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RE: What does Witch mean to you?

in #witch5 years ago

I'm so glad @riverflows tagged me in this post... I was also trained in reiki in 2007 and between that and Taijiquan began the Beginnings of my formal introduction into energy works and (I didn't know it at the time but) shamanism as well. I'm glad you brought up modern western shamanism, as shamanism in general is so diverse in its scope, and there is a real emergence in the western world. It's literally popped up in every culture, in many different forms, so why not the western world!
It has certainly been demonized through the ages, but I think a lot of that is from fear of unknown as well as fear of taking responsibility of the self, energy, and relationships in life. People tend to push away what they don't understand, especially when it has to do with the self, which the practice of shamanism really demands that knowledge of self, inherently.
I love chatting on this topic. Hit me up if you are ever up for a chat!
Great post, really enjoyed it.

Xx ToL

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What do you mean with the fear of taking responsibility of the self? i didn't get that☺

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I think in this context, it's partly owning our own feelings (no matter what they are), accepting them for what they are, and also being responsible for our own energetics... What we allow in to our own personal energy fields. It's especially important for empaths, this taking of responsibility, as many empaths are open doors so to speak for all the energies around, whether beneficial for the individual or not. By knowing the self, knowing what is our own feelings and own experience in the present (even if it's about a past situation, if practicing for example familial or ancestral transmutation), we can differentiate between what is ours and what is external, and make decisions on what energies we are taking in to ourselves so that we don't become "victims" to energetics or in situations that don't support our being.
Many people are stuck in victim patterning (most people in one way or another, I catch myself in victim speak a lot still, and I've been practicing these things for a long time!) and many do not recognize those patterns as even existing, let alone as being harmful for self. It's scary to take power into the self, as the indication is usually that we have to take responsibility for who we are and our actions, our choices, our behaviors to do it. And it brings more feelings (ie guilt, shame, self loathing) that we usually try to push away rather than just accept in a non judgemental way as integral parts of the self. 😊

How does that land to you? I'd love to know! For some it is a challenging concept to swallow.


Thank you.
First...becoming spiritual. To fully understand this part needs courage and a lot of work, this i acknowledged being a beginner.
To differentiate external energies to oneself...needs self-learning first..which i got no clue on how without overwhelming myself.
Accepting those feelings is where am a bit better in recognising that loving myself is quite important.. if i don't like some of them, i can forgive myself then work on them too and move on.

How's that? Cheers ToL!

For sure these connections keep cropping up. Would be great to catch up i'm always keen chat about these type of thinks. I am looking to get into Shamanism I feel this is my calling the next stage of my journey. Happy Solstice 💯🐒

I hear ya, that's exactly how I "fell into" it myself. Looking forward to connecting! 😊🙏

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