wrong directory. I'm replaying now, and I'll be back up and running within the next hour or two.

I hope. lol. I understand completely if you'd rather put your vote into a running witness.

Woah. You're looking at witnessing, now? Somebody's going to the big leagues! Well, you've got my vote, man...

Thank you much! In the two months I've been running a server I have learned a hell of a lot, both about what to do and what not to do. It's been frustrating, but it's also been extremely rewarding to actually have a stake in the operation of Steem :D

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